Monday, April 11, 2011

Yes, I Am Vain!

I don a new hair style on Friday and it was good... I was quite satisfied with my hairdresser's style... serious, I like it even though it was short and .......and a bit curly behind... my cell group friends said I looked very young... ain't I glad!

Then when Saturday came, my "itchi-fied" mouth led my hair to "disaster." I told my sister to do some straightening on some curls behind... and .......after an hour... my "puff-up" hair became "straight-down" hair ... no more puffing up like Friday but instead it is just like "my mum's fashion".... What a big Turnaround... sigh....

See me...such a delicious look spaghetti
but I seem not into the mood to eat...


when can my hair puff up like this again???

I think I wear a wig first!


  1. Pakai tudung... LOL!! Hey! Don't miss my blogpost tomorrow!

  2. Oh... was the first photo taken 20 years ago?

  3. Good! I just trim my hair last weekend. It was really really short too. It's so easy to manage. I rather want it shorter but hubby not happy about it. haha.... No more wavy hair. lol! haha...
    Have a lovely evening.
    Best regards,

  4. kathy: aiyoh!! want me to belanja durian ke?

    stp: i never miss your posts!!! esp these days! hahaha...

    pam: my smile is now from east to west!! hehehee... so pandai make me happy one, u and kat!

    kristy: i love short hair too but not my mama's style la.. :p

  5. You should be happy..with your new hair style people say you are my daughter leh :p

  6. Ello c'mon let your hair down and go wild and have a swing time..

  7. elin: now ppl will say i m your auntie leh...

    bananaz: no hair to let down now.. hahaha.. but i get what u mean.. so this time round, in KL?

    ken: ok one.. but not as this..

  8. Aiya.... ur not only one who vain... i oso damn vain wan... now u make me wanna go get myself a haircut... my hair unruly liao... out of shape...

    But first pic nice la... looks very young... like in 20s!!!

  9. Should have take a closer look of your new hairstyle....

  10. cleff: now i m looking at my first pic.. so young ah.. then tonight cannot sleep.. hahahaa...

    hayley: looks like a real ah soe la.

  11. aiyah, you should show us the before and after photos to compare mah, just looking at your "after" hair seems nothing wrong what~~

  12. Ha ha...if you see Kak isah v short hair under this tudung you will faint :D

    You still look v sweet to me my dear

  13. You still look young even with your hair straight, maybe younger than when it's curly. I wish I can get a good har dresser here. Badly need a hair cut. Good ones are very expensive.......about RM100 for a simple hair cut!!!! I should become a hairdresser here :D

  14. sk: just look at my previous posts.. u can see the "before" me.. hahaha...

    puan: thank u very much!

  15. marymoh: wow.. i cut and wash only 20rm.. for 100rm, can do a nice treatment and some professional cut.. :)

  16. wah....auntie claire suddenly become leng lui !

  17. Well, your hair still looks cute! You need to go back to the hairdresser. And then show us some pictures before it deflates again!!! I want to see puffy hair!

  18. Don't wash your hair for a few days..maybe it will puff again. :p

  19. Puff puff like Power Puff Girls...he he he!

  20. eh.. sudah pendeks ur hair! lighter now eh? nice wut.. weeeee weeeet!

  21. You look like a good friend!

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral



  22. Short hair will make people look younger. Anyway hair grows fast.

  23. i once had short hair's a Bob cut ;) received positive response from many too .. too bad mum said girls are supposed to keep long hair. so I'm back to long hair

  24. Wa,,,, keep the look of from the 1st photo long long, you look superb lah..i am vain too, who is not vain, stand up stand up,,, none hahahaah.

    by the way i punched your Tiger already kekekekkeke

  25. it's ok, short straight hair always takes off years from a person.. you are fine! : ) wanna dye it mahogany??

  26. it's ok, short straight hair always takes off years from a person.. you are fine! : ) wanna dye it mahogany??

  27. wow wassup? :P lol funny story above XD

  28. yeah, you're right - i've not met a woman who's not vain!!

    (but men are not too far behind!!)

  29. chris: best compliment of the year!

    ginny: next time puffier...

    tekkaus: u r will be flat!

    pete: girls band?

    merryn: thank u, girl!

    cloudia: thanks!

    sheonhyan: yes, but also look auntie.. hahaha..

    yingying: serious? no wonder my girl doesnt cut her hair..

  30. wenn: the more matured we get, the more vain.. hehee..

    carol: yes, i will..

    eugene: thanks for punching tiger!! hahaha..

    irene: i m thinking of copper red... :)

    kianfai: yeah.. talking about vanity..

    doc: i m glad u said that..

  31. It is a pretty nice hair style and it suited you much better than the previous one. The bi-fold curly cut is ideally matched with your face. You are looking great.

  32. Your hair looked nice in that picture. I'm following from the Middle Matters blog hop.

    Simple Wyrdings

  33. Claire, straight hair always look younger...hehehehe...

  34. thanks for the compliments.. i guess i have to live with the short hair for at least 2 months.. :)

  35. short hair, look a lot younger now!

    Hair grow fast, don't worry.


Thank you, readers!

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