Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Limited Edition For Aaron

I was not feeling very good during the past few days when Aaron was home. In fact, my appetite was nearly down to 3 out of 10 when he was around, so unfortunate.... Nevertheless, we still went around to get some nice Ipoh food before he left, eventually he ended up eating more cos I ended up looking instead.... my appetite was just not there!!

The night before he left Ipoh, we were discussing what to take for lunch the next day. When I suggested that I cook instead of eating out, I was surprised that he was more than HAPPY! He thought I would not be up to it to cook.. but indeed I was.. in fact, since I have no appetite, I prefer to eat at home, at least cook one meal la...... that is what a Mother should do, right? hahahaha... no la.. I speak only on behalf of myself...

So...early early morning at 8am, I woke up and dashed to the market... and by 11am, we were "walloping" these simple dishes in the house.....

Not much choice in the market on Monday...
Ended up steaming a Bawal Emas (Golden Pomfret)

AA wanted eggs with chinese sausage
I added in some big onions...

Need to finish the cauliflower given by my mum...
Stir fried it with some "canned abalone bits"

ABC soup.. added in some corns and dried scallops..

A simple meal for Aaron before he left...

Today he is back to food court meals again...
Hopefully he finds himself a girlfriend soonest
who can provide homecooked food regularly... hahahaa....
*hint hint*


  1. hai oh...tnght i copy u cook fried egg with lap cheong la...was thinking what to cook.

  2. Hi Claire, I want the Lap cheong pls! Gonna dig up some lap cheongs from my fridge tonight as well!

    Btw do tell me the reasons for the watermark on the photos :)

  3. Ask him to come to Sibu...I will cook nice nice meals for him. Yum! LOL!!!

  4. Awwwwww you are indeed a wonderful mom. Aaron will surely tell you that no gf could ever cook as lovingly as you! ;)

  5. kathy: the most simple dish is eggs!

    isaac: i used neoimaging.. i dont know the mark came out.. i dont know how to erase it too..

    stp: lure him with food!! hey, dont be surprised that he agrees!

    gratitude: all moms love to feed their kids till they burp.. hahaha...

  6. I always say, simple meal but cooked with love, thats what matters! *wink*

  7. oii...got gf lagi worse.No homecooked food but spend more $$$$ on lavish resturant..hehehe

  8. hayley: not nice also must say nice.. cos scared mom scolds!

    kendra: ok

    chrisau: speaking from xperience ah?

  9. wah miss all the good food already.. ^_^

  10. home-cooked food is the best!

  11. *pengsan* Cikgu and Claire... u both matchmaking kah? *PENGSANNNN*

    ps: Claire, those food looks yummy! I want some too.

  12. with your online hint here, i'm sure he will get one very soon. ha! hey, what if he gets one that doesnt know how to cook??

  13. I MISS HOME COOK MEAL A LOT!!!! I want to get a girlfriend who can cook too! *hint hint* HAHA XD

  14. Well, that is not a simple meal, it is a banguet and a feast! So many different dishes!! My favorite would be the soup. How are you feeling now, do you know what was wrong?

  15. the soup in the last pic only left corn..claire...u curi makan kah while snapping photo?? hahaha
    btw..hope u are in good health now...:-)

  16. haha...i also want home cooked food! lol. he will get a girl friend very soon! *hint hint*. lol.

  17. yummy!

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral



  18. Wow...claire all the food look good lor...i wish to share a bit too..heehhee

  19. Yum yum! Mommy's food always the best. hehe. :)

    Btw how you cook the fish? With ginger, garlic and tomato? I like ABC soup with corns also.

  20. I still have some bib at home, you want or not? from the post, you seems to have saliva dripping liao want to drink 'sum po' tea... hehehe.. anyway, YES.. home cook food is always the BEST!

  21. Wow, what a spread you prepared - looks great. What a lucky man he is.

    ps. not many girls cook well today... thinking of my nieces. Safer if Aaron learns to cook :)

  22. Claire,..you are a good chef...you can cook so well.,

  23. cath: your food is much better!

    wenn: sometimes..only.. if i cook!

    cleff: stp is drooling! hhaaa.

    lena: i pengsan then!

    daniel: perhaps stp can get one for u!hahaha..

    ginny: maybe i ate too much..

    angelin: i tot no one can notice that! :p

    gab: i think u also wan.. stp is nearer to u lar!!

    cloudia: come over~

    yeeling: can can can!!

    cheeyee: yeah, as usual, lots of garlic, big onions, ginger and tomatoes!

    cyn: not me lar..stp lar! hahaha..

    evelyn: i think this is a smart and safer suggestion!

    mery: hahahhahahaahaha....

  24. i only know bawal putih or bawal hitam :D

  25. Simple but I am sure in his eyes...this is the best. Mom's cooking is always the best. :)

  26. haha want to hint him summore LOL!

    well anyways I also wanted my mum cook so much =P because basically me and my mum and my dad was working, eating food court food the most almost everyday =)

    thanks for sharing

  27. You may think those meals are simple but they looked totally foreign to me. I'm living in the South Eastern United States so I didn't recognize any of that food (except the corn on the cob in that soup).
    Hope you are feeling better and your appetite is back.

  28. New follower on GFC through Voiceboks.


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