Friday, March 4, 2011

Gurney Swim In 2003

Looking back at these pictures brought back bittersweet memories... bitter because something was not right during that time.... but the sweetness covers the bitterness just by looking at these kids...

I am amazed that they look like these shapes last time especially Andy, gosh... what would he say when he sees himself here.. hahaha.....

These pictures were taken in Gurney Hotel during the school holidays in 2003... gosh!!! eight years agoooooo...

what did I feed him then....
or perhaps he has been feeding himself? hahhaaa...

he was twelve then... so chubbily cute!!

Girl not much changed.. except for her teeth...

awww... ful teeth.. then....

hey guys!! Peace Unto You All...
Have a great weekend!!


  1. LOL....looks like everyone having fun :D

  2. Wow, your boy is big size for his age. Did he eat a lot of MacDonald's while growing up? ^^

  3. Your baby has blossomed into a beautiful young girl.

  4. You fed them well...that's why they were so "penuh" back then. :p

  5. yes, your boy is really 'gemuk'. claire, you're a great mum!

  6. kathy: including me, hor?

    spicymum: not so sure.. maybe he drank too much milk and ate too much cream crackers!

    pam: serious?? hahhaa..

    tekkaus: penuh dan berat!!

    lena: gemuk means great mum? hahaa..

  7. U guys really having a great time

  8. Andy really lost a lot of baby fat lor. :) so handsome now. :P

    sigh *look at myself in the mirror* still so fat!

  9. Tipu... i drank alot of milk and makan alot cream crackers too when i was his age... but wind blow me... I oso will fly away!

  10. Nice pics and it bring back to a sweet memories.

  11. ahhh remind me of all old good times! :p

    My Stories

  12. fat! Be careful...the foundation is there so when he grows older (especially after working and getting married), he will start growing fat again. Must always exercise and keep fit.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...