Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Five Hundred Miles Away From Home...

My girl and I have been planning to go to Singapore during the school holiday. For many days I wanted to book the bus tickets but I kept holding on till today. To my dismay, the girl told me that there were only two tickets left and those seats were right at the end of the bus.... For me, I do not really mind but I worry for my girl. She has this bus motion sickness, she tends to vomit when it gets too bumpy.... and then she will go "urghh........"

As for me, train is out of the question, cos I also go "urghhhhh..." with all the chugging...

My fault! I tend to procrastinate and not forgetting to mention, forgetful as well...

So Girl..... I guess I have to "drug" you with a tablet to allow you to sleep comfortably throughout the long journey ahead... no choice, the Firefly is so expensive, nearly RM900 for both of us!

Gosh... any other suggestions?


  1. Take carsick pills...should be fine.

  2. OMG! Reading this oso I get motion sickness dy!!! I oso kenot travel by car, train or anything for long distance.. that's why I fly... "urghhhhhh"

  3. stp: dramamine should work...

    merryn: waaahh.. .only rich people fly.. hehehe.. oh dear, i get nausea when i fly...

  4. Drive there... I always drive to JB, to visit my colleagues

  5. pam, when r u going? can follow u? hehee..

  6. Sorry dear, going to Hong Kong again this coming holiday

  7. pam: oh yeah.. u told us that day, right... enjoy yourself!

    lena: try grassland tomorrow..

  8. When I was little, I would get very sick on the streetcar. How long will the trip be?

  9. why not u drive to JB, park ur car n take bus to Sg??? Take a slow drive lor n can have many food-stops along the way

  10. The pills should be helping, but I'm afraid your girl would feel tired after waking up...

  11. Never mind...suffer now...then later enjoy. :p

  12. Bus about 8 hours to SG, by train about a day...

  13. Take chu chu train, i read in Wenn's blog about it,looks cool.........

  14. I think there's no other choice but the motion-sickness pills.

  15. For long journey, be it in the car or in the flight, I took motion sickness pill. It was not only prevented me from dizziness, it was also allowed me to sleep through out the journey.

  16. same here...I got problem with long journey, esp on a public transport (bus/taxi)....or by the sea...always go "ugggggghhhhhhh" uhuhuhu....

  17. wenn: booked!

    rachel: gosh..no way.. me sleepy one when driving long distance and also not worth it..

    hayley: i think i put a plaster on her belly button!

    tekkaus: gosh!!

  18. My motion sickness is terrible too. I cannot sit at behind when travel in the car, and when travel by air, I must have windows seat, else I'll puke all over.

    I'm ok with train and ship/ferry though. Strange, isn't it? LOL. My dad says I'm a sea child... that's why no matter how much a ship/ferry rock in the sea while I'm on it, I still dun get seasick!

  19. angeline: think of it also sien..

    eugene: that one is ets..

    bing: yeah, she has to..

    kathy: train takes longer...

    sheohyan: yes, true.. easy to sleep with tablet but drowsy only...

    angel: u too? sigh.. me too. hahaa..


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...