Friday, February 18, 2011

Frustration Leads To Prosperity!

Say what you like... I am still feeling very sore when I cannot even read my comments nor putting up comments in your blogs.....
Each time I click "comment" , this alien page shows up... frust or not?

Nowadays I cannot even go blog hopping during my lunch hour, that is the only time I can catch up with visiting blogs and commenting...

Instead... these days I spend my lunch hour either sleeping or eating even though I am not that hungry... Taking a nap is fine, but eating when I am not really hungry is an unwanted task to do... but then, I cannot help not eating since I cannot go blog hopping...

Due to frustration, it leads me to more Food!!

Ok, self consolation... Chinese used to say this.... Eating is Prosperity....I think it is very true...
Not everyone can eat whatever, whenever, wherever.... so....




  1. ohno! kena blocked? :( is that rojak buah?? yum yum!

  2. Jome...come here...the rojak here nice.

  3. carol: yes, special Jelapang rojak!

    kathy: sigh..dont know when can go.. i wan to go Yin Her..

  4. Oh gosh, it's so frustrating to have blog problems like this!! Have you tried on a different computer? If more than one computer does it, it's probably a blogger problem. How are you feeling now? I do hope you have a nice and stress free weekend!!!

  5. Hello sis. It happened to me few fines but it just disappeared. I really don't know exactly what was the reason. I am just glad I don't have that problem anymore. Have a nice day sis.

  6. LOL< you are not alone... me too, some time encounter the same problem!

    Yummy, my favourite fruit rojak... here in K.L kind of expensive though(RM4.50)!

  7. It seems that your employee knows that you are using the office internet for your personal "agenda" during lunch break. :p That's why they banned it lor.

  8. actually i had a slight problem too for the past 2 days..i can visit blogs but sometimes it doesnt allow me to leave comments, after a while it resumed. Can take nap in the office??

  9. time to get a mobile broadband and small notebook or netbook :D

  10. Come KL, bawak u go baham food at Yin Her. =D

  11. Actually ur office IT admin must have blocked the port... that is why u cannot go blogspot or any other famous social networking sites...alot office like this ler...sometimes my hubby oso get hired to block the port by those office so that the workers kenot curi tulang...

    I tink kenot bypass... unless u got netbook and use broadband to online.

  12. Hi Claire, So sorry to hear about your computer problems. I cannot imagine what could be causing it... Do you have some kind of security thing set up by accident???? Hope you get it fixed.

    Have a great weekend.

  13. Did the server in the office block their staff from blogging?

  14. yalor... very frustraating one lor... poor u...

  15. Hie Claire! Came to your blog on STP's recommendation! Nice blog you have here.

    So is it already fixed? The error problem. Hope you have tried on other network connections.

  16. I have the same problem sometimes, but will be ok when reload.

  17. ginny: thanks! u too..

    analou: at home no problem with this..

    alice: mine also cost more than that..3 persons..

    wenn: jelapang one..

    tekkaus: a lot they ban..

    lena: lunch time can take nap.. no bed only!

    merryn: memang!!

    chris: that was what I have in mind!

    cleff: lets KIV that!!

    betsy: it is ok .. can come home and do...

    pam: yes. that too blocked!

    issac: no giving comments.. can read only...

    cindy: if at home, no problem..

  18. My office also has blocked all social networking site like FB, Tweeter etc. They also block the yahoo mail and I don't know why only yahoo mail.

  19. Rojak...? I love eating rojak and I have not been eating rojak for quite some times..

  20. I used to use Internet explorer for my browser. However, it creates a lot problems for me.

    Hence, i change to Chrome software from google. it is far far better than stupid IE.

    Try it and you will like it.

  21. yeah it's frustrating when that message prompts out. Anyway, treat yourself with yummy rojak is a reward :-)

  22. wahhh that is bad.. go blog also cannot??? ayooo... so bored lah during lunch time..

  23. Maybe your company block your blog? :(

  24. What happened? Your office blocked it or there was a problem with Blogger?

    If your office blocked it, there's nothing much you can do I suppose.

    But if it's Blogger's problem, you can start pulling your hair in frustration bcos I have experienced that before and I almost went into depression!!!

  25. Sorry...I was busy running around, doing this and that in KL. Didn't have time to drop by and comment. Flew home last I'm back!


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