Saturday, April 16, 2011

Farewell And Best Wishes

Yesterday it was the last day of work for one of my colleagues, we had a simple lunch in the office to mark her farewell. A few of us felt rather sad because she is our "clique" and she blends in pretty well with us. She will be missed because of our relationship and also she is a very hardworking lady as well...

We planned a simple lunch for her, thanks to a few of them who know how to cook very well... and I, as usual, get ready my camera while drooling over the food at the same time... hahaha...

they call it Nasi Hujan... (rain rice)
first time I heard of it.. or did I get the spelling right?

ahh..i love this.. cucumber pineapple salad...
i took lots of this...

dry chicken with special spices...
don't ask me what they are.. but they tasted very nice!

vegetarian curry with lots of stuff inside..
long beans, potatoes, carrots, eggplant
"drumsticks" vege and dhaall (yellow beans)

Bye bye my friend...
you will be missed...
Happy Working in your new office!!


  1. Could we see when and where we are to meet again, we would be more tender when we bid our friends goodbye.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. All homecooked? looks delicious. I wouldn't mind the curry chicken!

    Hope your company hires someone soon to replace, if not more work for the rest.

    My eXperiences -

  4. wa...the fried rice looks very ho sik. Nice. Yumm

  5. claire dear, you're are really lucky and blessed surrounded by people who can cook, so much delicious food to eat all the shake legs only ah!

  6. chicken rendang is always very delicious.

  7. pam: yes, when and where.. surely will meet again if both parties are willing!

    isaac: yes, the food were very nice! esp the vegetarian curry...i like that..

    kathy: nasi hujan panas! hahaa..first time i heard of it.

    lena: that is the problem.. dont know cooking, so have to stand aside la! :p

    wenn: yes, delicious!

  8. Nasi hujan.....what a cute name!

  9. Thank you for stopping by. Food looks yummy. Have a blessed weekend! :)

  10. The curry looks really good! The rain rice is so pretty, why is it called that?? Will eating it make it rain?? Sorry about your co-worker, I think I have seen her on your blog before?

  11. Ooooo...the food looks so nice. I love that cucumber pineapple acar. Eeee...the rice is so colourful. Ummmm...yes you looked a lot nicer with your old hairstyle. LOL!!!

  12. How sweet of you all to cook for farewell for your colleague. I'm sure it's way better than eating out. They look delicious.....mmmm. I'm sure your friend is going to miss all of you, too. Saying farewell is always not easy when it comes to good friends. Please take care. Hope your Sunday is great.

  13. Thanks for hopping by! The food looks wonderful and different! I love to try new things!
    Already a follower on GFC!

    Have a great weekend!

  14. nasi hujan?? first time heard it..hehe...very colourful indeed..i guess it must be yummy...

  15. cut your hair! Looks very chic. :)


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