Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Episode With My Old Junk

oooooh... I am so tired... Just came back from my "teambuilding course" in Pengkalan Hulu. Once reaching my office at around 8pm, I got down from the bus and quickly ran to my car to start up the engine. When it sprang to life after awhile, I was so relieved! Why? Cos I drove my 25 years old junk car to stay one night there....

While driving home, I wind down the window, after awhile, when I wanted to wind up again, it got stuck halfway, couldn't go down nor up... gosh...

Reaching home, took my girl for dinner in Perak Stadium. Halfway through dinner, I saw my church friend. He came over and asked me, "hey, your car is ABF xxx?" Immediately I replied yes, wondering why he asked... then he said, "The headlights are still on!" Quickly I ran to the car again (in one night, I ran to my old junk two times!)

Before I started the car, I said a word of prayer.. please do not let the engine die, Lord...

And of course, it didn't ... phew.... what a night... this incident has taught me not to use my old junk at night...nor park it in my office overnight too....


  1. so did you enjoy your trip at pengkalan hulu?

  2. Thank God! (And, if the engine won't start that moment, I'm wondering what you're going to do ^_^)

  3. Luckily yr car could still start.

  4. And don't call it junk for it has served you well....right? :p

  5. Enjoyed reading your post because you made it sound so adventurous... Inspired by your team-building course, I guess... Haha

  6. Why your car can't start after one night parked there?

  7. How was the teambuilding? Was it as bad as you had feared? Did you have any fun?

  8. 25 years ok... Just take good care of it - service often, check engine often. Not when sakit, baru look for doctor...

  9. Are you back now, Claire? Good! :D God kept you safe. =D

  10. hahaha time to sell it and get a new one! :P


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...