Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Honesty Counts Though ...

It was my fault... yeah!

After going round and round Greentown Business Center looking for a parking, my Impatience Nerves took over my brain.... when I saw a vacant parking lot near this Kopitiam, I quickly maneuvered my steering and zoomed into it.....

I could sense Elin was not too fond of entering this outlet but me being the driver, she has no say! (pity her) So in we went..... and started to order our food...

We need to write down what we ordered, right? Well, our numbers were correct but when my food arrived, it was cut up Fried chicken sausages!! Gosh.. remember my Gruesome Find post? I have not taken sausages since and surely I would not order any.... she asked who took the order for me, etc etc.. how would I know.. all the boys look the same to me.. never bother to ask for their names...

Ok, cut story short, I have to wait for 15 minutes before my food came....meanwhile Elin and I had a good laugh over what was in the menu and what actually appeared..

in the Menu

The Reality! Just look at the messy chick! LOL...
Ok, appearance might be misleading.. but then the taste?
Gosh, she said I could cook much better than that.. hahaha....

for dessert, we ordered this lovely ice cream...

and when this came.... alamak!!
how come the glass so much taller than the ice cream?
Never mind about that, the ice cream seemed to be melted too!
Gosh... what a Lunch!
My fault... for making wrong decison..

But I have to commend them on one thing.. that is HONESTY!!
When I was at the cashier paying for the bill, one male waiter approached me and said "Excuse me, you left this...." In his hand was my Nokia touchscreen handphone!
I must have left it on the table after the groans and moans about the food...

Well, what can I say... no doubt the food is not what we expect,
but when respect is due, we must give them some credit...Honesty!


  1. That's why they put "for illustration purposes only" . Sien hor...

    well, at least the staffs is honest :D

  2. you ought to share the name of this outlet :)

  3. The food do not looks good bt lucky u never lost ur phone.

  4. not your fault, it was the chef's fault. Shld have all pictures of the food stick somewhere in the kitchen so that the chef can open his eyes and see what the food should look like..

  5. kathy: yeah lo...

    barb: got ma.. i got name it..

    mery: yeah lo.. honest staff they have!

    lena: good idea la! hahahaa..

  6. The presentation of the food made it look even worse than economy rice. The chicken rice hawkers can certainly do a better job...

  7. My best guess would be Old Town White Coffee... I remember that ice cream cause just like you I was SHOCKED too! Haha

  8. Wah lau wei! U left ur fon??!!! tsk tsk... gimme lah if u r no longer fond of ur fon :P

  9. really poor food presentation, But i find a lot of discrepancies nowadays between the food picture in menus and the real thing. Yours is a classic example of it.

  10. Your ice-cream was not like in the picture they show!! But good you did not give them any trouble about it, or you might not have gotten your phone back!!! See, being tolerant has many rewards!! At first I thought this was going to be about a parking ticket!

  11. The fine line,,,,:for illustration purposes only"" can't blame them lol but then again, it is about this restaurant operator and the way he does business,, some really take even the little details in check,,,,,,,,don't go again lah

  12. Not sure about other outlets, but the service at OT Taiping is really bad. I also seldom go there already...

  13. What would you pick:
    A. Scrumptious food but loss of phone
    B. Lousy food but rescued phone

    Hehe. At least the main components of the chic rice are there!

  14. As smallkucing said...all the pics are for illustration purposes...sometimes we have to expect the unexpected...ahahhaha

  15. Phew luckily you did not lost your phone. If not, you even curse that restaurant kao kao. hehehe.

  16. Aiyor... I would never want to eat there again! Tsk! Tsk! Gosh...we are old! I am also very forgetful these days... Sigh!

  17. food never looks like the advert.


    Warm Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral



  18. never like old town... but then again, yes.. they are honest to return your phone.. next time becareful ya..

  19. pam: i agree...

    daniel: 4.20.. if only they make it more presentable..

    meerryn: not now la.. wait till i save up first!!

    isaac: somemore it was not crowded..

    ginny: yes, that was the consolation.. so nice of him..

    eugene: go hawker stalls!!

    hayley: maybe boss dint check on these..

    yeeling: got fine print ke?

    stacy: a good option here.. heheehe..

    cy: lagi teruk, right? so i say.. i give them credit for having good staff...

    stp: hey, lets shake hands!!

    cloudia: exactly!

    cyn: yes, i will.. sigh..

  20. its hard to find such honest people nowadays...

  21. Alamak? wakakakakakaka
    You are so funny Claire :)
    That only goes to show how powerful advertisements are.

  22. Real one look so different from the menu. o.O

    At least they have honest employees even though the food not so nice.


Thank you, readers!

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