Wednesday, February 9, 2011

On The Seventh Day Of CNY

Today is Yan Yat's day... Yan Yat is the 7th day of Chinese Lunar New Year... all I know is today is everyone's birthday.... so wishing all of you a very Good Day!!

When I told my girl that today is everyone's birthday, she remarked that why Chinese have so many of these Special Days. Thinking back, yeah, a lot of specially marked days, legends like "dumpling day," "mooncake day," "tong yuen day"(solstice) and the list goes on and on..... Well, Chinese ma... a lot of "pak poe" (treasures), not forgetting, superstitions are also aplenty, right?

Ok, talking about my girl, I was commented that I am beginning to behave like one, under great influence from for instance, cutting my hair short and.......GOSH... now come to think of it, just look at my bedsheet below... my girl insisted that I should buy that for both of US!!

oh dear... next u might see me in two pony tails...
second childhood
*faint* lol...

Happy Seventh Day To You All....


  1. How about pleating your hair like 'Lisa Wang' in 'King Wah Choon Moong'?

  2. How about plaiting your hair like 'Lisa Wang' in 'King Wah Choon Moong?

  3. pam, how you know she is my favourite actress? i love her acting.. very cool one.. now the NTV7 is showing her series.. :)

  4. hahaha got photo or not of you with plaited hair?

  5. i like ur sheets! cute nyer! haha.. Tomorrow nite.. i have to balik in-laws house to prepare for the 9th day pulaks..

  6. Happy Birthday Claire and to myself! ;) The bedsheet looks super duper cute.. nvm la.. as long as you are still young at heart.. :)

  7. kathy: got.. err... 35 years ago.. wanna see???

    merryn: nice.. tomorrow is 8th day!

    inspiredmum: cute hor? she chose it ma... mama just pay ..

  8. that's it's always nice to be around with young people, they make us feel young and trying to make us look young too!

  9. Nice bedsheet...

    Happy Birthday..

  10. Aiyaks... sorry lah, Claire... I'm a Christian... so I dun believe in the 'everyone's bday' and stuff. Hahahahaha... but I know tomorrow they're going to 'Bai Tien Kong'. Pray to the sky? Aiyaks, I dono...

  11. I like the sheets, and I would LOVE to see you in ponytails! If anyone can pull it off, it's you. You already look like a teenager, anyway!!

  12. By the way, you are VERY sensitive and intuitive. Yes, in answer to your question on my blog, I'm alright. But I'm having to deal with some hard physical problems, and my best friend may be facing a return of her cancer. But I'm fine, thanks for asking and caring, you are so sweet!!

  13. Nice bed sheet! I would buy that if I see it in the shops... Think young, stay young. LOL!!!

  14. Today shall be the beginning of all good things to you and family

  15. You stay young and happy always.

  16. that's a cute bedsheet :) hope you had a nice yan yat :D

  17. Cute bedsheet indeed,Claire...Happy Belated Birthday to!!

  18. hehehhehhee.... two pony tail... its ok mah.. I did that too sometimes.. ^_^

    so cute the bed.. ^_^

  19. It has the 'teenager-in-love' feel. hehehe Super cute, I like!

  20. cutenya, i love your bed sheet. Never mind la, we are always young at heart ma.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...