Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bollywood Princess!

Bollywood night is certainly a night to remember, no Men allowed... only Ladies! (too bad, no Shah Rukh Khan la!)
Actually, it has been a long time since I last attended any special function and this was my first time to attend a Bollywood and Arabian night.... all the glitters and shine!

Supposed to start off at 8pm, with red carpet lining from the pavement to the entrance, it was certainly very grand... When we reached there, there were still many empty tables unoccupied so I quickly took the opportunity to take as many pictures as I can...

this table must be for the VIPs..

my colleague and I...
thanks to her, I have the opportunity to wear
what I was longing to wear.. hahaha....

the food and drinks were already served...

really small portions for a table of 10, ya?
in no time, all walloped.. hahaha..

a blurry picture...

with my sweet colleague...

ahhh.. the two "makciks"

Makcik Claire...
love the accessories..

my sweet colleague was the limelight
for the night...

She was the runner-up for being the Bollywood Princess..
If I were the judge, I would have given her first!
but then I am not.. hahahhaa....


  1. so happening! n u all looks soo gorgeous in the costumes. :D

  2. Hey Claire, u really looked good in sarees lah...ha ha

  3. Looks pretty.....
    You bought that costumes?

  4. carol: u mean er.. the princess..

    jessie: so now i must go buy one! hahaha..

    mery: no no.. borrowed!

  5. wah... heavily bling-bling-ed. :D ur colleague is pretty. wasn't she hot under all those heavy cloths? :P

  6. Hi Reanaclaire, hey! You look real nice in that saree, very elegant too.
    Love the pics, and I bet not the food was good but you all had a fabulous time.
    Very sporting of you too.
    Best regards. Lee.

  7. Looks like fun, I love exploring other cultures....

  8. medie: when you feel the excitement, u wont feel hot one.. :p

    kathy: gosh.. forgotten all about that..

    ulee: u r very right..

    curlylocks: me too, i love different culture attires..

    tekkaus: this saturday is bee gees fever..

  9. Oh, Claire in saree! You and the saree complement each other so well.

  10. wah..... i love it...i mean indian food..:P
    btw, Auntie Claire look so exotic..hheehe

  11. Pewitttt...Claire in saree! u look vouge lah!

  12. Claire Sanggha Chee, Yengga Porreng Ngeh? LOL...
    You look fantastic in a saree and should have posed with your hands doing the peacock gesture. Sure look veli kaling nga!

  13. Bollywood princess runner-up is georgous, but so are YOU!! You look so lovely! And the tables and chairs are all done so beautiful!! I'm just seeing your bracelets below, very nice!!

  14. mmm I like to clothes. Looks like a nice party

  15. Nice.. I have a saree cloth too (given to me as a gift by my ex boss) but I dunno how to wrap myself in it.. haha

  16. My daughter would love that red outfit the other mak cik was wearing. Nice!

  17. Wow! You looked very pretty! I enjoyed the photos, what a lovely room for the event.

  18. You look great in the Saree with all the accessories together. Why you didn't take the first prize winner's pic?

  19. Looks like a ton of fun- new follower from the Monster Hop- Classified: Mom

  20. hey, this looks like a very fun party leh.. so do you all do some Bollywood dance there, with all the chasing and hide-and-seek?? haha~~ :p

  21. Yeah I agree with you she's beautiful

  22. Hello Claire! Got your comment but no email yet received from you for today. Thanks for your time. - beng

  23. Claire. Claire, u got do the bollywood dance or not?

  24. Hey nice event wor! And is that sari you're wearing? Very nice!

  25. Oh GORGEOUS!! You look so pretty in the sari. You should have taken lots and in all different poses. Hey borrow it again and have another photo shoot. Just love it. I'm sure you had a great time. All the saris look so pretty. Congrats to the runner-up! Oh, did you get to do the Bollywood dance? :D Hope you have more fun time like such. Take care.

  26. nice event, and nice saree too :)

  27. u look so nice in that saree....

  28. Not Makcik Claire lah... should be Datin or Puan Sri gua... hehehe....

  29. wah.Henry.. what a nice compliment!! i accept that.. hahaa...

  30. too bad i didnt stay back late to bollywood la.. have to go back.. cos i know it will end very late...

  31. Thanks so much for participating in my simple sundays blog hop. Following you via gfc.

  32. Cool! it is good know about others race cultures like wear their clothes.

    is it easy to wear?

  33. Hey Claire, you look good in that saree, you should get one and keep.


Thank you, readers!

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