Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ipoh Home Dishes

Andy came back for the weekend, he has one week of study leave before his exam commencing in early May. He didn't bring back his laptop, just a book and it has been lying on his room table since he came back on Friday. What I meant is that the book he took back has been left untouched... untouchable... cos both he and the book are on "Sleeping Mode!"

Ok, lets forget about the book... I know he is more into Food when he is in Ipoh... so before he arrived, I went to the market to catch hold of what he loves to eat and hasn't been eating them for the past two months...

After Elin left, I cooked the remainder crabs for dinner
I followed her method of cooking but this time
I added some egg white to the crabs ...

clams with chillie and yee heong leaves

miniature french beans...
stir-fried with dried prawns

lotus with groundnuts soup...

Aaron, don't drool..
Next week is your turn...
Just let me know your menu...
then mum here will go for "Food Consultation!"


  1. I am drooling over here. I have never cooked crabs before simply because I don't know how to, sweet and sour crab is my favourite.

  2. Who is your food consultant :p

  3. agnes: dip the bread into the sweet sour sauce.. best!

    elin: ahem... ahem.....

  4. Drool! Drool! You're having your revenge on me or what? Hah!! Now that you know how to cook crab, when I go to Ipoh, I want to eat that...cooked by you. Hehehehehe!!!!

  5. Wow, the crabs look very yummy! ;)

  6. wow! i shld have invited you to the easter party at my blog..aiyah!!

  7. WAlaoooooo... chamzzz... I like to eat all this stuff. The food is something to wow for, Claire. Good job... well done!

  8. nick: crabs seems to be a favourite!

    stp: now... i m feeling the pressure!! hahahaa...

    hayley: murdering them are not! hahaha...

    lena: aiyah!!!

    cleff: dont play play! hahaha..

  9. A mother's love is instinctual, unconditional, and forever.

  10. Wow! You go all out for your boys!! You have not seen them in so long, though!!! They are all very lucky to have a mom who cooks like this for them, I could not make so many different things all at once!!!! I hope you have a wonderful Easter and many blessings to you and your family!!

  11. Ok, next week can I join your dinner?

  12. wahh..looks yummy!!! claire...then u should be my food consultant...hahaha

  13. Claire, I beh tahan joh and kept drooling. So, when can I be one of your guest and can try out all this yummylicious dishes.

    You are real good cook.

  14. Kids who have mum are blessed. Proven by you and your home cooked dishes, Claire.

  15. Lotus Groundnuts SOUP! =D

    Long time! I need soup also XD!

  16. Wahh.. super cool mom! When is Aaron coming back? I wanna tumpang, can ah? :P

  17. When is Aaron back? Can I and Aaron have the same menu with crab in it? he...he...

    Ps. You are a super cook!

  18. The lotus and groundnut sound don't match the seafood ler. :p

  19. yummy! wah added incentive for your kids to come home...

  20. Wow Wow!! The crabs look so GOOD!!!!

  21. just looking at the photos makes me hungry already. Havent had crabs for a long time. I think I will grab some this week end. thanks for sharing.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...