Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Double Take For Thai

Since his purpose was to come home to eat and eat, I fulfilled Andy's wishes by taking him to Soon Hoong, Thai cuisine but in a "coffeeshop"........ yours truly here is "frugal" one..

It is my second time there but for Andy, it is his first... to our astonishment, the place was crowded even though it was only 6.30pm... We waited for almost half an hour before our dishes came... that time, most of our stomach were already "calling for help! help!!"

This time I ordered big rice bowls instead of small rice...

first came the kerabu chicken feet....
they were so "crunchy" and "springy"..

who gets cold feet eating cold chicken feet? :)
try it... they are very nice and sweet... lol....
don't think of how they debone these feet, ok!

next was the steamed stingray with hot chilies...

they put lots of garlic and "wine" too....

a green vege.. "kangkung"

Andy requested for pandan fried chicken

and lastly, their all time favourite
"Or Chien" (fresh oysters with eggs)

For the five of us with 6 bowls of rice plus drinks
the total came to RM72 ($25usd)
I thought it was pretty expensive.. or was it not??


  1. hows d taste of the kerabu chicken feet like?? never try dat one. :x

  2. Rather curious about the steamed stingray with hot chillies... from the picture, the dish looked quite tempting. How about the taste?

  3. slightly expensive but nevermind eat and enjoy while u can :) I am sure Andy loves all the dishes you ordered for him .

  4. Yeah... expensive, even by KL standard.

  5. OMGawd, the dishes looked so yummilicious! RM72 is not expensive, since it works out to be less than RM15 per pax.

  6. I like pandan chicken, one of the must try Thai food~

  7. carol: u must eat with the sauce.. then only nice.. crunchy!

    pam: stingray is tastier with grilled.. anytime!

    elin: he walloped only ma...

    cleff: i feel so too..

    gratitude: yeah, if u count that way..

    hayley: kids will like that.. for me, i can do without..

  8. i only tried chickenfeet for once in my life so far. (still learning to 'embrace' like my sis does >.<) and the one i tried was cooked in dark soy sauce. cOLd chicken feet? wish i have the guts to try that one day..

  9. gorgeous food, like the chicken feet kerabu. Its also lovely inside the wanton noodles with the dark soy sauce.

  10. you just reminded me of this place ..i must go and have a try soon! are they open for lunch?

  11. I love or chiens! But at the rate my stomach is growing, I guess I have to stop eating them! LOL

  12. It;s been a while since I makan there. My dad brought me there and heard that it was really famous during the 80s.

  13. well, our kids love us to feed them with nice food.

  14. yingying: just dont think of the sh**t...hahaha..

    nava: that one is stewed chicken feet.. yeah, nice too!

    lena: i dont think so la.. only dinner..

    isaac: must go for 2km run after that.. hahaha..

    chris: oh, i thought it was new!

    wenn: wonder when will be our turn to be fed?

  15. oOOOOOOOO You should come over Thursday to my blog and enter this in our Thursday's Recipe Swap Meet. Yep, you have the Post done already so no work, just hop and check everyone else recipe and copy what you like. It's tons of fun! HUGS and have a great day! Following you...

  16. Not frugal...smart! Expensive? Got oyster, got fish...and never mind. As long as the food is good and it's quality time well-spent with Andy. With children, no need to count the money one... Very soon will sprout wings and flown already and you will not get a chance like this again.

  17. You can eat stingray?? Oh, the chicken feet and stingray are freaking me out a bit, but the rest looks good, my favorite too would be the oysters and eggs!

  18. a little bit costly...but if the food is great, I dun mind paying a little bit...and the chicken feet kerabu looks nice!

  19. RM72..is there about..to me, ok lah cos you have fish, or chien and pandan chicken leh. some more 6big bowl of rice hehehehehee.

    But most important, how's the food taste? if good, definitely worth it.

  20. such a yummy post!

    I love the little boy & dog in the one below too-

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral




  21. Claire, oh, Claire, you tempted me with Thai cuisine again.

    Tonight must go for Thai food!

  22. Hiya! Thanks for dropping by my blog.

    Food looks good and it's not that expensive. 'Tai chow' dishes like these generally cost over RM20/pax in KL these days. I was happy to find a cheap one but it recently closed shop. Maybe charged too little haha.

  23. Adding in one bowl of tom yam kung, it will be even perfect.

  24. The price for the whole meal with dishes like this are very reasonable. Air con restaurant will charge much higher i suppose.

  25. Sedapnya.. RM72 to me is cheap. Dont think we can find it anywhere in KL for that price...

  26. I think the price is quite standard lo...

  27. would love the pandan chicken.

  28. Is the the shop you said the other day? the kerabu and the oyster looks great leh

  29. That kerabu chicken feet looks v crunchy indeed!
    Mak isah thinks your food worth RM72, they all look good to eat :)

  30. xmasdolly: sure, i will go tomorrow!

    ginny: you should try one day!

    angelbear: maybe the pic is misleading..makes it look good, eh..

    littleboykid: not too bad but then, not really that nice la..

    cloudia: thanks!

    yvonne: i prefer thai than korean..

    stacy: thanks for coming over too

    sheohyan: u r right!

    kiasumum: i think KL also got la..

    amy: now penang also not too cheap, right?

    mnhl: the kids love them!

    kathy: yeah, if u stay back for dinner!

    Puan: yeah, once awhile ok.. hahaa..

  31. I love Thai food and these food that you've shown here, I can almost eat them...hehehe!

  32. I think the stingray and chicken is relatively expensive.

    Oooo..i love the or chien....i see big n juicy oysters

  33. steam stingray, the other day i just saw in Pete's blog, he also doing the same way. Taste ok? I think i will prefer grill stingray more. Food look good, RM72 ok la, not expensive. :)


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