Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Don't Complain About Work Anymore...

Today is a public holiday again... this is the best month of the year! Out of the 28 days, I counted my working days for this February and to my amazement, I only have to work fourteen days!!
( please dont be jeles... I took some days off for Chinese New Year festival :)

After this month, there will not be any public holiday till April.... don't think about it, sounds kind of dreary if we do.... but then........ here goes.....

Malaysia has the most public holidays if I am not mistaken.... the other day I was counting the public holidays with Aaron and I think, I think.... we have seventeen public holidays in a year here. I did some mental calculation... 17 + 30 days leave + 15 days mc entitlement (shhh....) is equals to 62 days?? Then... 54 weeks in a year... 5 days week working, that is 270 working days minus 62 days leave is equals to 208 days per year.... more or less is equal to 6 months of working and another 6 months of relaxing?

Rough calculation la... ok, who says working is pressure? I think I don't want to complain about working life anymore after this calculation....


  1. Minus two months maternity leave then only work 4 months in a year haha.

  2. bananaz: yes.. 3 months also got.. in some companies.. then 3 months working.. hahaha...

  3. LOL! I need to move there...it seems to be the life.

  4. lol! true true!! love public hols!

  5. ya, don't complain. I just hv 8 days public holidays.

  6. Wah! 30 days Annual Leave... I have none!! :(

  7. lynette: come over!

    carol: now no more till april la..

    wenn: u r boss ma!! hahaha...anytime also can report to work...

    inspiredmum: i tot u everyday on leave one? hahaha...

  8. alamak....today what holiday ? I work so hard here. :(

  9. At least you have chance to count how many off day in a year...for me, everyday is the same...no work,so no need to count when is PH.

  10. That's the advantage of being in the civil service...

  11. on top of that, we might have some surprise and last minute holidays just like the recent winning in the football match!

  12. hehehhehehe... I never tot of that... but sounds fare.. ^_^

  13. Hi Reanaclaire, good calculation. When I was working, only had that 1 week off during CNY.
    I never took any off days longer than 4 days....worked 7 day weeks, 25 years, not one day off sick leave.
    Reason? I was stupid! Ha ha.

    I too did a count of the vacation days I never took or lost, about 8 months!
    But the company rewarded me in kind....$$$$.
    Good enough. Ha ha.
    Have a nice day....have fun.

  14. How wonderful to see workers rewarded for their contributions!

    As the world adjusts, many Americans lose security and wages they used to enjoy. It is good to see that good things are happening in other places so it all balances out and all people share without poverty anywhere.

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral


  15. WHAT???? Don't let this get out, or everyone will be moving there and there will be a housing shortage!!

  16. And in my case, three months year end, close shop (...so no pay! Sobs!)...so that means I don't work at all the whole year lah?

  17. LOL, you actually counted the yearly holidays and leaves... ;)
    But I dont have 30 days leave leh :P

  18. I was working yesterday, and I only have 21 days annual leave, and I need to work on alternate Saturday. Your life seems much better than mine.

  19. Oh, for govt and bank workers sure good lo! We don't have such life! :(

  20. Pssttttt...i won't be jeles, because this month i only work 10 days!!! After minus chinese new years two days holidays..then next week i only work 1/2 day then i will go for my holidays till month end!!! hohohohohohoh

  21. wah! u put it like that... good leh... but not applicable to me. T.T

  22. Me? Work non-stop day and night. :p Holiday=No Holiday.

  23. Wow you get 30 days annual leave? I have none. LOL! I don't get paid for taking leave and non-working days included public holiday.


Thank you, readers!

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