Thursday, March 10, 2011


Yes, I did write an email to Eugene, asking him whether he can organise a BLOGGERS MEET-UP IN PENANG or not. This has been long delayed actually.... I think some of us suggested meeting up many months ago but didn't materialize somehow.

Thanks Eugene, for putting up the post in your blog so promptly, this shows how efficiently our friend is! hahaha...

The main reason I chose 2nd April is because ARTHUR WEE aka STP is coming on April's Food Day... hehehe...not fool, OK... and what's not, 2nd April is the best, it is a Saturday and I can drive up to Penang in the morning, meet my son in the afternoon and after that *rubbing hands in glee* will go SINGING AND DANCING with these awesome bloggers!!! Some more it is going to be a ... SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER!! I can imagine Eugene doing a John Trovolta style now, YEHHH!!

So..... no matter how many of us, we meet up, OK? Eugene, I trust you, find a nice place for some singing and some shaking... hahahaha.....

STP, you suggested Red Garden? Too public la.. cannot sing, cannot dance... but can only eat there..... lol...

Eugene, what say you? Anybody else can make some suggestions? Let's hear them from you!!


  1. Too bad. Checked Eugene's post - so far, no response... Nobody's keen.

  2. STP, no worries.. we can go ourselves ma... three or four or five, i dont mind.. do u?

  3. get in your dancin shoes ..bring your guitar and tamborine.

  4. I also want to join!!!! Too bad, I have to attend the opening ceremony of my school's new building...

  5. kathy: dancing shoes is my hush puppies..can ah? woofff!!

    pam: never mind, some other time.. btu if you can go, let me know..

  6. Am not a blogger wor..can I join??
    I think I will be sending my parents back to SP on that day so I think I can be there on the 2nd April....

  7. I just wanna stay at home and sleep. :D

  8. great idea! If only it's in Ipoh.

  9. MANDY: SURE!!! I was thinking of you earlier on.. wanna give you a personal invitation.. U MUST COME! :)

    Cath: dont know yet.. but make it happen la.. hahaha..

    tekkaus: going to malacca to find u soon! hahaha..

    wenn: can take one day leave or not???

  10. Oh, I thought we were the only country who has April Fool's Day! Do you usually get many tricks played on you, and do they fool you? I like to stay in so no one can fool me on that day. I hope you have fun when you go and that someone takes pictures of you dancing, so you will show us!

  11. Blogger meet-up...that is always the best.

  12. claire, you sound so excited abt the dancing..get ready for your olivia newton john moves!

  13. I might be able to make it. Hometown's from Penang, may make a trip back to visit my parents. :)

  14. T________T if in KL sure I go wan... but in Penang... SOBSOB! I go sulk in one corner. SOBSOB!

  15. Ah! Mandy will be around! Great! Absolutely wonderful! Come, Isaac...come on over too.

  16. Sounds like a party in the making. Good luck

  17. Fuiyoh! April food day! I like the sound of it!! Hehe

  18. Sounds great.. Too bad I'm engaged in something that day, if not, surely I'll join, haha :P

  19. Ah, can go swimming at Bt Feringhi, he he he!

  20. Ah, can go swimming at Bt Feringhi, he he he!

  21. I will arrange in one Eurasian club somewhere in Pulau Tikus, they play nice 70s 80s music and we can dance a little here and there too.... nice one,,,,, i am sure.

    never mind, just a few of us can create havoc already..

    play that funky music .......

  22. I bet it will be fun outing..cant wait to see all of u in party dress..

  23. Bananaz cant sing cant dance but can listen and and venue may be a challenge.

  24. aiyoo macam best ler ;)

  25. ginny: hope it is successful..

    mery: wanna come? hahaa.

    lena: come along with me lar!

    issac: see u there!! dont make us wait in vain.. hahaa..

    cleff: next time make one in KL, can?

    stp: yes, Mandy is a MUST!!

    patty: u r also invited, of course!

  26. sweetwitch: it just came to my head..

    hayley: if nothing on, then come..

    pete: u coming?

    eugene: good one!! ok, i m looking forward to the funky music!

    yeeling: party dress? hehee.

    bananaz: meaning what?

    luciana: u coming?

  27. Sound really fun and interesting, too bad that I am tying up with my young kids.

  28. I can't imagine Eugene doing a Trovolta signature pose in Saturday Night Fever..... =_=

  29. Oops sorry! Meaning not able to make it. Our positive trainer told us to use the word "challenge" instead of 'cannot'. haha

  30. Wahhh..Claire & Eugene seems to get the ball rolling already! Hope you have a blast at it!

    Sure hope mak isah is near LOL...

  31. sheohyan: next time we go taiping! :)

    yvonne: i can!! hahaa..

    bananaz: i thought u wanted to take up the challenge.. hahaha..

    puanisah: we can do poco poco too! hahaha...

  32. Met Eugene this afternoon and we discussed about it. Looking forward to meet you guys. Have few place suggested for you guys to sing and dance...

    Details will follow later, make sure that you guys will keep updated. :)

  33. Wow, so happening! It's good if it's in Ipoh.

  34. It was a great idea to organize such a meet for the bloggers as this type of meet will definitely improve the mutual cooperation.

  35. Claire, Eug & Jess u guys have fun ya...just left about 20 days only! Countdown for u all!

    Me not joining, so sorry! Next time ya.


Thank you, readers!

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