Saturday, March 12, 2011

Who's Up Next?

aI think I will miss my girl very dearly if she goes off to college next year. Time really flies... I can still remember her being a baby... very chubby "neck-less" baby... haahhaa... well, I guess most babies below one are all "neck-less" and I remember lifting her face up so that I could clean her neck-lines. LOL....

Though she does not sleep in her room often, she has other tenants such as these.....

they occupied most of her bedshelf and pillows...
I gave a lot away..
these tenants do accumulate dust one...

during her teens, her first poster went up her wall..
DANIEL LEE- Malaysian

another year or two, another side
of her wall was... Nicholas...

then followed by ...

and the latest is Kim Hyun Joong
whoever he is....
Wonder who's UP Next!


  1. Yeah... my first few posters were Westlife's, Backstreet Boys's, Michael Learns to Rock's .etc.
    Those were the days... Hahaha, I'm not that old la...

  2. i like kim hyun joong. he is a korean actor. one of the lead actors the korean drama title Boys overs Flowers..the second from the last posters is from the koreandrama "Boys over flowers" lead actors. i know them coz i like them, too:-)not really really like:-)

  3. Hahaha remind me of my olden days! Last time, my time was Aaron Kwok, Leon Lai....

  4. What a cute theme for a post! But now I want to see her baby picture!!

  5. Ken? Good! Good! Claire, can go and see the mum now and discuss dowry. LOL!!!

  6. hehehehhehe... teenage claire what can we say..

    During my teenage life.. NO GUY POSTER in my room.. hahahahha... I just not interested... hahahhaha...

    Oh my.. I hope I don't see half naked actress poster in my boys room in future...

  7. I hope my daughter will not...will fancy this kind of stuff... :(

  8. Hahahha...i used to fancy Nicholas when he was the actor in 'Wei Siao Pasta 2009'. He is so cute...LOL!!

  9. aaaaaaaaah korean yummies! lee min ho! boys over flowers! love them! *high 5* to your girl! hehe!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...