Monday, June 6, 2011

Water Or Electricity?

Few days ago, I received a notice that water usage will be temporarily down from 9am till 9pm and the day will be Tuesday, ie. tomorrow! Coincidentally I have taken a day off to rest at home and now with no water supply, how to survive? Furthermore, these days the heat is like scorching through our skin...

I have filled my bath tubs, three pails with water full to the brim. Washing machine is also being utilized now... er.. what else.. ah.. oh, later, have to boil another kettle of water ... some more what else.... *thinking hard*

No water very troublesome one, want to bathe few times also have to think twice, go toilet also must not flush too many times...

If given a choice, I rather have no electricity than no water.... how about you? Which would you rather prefer... water or electricity?


  1. both also ma farn. No elec canno cook rice and boil water. have to use stove. no water cannot wash plates :(

  2. erm i rather have no water, u cant store electric. water u can , unless its sudden, suddenly no electric sucks more den suddenly no water, unless u are shampooing or something equivalent

  3. Yup! Water. Can store a whole lot for use. Electricity...susah lor. So hot, no fan, no aircon...and things in the freezer all spoilt.

  4. Both also I need..
    But if given a choice, I rather to have no electricity than no water..

  5. both also want... go to your mom's place lor or sis place for a night stay..hehehe...

  6. No water is fine by me , as long as they give enough time beforehand to prepare.

  7. With my kids around, if no water, pengsan lorr!

  8. kathy: sure cannot cook tomorrow.. eat out with my girl.. go cari makan whole day.. hahaa...

    benjamin: true also..nowadays so hot hot!!

    stp: no air con, cannot survive, no food in fridge, cannot survive.. no water, can survive..can go outside eat all you can, right! hahaha..

    hayley: me too but if night no electricity, cannot tahan.. too much mossies!

    chris: hey, whole area none ah.. mum pun tak dak!

    isaac: took leave at the wrong timing la.. so tomorrow i go out makan whole day..

  9. happy dumpling festival 2011... besides,have a view of my blog when free.. .. do leave me some comment / guide if can.. if interested can follow my blog...

  10. Can you buy bottled water? That is the only kind I drink, spring water. I think as long as I have my bottled water, I would rather have electricity, or all the food in the fridge would go bad. Oh, too bad you will not be at work all day!!

  11. i rather dun have water. water can store, but electricity i am abit of angmoh... no electric i will die ah... so damn hot in msia!

  12. hmmm, this makes me ponder for a while.. actually we are so dependent on both water and electricity supply now, cannot even lack of either one for a day lor~~

  13. i prefer no water than no water can store in advance as long there's a notice..but no electricity..can die lor..especially nite to sleep la..haha..

  14. Claire....i will choose water.LOL!!! I need to clean n wash all de time..

  15. No current never mind can have candle light dinner so romantic no water how to shower body stinks cant be romantic kakaka.

  16. definitely water claire.. :D

  17. yes.. I can accept no power... but no water, I will make loads of noise...

  18. hahaha... i think water wins!!! many of us depend on water than electricity.. but when night time comes, we become sucked by those little vampires, right? but then we can always use manual anti mosquitoes vapes, right? gosh..i m so glad there is WATER after all!!! the notice sayingn today no water is not materialized ..phew .. thank God for that!

  19. I think I rather no water... only 2 big 2 small at home, we don't use much water. But no electricity? I cannot use my PC and go online!

  20. I want both but if really i have to choose, i prefer to have electricity than no water.


Thank you, readers!

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