Friday, June 3, 2011

Home Alone Two

Another one more week and school will reopen again... As I was mentioning in my FB this afternoon, it was kind of "quiet" in the blogging world. I sensed the lack of "activeness" in my blogroll, most mommy blogs are not updating... it made me realize that I have not taken leave for quite awhile... I wanna go holidaying too....

I called up Andy...saying I would be driving up north tomorrow and staying till Monday... but he told me that he has lots to do, assignments and tests coming up next week so he will not be free to be with us in the hotel, in other words, "don't come this week."

Fine, then I told my girl that we go down south instead, to Kuala Lumpur. Called up my brother and before I could say anything, he told me that he would be going for a cruise this weekend and will be back in another ten days! So nice...great... I said.. enjoy your cruise at the Caribbean sea!

And now... instead of going to north or south, I guess me and my girl will be "centralized".. no place to go.... sit at home quietly and do our usual stuff, she studying, me blogging.... no exciting plans....

How about you? Are you away in some exotic island? Shopping in the big city? Or feasting along the weekend? I will opt for the latter... I wanna eat and eat since there is nowhere to go...


  1. Well as for me, we are anticipating for another vacation in the Philippines together with my husband....then a trip to Boston on early July before going to the Philippines....and a gig in Albany, New York tomorrow.
    But usually, our lives are just as ordinary suburban living.
    Hey Claire, I included your blog in my blogroll. Pls. do check it out on my blog.

  2. Sibu! Come to Sibu!!! I'm here!! LOL!!

  3. hhhmmmm ... stay at home and watch TV.... nothing to do much more.. it's down to 2 days before classes start here in the Phils... :(

    Maybe next time.. ;) dropping by.

  4. Bing: yes, i will add u too!

    stp: how come i never thought of that! hahaha..

    vernz: thanks for dropping by..

  5. I'm super busy during the school holidays with extra classes and all, no time to breathe!

  6. What holidays?! Have to work, work, work! I need a vacation! Maybe somewhere in Bali or Phuket! LOL!

  7. Seriously the only vacation I get AND look forward to are those 5 minutes in the bathroom before someone knocks on the door and asks if they can eat my last banana

    Sharon at


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...