Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Welcome Treat

Her first pay in January made her so happy that she took some effort to give our department a free meal.... today she made everyone happy as well... haahhaa... free lunch with desserts. She specially ordered from a very nice shop near her house, took the trouble to drive out and brought back the packets plus some desserts....

everyone has his/her share...

my free meal... chicken rice

to my sweet colleague... Thank You...

So make it this way...
Welcome to our office - you treat...
So Long, Farewell - WE treat !


  1. wa..she memang so nice ") belanja with her first pay... nice chicken rice sumore :)

  2. Wah... how generous she is. When I got my first pay, I treasured it so much that I opened a special account to keep the money. Until today, the money is still there, no addition but deduction (as usual, admin fee, ATM fee, procedure fee, hardship fee, occupancy fee, maintenance fee ... all the stupid fees imposed by the bank.)

  3. wah, I miss all those treats I used to get in school.

  4. wah.... guess your mood is back today. hahha... furthermore, u also very 'wai sek'.

  5. wahhhh... best... a lot of treat... ^_^

  6. elin: u were not around.. so eating chicken rice was a great bonus.. hahaa..

    mingna: r u serious?? your first pay not spent?? so blessed! u got other income to bide u by.. hehehee..

    kathy: yes.. making us happy.. haha

    wenn: it should be giving and taking too.. two way traffic.

    chris: sama sama la..

    cath: it is the tot that counts..

  7. Oh, how very thoughtful she is!! What a good colleague to work with, looks like you have a new friend!

  8. Aiyor...habis lah her first pay check. LOL!!!

  9. Got this culture in your office, first pay have to be used to treat colleagues. I wish I have this culture in my office too.

  10. I bet your newly colleague's first pay gone half already lol,, nice to have such a wonderful staff,, so you i guess the superior of hers must know what to do lol when she is confirmed kekekekekekk

  11. she is so generous..we have the same set-up

  12. i am getting hungry after i saw the food pictures..hehe

  13. My first pay was Rm300. Work part time at mini mart while waiting for SPM result. I din spend. I kasi my mum. =.=

  14. wah.. my first pay... heard it only comes after 3 months... -.-

  15. Wow! How generous! I want those cakes! : )

  16. Sweet, I don't know if I can do that, but it's very generous

  17. ginny: yes, indeed she is hardworking..

    stp: hope she wont cry.. hahaha.

    sheohyan: no la.. depends on individual, no obligation one. normally farewell got treat..

    eugene: yeah, hope they do know what to do..

    livingshed: got tissue or not?

    goodies: what setup?

    stella: i just had lunch.. :)

    cleff: wah.. gave all??? u made me guilty..

    medie: yeah, govt one, right?

    foongpc: hey, i bet your food are anytime better...

    selfsagacity: i m sure u can too!

  18. Free treat...that is the best.

  19. wah, free treats to the whole department!! must be paid A LOT OF MONEY for your january salary lor, so envy~~ :p

  20. mery: yeah..yeah.. hahaha...

    sk: hope she wont cry.. hahaha..

  21. LOL... yea, Claire... gave all. LOL...I just worked to fill up my time while waiting for result...and that time oso I dun have burden... makan, minum all parents wan ma, still living with them that time... den oso dono where to spend, that time I have everything I want and dun have anything that I need, so sumbat my mum lor...hahaha...if only I can do that for my mum now.


Thank you, readers!

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