Thursday, April 14, 2011

Motorola Versus Nokia

As I was rummaging through my drawer, an "antique" caught my eye. I took this antique out and started to run my hands over it. Touching it brought back old bittersweet memories....

It was 2001 when I purchased my first handphone, I could remember it very well... the price of this Motorola cost RM650.00.... Ten years ago, this amount of money is more or less equivalent to one thousand ringgit these days, right?

I can recall how proud I was to hold this "giant handphone" ....that time, handphones were not so commonly used... If you see someone holding one, it was like, "hey, not bad, huh...." that kind of feeling... even though the size is so enormous compared to the below... hahaha....

Motorola versus Nokia...
My First Handphone versus My Latest One..
where got fight, right? hahahaa...
Anyway, this Motorola will continue to stay with me cos...
I have many bittersweet memories with this "antique"...

So how about you?
When did you start owning a handphone?


  1. Better treasure it like some priceless gems cause 50 years later you can sell it for an astronomical price... Haha. I got my first handphone in my first year at uni. Can't really remember the model. Dad bought it for RM380 only.

  2. uiks...mine was also Motorola. Given away to people when I change new phone.

  3. stp: yeah, we ladies take very good care of handphones one. :)

    pam: nowadays 380rm can get a nice one already!

    kathy: oh, u also motorola? maybe that time hing..

  4. not so tai-kor-tai. that one super big can hantam people. :P

  5. chris: i waiting for u to get me one ah...

    philip: geng!

    tuti: can hantam anyone with that.. hahaha..

  6. Mine was nokia too since 010 days..guess still in my cabinet maybe I might also post about it in my random facts haha.

  7. Yours not so bad am sure you have seen those tai-ko-tai big and huge motorola..

  8. I remember those type of phones. Got big antenna summore. XD

  9. bananaz: yes, watching The Seasons on Astro, seeing the actors holding the big and bulky handphones, i wanna laugh!!

  10. Ohhh... I remember my first handphone... it was a 3310 Nokia... a second hand from my dad when I went to college...

  11. Ohhh... I remember my first handphone... it was a 3310 Nokia... a second hand from my dad when I went to college...

  12. Hmm interesting! My 1st handphone was Nokia 3310, got it when I was in Form 6... ;)

  13. lina: some long antenna.. some short as mine.. hahhaa..

    cleff: 2nd hand also considered prestigious then

    hayley: sounds familiar...oh, same like cleff.. hahaha

  14. my first phone was motorola too..

  15. i know what you mean. & that antenna sticks out like a sore thumb!!

  16. wenn: maybe that time motorola more commonly used, right?

    doc: now the motorola antenna has turned white.. hahaha...

  17. My first phone is also motorola!

  18. I have a Motorola, too!!! Mine has a camera, does yours? I think you have mentioned that it does. I have only ever owned Motorolas!! This is my third, I first got one only about five or six years ago, everyone else had them by then, so I never had any of the older big ones! Whenever our contract expires with the phone company, we can get an expensive phone really cheap if we re-sign.

  19. I could still remember my uncle's phone. Those that looks like a small briefcase that you have to carry around and put in the passenger seat when driving.. hahahha. He didn't keep it unfortunately else it will surely be an antique for sure. My first phone was a Motorola with flip which I got more than 10 yrs ago.

  20. Good that you still keep your first handphone, I couldn't even remember what is my fisrt handphone. I really have bad memory.

  21. Woww...back then is considered very expensive of that phone..LOL!!

    **Thanks Claire for the share of food with Kathy as my birthday pressie!!!!!

  22. I got an Alcatel phone when I studied in uni. Bulky and heavy but convenience as I didn't have to fight for phone booth to call home. My dad owned a Motorola tai-kor-tai which stands as tall as a water tumble, lol!

  23. Amazing how much cellphones have changes through the years... I can't keep up with them --or with computers.. As soon as I buy one, it becomes outdated quickly... Oh Well...

    Great post... I remember that phone your had. I may have had one very similar back then.

  24. My first handphone is a 2nd hand Nokia given by my brother so it's free... hehehe. And he bought me the Sim card too, which I'm still using the same number until now. :)

  25. Keep it keep it , who knows one day, Motorola looking for such phone and you are the only one in the world having it,, then fat tat lol ,kan?

    for me, i like HTC lah

  26. eh...i got one bigger than yours. Remember there is one like brick ..long and thick, knock at people, the person also can "pengsan"?

    We still keep that at home.

  27. Mine is a Nokia and has always been a Nokia. :D

  28. I remembered my first one was a nokia 3310. I still love it. :D

  29. mine was ericsson and yellow in color!

  30. My first phone was an Ericsson and I bought it around 1999. Thereafter I switched to Nokia and has been using Nokia for over 10 years!


Thank you, readers!

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