Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mama's Treat

This time round, my mum gave a dinner treat to us in Kok Thai restaurant... Yes, KOK THAI again... looks like we have signed an agreement with that restaurant, right? In time to come, we would have tried all the dishes already.... as it is, my mum likes to order back the same old dishes... hahahaa....

Thank goodness for Elin, she suggested three dishes that I haven't tried before... Here are the three that she recommended... (before the Rubbish Pork series came out otherwise I think twice first... hahahaa.....)

Pork knuckle with mini dumplings...

sliced pork on top of jelly fungus...

bitter gourd fried with 3 types of eggs..
salted egg, century eggs and chicken eggs... :)

ginger steamed "village chicken"

my mum's MUST dish...

and....greens at last... sweet potato leaves..
and one more Thai Fish dish...
(wonder why the photo was missing actually!)
and now for the happy faces...

my mother and her "Pet" grandchild.. hehehe...

the before and after...
last time Andy was heavy like him... lol...

the oldies but the goldies...


  1. naughty naughty making rabbit ears behind their head LOL..

    The 1st 2 dishes looks very yummy. If i go there will sure try it

  2. Yum! Yum! I want!!! All so nice! Never mind what pork, I want! And poor Aaron, left out again? So kesian, that boy. Come to Sibu, Aaron...I take you to dinner like that - book Air Asia tomorrow, 10 sen only!!!

  3. P.S. I think those were sweet potato leaves...

  4. Not just your family, even mine has signed agreement with Kok Thai. All the Mother's & Father's days, birthdays, family gathering, including my own brother's wedding dinner are all 'pau-ed' by Kok Thai... I should ask Kok Thai to give me a Super VVIP card that comes with a free parking plus free jockey service!!! Haha!

  5. nice, brought my parents too. :)

  6. kathy: so when?? when... hehee..

    stp: a teacher, always a teacher!! thank you Cikgu, for pointing out the mistake...

    Pam: yours too? hahaha.. i guess this restaurant won the hearts of our oldies but goldies..

    mery: yeah, not bad!!

    chris: so... soo.... how ah.. next time come back to ipoh, remember me sudah!!

  7. Hey, you intentionally put those rabbit ears behind the grandpas??

  8. irene: sort of.. *wink*

    wenn: yeah.. kok kok thai thai again! hahaa...

  9. Roar! i should really remind myself not to finish reading your post when its about food -_- reading it at 1143PM really doesnt help... now im hungry... arghhhh

    haha pork knuckle!!! me likey :D

  10. haha! i think you didnt realise the bunny ears on your uncles! you placed them so well in the photo! LOL!

  11. looks good!! now i am hungry... =.=

  12. Food look awesome... ^_^

    ayo Claire.. why you give the 2 guys tanduk lah.. hihihi.. ^_^

  13. What's your secret to maintaining such a slim body Claire? I seem to be the one putting on weight here :(

  14. beautiful faces!

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral




  15. Hmmm, looks like a nice gathering! I like the last picture, you showed the 'peace' sign behind their heads! haha =D

  16. You look like yr mum leh :) The village chicken with ginger looks good! The the bitter gourd with varieties of eggs look unique and tasty too!

  17. happy family ! Such delicious food!

  18. Thanks very much for dropping by, Claire. Back in action again :) It's wonderful to see all the happy faces here. I'm sure you made your mom and others very happy. I love all the food....mmmm. I also want your mom's MUST food :D

  19. LOLOL... u make tanduk on ppl, nottie u Claire. LOL~ The dishes looks very nice...would love to have some. =D

  20. all food looks yummy! now cannot enjoy pork in restaurants anymore... huhuhu

  21. The dishes look rather unusual, not typically found in restaurants type. :)

  22. I must remember this Kok Thai restaurant when I go for makan makan at Ipoh next time. All the dishes look wonderful.

  23. happy family..
    but i cant recall if i've ever been into kok thai.. haha :)

  24. Food looks good, where is this place?

  25. note to self: if ever i'm gonna be photographed with claire, never let her stand behind me or i'll end up with horns!

  26. i like that ginger steamed village chicken, look very yummy!! Now i am hungry!! Give me a white rice please!

  27. wahh. two dishes with pork on the same night? looks good though.. usually my family's practice is to order one dish for one type of meat.
    last picture tells me that you are cheeky ^^


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