Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bun Blessing

After yesterday's muffins' blessing from Elin, I thought this morning I would be just drinking my usual oats. Little did I know I was going be to blessed again, this time with this.... home made sausage bun!

home-made bun!
I think by now, all of you can guess who made and gave me all these goodies! Yes, starts with the capital "E" again... hahaha.... I feel very "paiseh" (embarrassed) now... receiving my free morning breakfast so often. It is time to return her a Treat, right?

Well, here is my morning breakfast...
I wonder what's for tomorrow... hehehehe......

By the way, today is 100th International Women's Day..
Have A Blessed Day, Ladies!!


  1. Yeah... Go to Kg Simee and buy her Choy Kee egg tarts.

  2. pam: she will say she rather bake them herself.. will take her to this taste different shop in bercham!

  3. homemade sausage bun!!!! i already think the bun looks nice from the photo, so rich in color and the texture also looks fluffy..

  4. Hi, first of all, thanks for dropping by my blog.

    Wow..another wonderful blog with so many interesting post to be followed.

    Is always nice to have a thoughtful frinds like Elin.

    Happy International Women's Day!!

    Btw, if you don't mind, would like to add you in to my blog list and stay in touch.

  5. that sausage bun looks delicious!
    i'm visiting from tickle me tuesday blog hop. i'm following you!

    knickers or trousers

  6. i was planning to 38 to the max today.. but somehow.. it did not materialised.. :(

  7. That bun looks delicious :)

    Happy 100th International Women's Day!

  8. Hehe.. Nice treat for you.. Happy Women's Day! Proud to be a woman..

  9. ROFLOL... looks like you and I can shake hands lah, Claire... hahahahaha... ppl tend to feed us with home made goods... hahahahaha... Kat always feed me... Cyn, nonid to say la...always 'donate' me food... and Ling always sumbat me stuff too! We're so blessed, aren't we?

    Well,. thoughtful friends like this... are the kind of people that we should always keep in our prayers. :D

  10. Oh, this looks so yummy! She clearly really enjoys doing these things for you, and likes to see you happy!! What a great friend. How about taking her out to dinner one evening?

  11. Newest follower from the Tickle Me Teusday blog hop ^^
    Be sure to check out my blog and please follow back :)

  12. Happy Women's Day. Ya...so hard to buy something for someone who can cook and make everything...but for people like that, if the person receiving appreciates it very much, that will make them very happy - to them,already a reward.

  13. So healthy and delicious.... envy envy :-)

  14. What a hearty breakfast to start your morning....Happy International Women's Day and thank you for visiting :D

  15. Claire: U get to taste Elin sausage bread! Must be good rite?

  16. Can i work in your office,breakfast provided for?kekekekekekkek

  17. Claire, you can treat her anytime. This is what friends are for. No need to paiseh. Your friend thinks you deserve the treat.

  18. wah.... so good ah... i also want leh...

  19. Happy Women's Day! Homemade sausege bun, sounds good!

  20. ahhahahahah when i saw the title..i thought pregnant?? then scroll down its food...haiya..

  21. Like i always said, so nice to have Elin as your colik and good friend. You always get the home made buns, cakes and pastries. Make us very jeles. LOL!

  22. so good ler...hari-hari got goodies ni :)

  23. the homemade bun looked so good!

  24. it's a bless... and nothing to be paiseh about... just pray for the person so she will be blessed more... ^_^

  25. alamak..the piggie bun run to you already ah....ingat wanna curi from Elin

  26. wah so nice of Elin to give u breakfast everyday. She is like my house neighbour. :)

  27. Wow home-made sausage bun sounds tasty! I love sausage ;D
    Have a blessed day for you too ya ^^ and thanks for your visit in my blog!

  28. thanks to everyone for your comments, sorry i cant reply individually these days cos of the ban in my office and now i got to go blog hopping at home...

    yes, thanks to Elin now I can taste all the goodness.. and become fatness... hahaha...

  29. I think you must make something for her in return. :/


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