Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Yan, I Persevere

Must persevere.... no matter how she gets on my nerves, I must persevere for another 1 year before she "expires" herself....

She shouted at me when I asked her something... never mind, I endure it and persevere...

She threw away the "kueh" which I bought for her this afternoon, I saw the three "popiah" in the bin... not even a bite.... so wasted... I asked her why she threw.... but I couldn't catch what she was talking about... I let her be... I rather persevere....

She is in one of her crazy moods again... it will take a couple of days for her to sober down.. wonder who made her mad these days... I rather not ask... better just avoid talking to her...

By the way, I am not talking about my girl.... This is just a ranting post.... never mind who...

Actually I am not feeling very down... just raving out.. the picture shown above is Yours Truly.. my girl took it for me, asking me what it is for... hahaha... she must be thinking mum is acting funny tonight...

Well, it is one of those days when you get bullied and cannot do anything about it because our character is not such.... but I guess we must be firm and put a stand, don't let others "step on us." One day I want to turn into a tiger and "growwwlllllllllllll grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!"

(Mentally abused by maid)


  1. ah. ya. tahan.. breathe..

  2. Sounds serious...
    But nvm, may be it's just a temporary anger/emoness.. hope things will be alright soon!

  3. sasha: sayang where...

    stp: very warm liow..

    tuti: phewwwww...

    hayley: yeah.. it will be alright.. biasa already!

  4. the body figure definitely not fern... hmmm...i can't figure who is it too!! Relax la , sis. Come to JB...i bring u good food!

  5. will b alright. maybe she'll call you up tomorrow and telling you she wanted some popiahs..

  6. chris: u always talk only.. hahaa..

    lena: i wont buy anymore.. so wasted..

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It's ok...Our feelings are part of the language of our inner guidance.
    Next morning, ask yourself many times: How do I feel? How do I feel? How do I feel? And listen to the answer.

  10. bad day? bad mood? I always have these kind of mood, when this happens, simply anything irritates me. I have to talk terms to myself and cool down. That's life!

  11. Not ur girl den must be office ppl. Nvm, what goes around will come around. They buat jahat to u, one day they will kena back. Dun worry. God never fail to give you justice. *HUGS*

  12. Jesus said to turn the other cheek. You have much tolerance and are a good Christian!! I am so proud of you, Claire!!!!! Do not let this person bring you down to her level, you stay calm and remain your sweet self, and then blow off steam to us. Way to go, girlfriend!!

  13. I know who... Luckily it's not Fernie, if not I go back and cane her.. Hahaha!!!! :D

  14. be patient, and perseverance is key! :)

    and , you look so cute acting like kena bullied! Waahaha

  15. Thanks for the follow at! I'm following back.


  16. This song might fit.

    -Words and Music by Helen Reddy and Ray Burton

    I am woman, hear me roar
    In numbers too big to ignore
    And I know too much to go back an' pretend
    'cause I've heard it all before
    And I've been down there on the floor
    No one's ever gonna keep me down again

    Oh yes I am wise
    But it's wisdom born of pain
    Yes, I've paid the price
    But look how much I gained
    If I have to, I can do anything
    I am strong (strong)
    I am invincible (invincible)
    I am woman

    You can bend but never break me
    'cause it only serves to make me
    More determined to achieve my final goal
    And I come back even stronger
    Not a novice any longer
    'cause you've deepened the conviction in my soul


    I am woman watch me grow
    See me standing toe to toe
    As I spread my lovin' arms across the land
    But I'm still an embryo
    With a long long way to go
    Until I make my brother understand

    Oh yes I am wise
    But it's wisdom born of pain
    Yes, I've paid the price
    But look how much I gained
    If I have to I can face anything
    I am strong (strong)
    I am invincible (invincible)
    I am woman
    Oh, I am woman
    I am invincible
    I am strong

    I am woman
    I am invincible
    I am strong
    I am woman

  17. take it easy ya..claire...*hug hug*

  18. An awesome book - if you havent read it yet is the 7 habits of highly effective people. I am reading it now ... and I love it.

    New to following you from MBC!

  19. Rant it here, Claire, and let those emotions out. I'll lend you my shoulder to cry on.

    I like the lyric posted by Patty. You are indeed a strong, invincible woman *hugs*

  20. This is the time, your God wants to test your EQ. Forget it and go on.

  21. Is ok,Claire...hugs**just rant what you wish to....

  22. i hope after all the ranting you are getting better.. anyway, you don't have to get affected, if she's getting mad then that's her problem, not yours.. you don't have to be at the same class as her because you are higher~~ :)

  23. sometimes, we have to hold our temper. Things would get ok.

  24. That's you in the picture and now i am convinced that camera can really do the trick,, you look like Fernie lah...........

    chill ya, it is a long weekend , take care now sister

    and god bless

  25. Be patient and cool down! God bless you.

  26. hugs.......u r so patience to 'yan'. Be positive. ^_^

  27. Hope you feel a lot better now. There will be this kind of people around, they are here to "spice" up our life, otherwise they think our life are too "boring".

    Take a deep breath, and enjoy the long weekend!!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. i understand...

    it hurts so much sometimes i just let those tears that never flow for years to come out like the waterfall....

  30. Well....take it as parts and parcels of working? :p

  31. thanks for all your concern, pals.. i m better now... it is fine as for now.. :)

  32. thanks for all your concern, pals.. i m better now... it is fine as for now.. :)

  33. This post has been removed by the author.

  34. That's you in the picture and now i am convinced that camera can really do the trick,, you look like Fernie lah.........

  35. Hope you feel a lot better now. There will be this kind of people around, they are here to "spice" up our life, otherwise they think our life are too "boring".

  36. i hope after all the ranting you are getting better.. anyway, you don't have to get affected, if she's getting mad then that's her problem, not yours.. you don't have to be at the same class as her because you are higher~~ :)


Thank you, readers!

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