Monday, April 25, 2011

Hello MamaPaparazzi!

Very early on a bright Sunday morning, I had a nice surprise. I received a sms from Mamarazzi saying that she would be coming up to Ipoh for a makan trip (foodie trip).... "What to eat... where to go..." kind of question.. I replied citing a few. Since the place they wanted to go was around my "territory", I told them to jump over.. hahaha... ok, not jump la... , just told them to drop by.... to say Hello!!

Yes, someone was saying
"HELLO LABBIE!!! How are you?"
and Labbie wagged her tail .. saying...
"Hey, J...its so nice to see you again!"
After some minutes exchanging "formalities" we went to Jelapang... sigh... unfortunately, the stall was closed, wanted to take them for the famous rojak! Too bad, then we adjourned to First Garden for the roasted pork... SIGH!! It was not opened too!! Wahh la.... I guess Easter Sunday is a day of rest... We ended up taking the not-so-famous food... Sorry ah... very paiseh of me...

Let me compensate with these....
Only one durian stall was opened...
Costly... but it was worth it... so creamy and sweet...

First Garden best beancurd dessert... ginger syrup!
These were only what I ordered...
Look out for Kathy's posts for more food!!

This was our last stop...
After JJ cakes, Kathy and gang were on their own....
I am sure they had a good time buying IPOH stuff...
What she had bought, well, look out again in her blog!

As for me, we said sayonara here... till we meet again...
So... who else is coming to IPOH?


  1. Me! Me! I wanna go to Ipoh too... LOL!!!

  2. Me me me , i oso want to go, please tell Suituapui to come next year lah, i go first ok?

    Nice to have friends dropping by, can i drop by and you take me jalan jalan cari makan or not.........?

  3. Aiyo... I can't stop laughing when Mamarazzi told me that she's bringing a very special guest to meet you... LOL... ahemm...

    Anyway... she sure had fun with you in Ipoh... lol... told me u belanja makan durian and taufufa... lol...come back liao she's soooo happy and can't stop yakking about it. LOL!

  4. Supposely make my trip this month, but all srew up...sobs**sobs**

    Love the durian...yummmm!!

  5. Wah, got JJ cakes somemore! I want! =)

  6. Hi Claire, Great pictures. Looks like you all had a wonderful time together... The food looked delicious...

    Hope you have a great day/week.

  7. stp: come.. that will be the 3rd time? make sure stay a night or two.. :)

    eugene: sigh.. i think offer u a driver also u wont come la!

    cleff: u happy, she happy, everyone is happy!! hahaha...

    yeeling: who did that??? :)

    hayley: so your turn coming?

  8. Labbie was seen bidding a warm welcome to the little boy... Such a well-brought-up pet.

  9. Wah! So unlucky all the shops you wanted to go closed that day? I want that durian!! So creamy and yummy! : )

  10. wah.... ok i come back in June. And, you don't give excuses ah.... :p

  11. u came to first gdn..i was still working..why didn't drop by?

  12. I'm going to visit ipoh next month. There is kuala kangsar run on may 23rd weekend. Thinking of staying in Ipoh.

  13. Can I have some durians? Thank you :)

  14. A lot of stores were closed here on Easter, grocery store, too. Strange the grocery store was closed but the fitness club was open! You are too cute in this picture!!

  15. Thanks for everything, Claire.

    Fuiyoh...the durian manyak sedap leh. Can't get it at that price in KL.

    Flo still raving about the ginger taste TFF. Sedap!

  16. i love JJ swiss roll. Each time i go Ipoh surely will buy back a few tubes of those yummy cakes for my family. Coffee wallnut is my favourite! I hope one day we can meet up in Ipoh. =)

  17. Keh keh keh... u finally meet Mamarazzi's friend lehhhh! They're nice people. Very charming, I must say.

  18. can become Ipoh travel guide liao.. ^_^

  19. wow...what a fruitful trip. Next time if I go to Ipoh must also 'jump over' to your territory joh.

  20. You are a hospitality host in Ipoh. I will remember that.

  21. oh god, so many places not opening, guess that's not a good time for mamarazzi to go Ipoh.. and haha, of course i will not underestimate the buying power of mamarazzi, we shall see~~ :p

  22. Me! Me! I am driving back to Ipoh this week. Hope to catch you up. Haha. My sis will be there too. CY

  23. Wow...everyone is going up north to meet you. You are surely one celebrity. :p

  24. I'm from Monday's Music Moves Me. I'm curious as to why you signed our linky, and why didn't you play along. Did you not read the my Post as to the rules of our meme? Monday is all about Music and all of us share with each other. Maybe you did and I did not find it. Let me know. Otherwise I have to delete you from our linky because it wouldn't be fair to the others. Let me know.

  25. bring me go too!!! i guess will be goin to ipoh on 2nd or 3rd week of June! :p

  26. walawe..must book in advance if want to see "claire-the celeb tour guide" in ipoh,hehehe...

  27. Wa...secretly come and secretly go off without telling me :( Kathy, next time come let me know aso ma so I can bake you something ma :)
    Next come let me know but better if you come on a Saturday coz Sunday I will be busy in Church :) Never come on a Sunday ! :p

  28. Wah time i go Ipoh also wan to announce big big, so you can bring me go for good food and Elin can bake something for me. LOL! *so thick skin*

  29. claire, next time you take me to that jelapang rojak, i cannot remember the way already and i belanja you makan siu yook later..

  30. Ipoh a food heaven. Aww....gonna stuff myself soon. hahaha..

  31. Claire, thank you for being the ever-diligent rep of Ipoh! ;)

  32. pam: wait till u see her.. :)

    foongpc: easter ma..

    frazzled: yes, followed!

    chrisau: hey, u talking about yourself? :)

    wenn: the shop was closed leh..

    tz: where do u normally stay?

    isaac: durian season in JUNE!

    ginny: thanks for saying i m cute! hahaha..

    kathy: when coming again???

    yingying: buy 5 free one in JJ! sure can meet up.. no problem!

    cleff: matchmaker ah!!

    cathy: i make a lousy tour guide la!

    littleboy: it is a big jump ok? hahaha...

    sheohyan: and u r taiping guide? :)

    sk: yes, lets wait and see!

  33. anonymous: i m sure yr sis knows better than me! :)

    tekkaus: gosh!

    xmas: sorry dear!! i let u know!

    carol: coming with eric?

    luciana:no la..i m a very char poor guide...

    elin: so if they want yr cakes, they must book one month in advance!! hehehe..

    annie: wonder Elin sees that or not..hehehe..

    lena: no problem.. when??

    mnhl: wahhh... diet first..ok?

    gratitude: now i m being "pressured"... lol..

  34. LOL! Can see now most fellow bloggers wanna tag a long liao, tht's very generous of you! Always wanted to try the JJ swissroll, perhaps one fine day I'll ring your doorbell too!;D

  35. alice, no la.. im not that generous.. stingy one too.. kat is the one who likes to feed us!


Thank you, readers!

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