Friday, July 1, 2011

Massage Me Real Slow...

For Exactly one month I had been "slogging" very hard in the house... and I realize that housework seems to be tougher than my office work!

You know, I really want to salute the home ministers and "ministeress"... they really deserve praises, especially those with young babies and kids and without maids or helpers... the heavy workload each day.... gosh, I cannot imagine....

Endless chores... after this, it is that... after that..comes back to this... *grunt*.... my house cannot be kept clean... I mopped upstairs, downstairs is dusty... after the mopping, bathroom dirty... after cleaning bathroom, tables chairs sticky... kitchen... etc etc... gosh.. *faint*

So do you think we should deserve a MASSAGE?
DEFINITELY!! poor weary legs...

an excuse to relax ...
after the daily work in house and office...

the beginning...
half way through, I nearly dozed off...
then I heard familiar voices...
my colleagues have arrived...

they opted for the head, neck and shoulder massage...
How Blissful after five days of Hard Work!
It is good to go once a week to De-stress ourselves, agree?


  1. massage? is not for me. I don't like being massaged.

  2. Oh... so 'tarn'... Never been massaged before as I am supersensitive to touch, especially the shoulder and waist part...

  3. Omg feeling like getting a massage too. My legs feel like breaking from work.

  4. Good choice made to live longer! I try to go every fortnight.

  5. Wow...I feel like I want someone to massage me too right now. :)

  6. Looks so relaxing! The housework is NEVER done! As soon as I get done with the last thing, I have to go back and start all over again. Not to mention cooking, doing dishes, and laundry.

  7. you kept showing the peace sign in the photos ^^ definitely must find something to destress yourself after the hectic week at home and work. Good that massage works for you. but not for me..i takut geli and quite pain. >.<

  8. Which reminds me... I got massage coupon... need to use before august.

  9. I need a massage right now..

  10. A massage is always welcome. Enjoy it as much as you can

  11. I love it...but must be good one,strong...and doesn't talk much one. People want to relax.

  12. I feel like going for a full body massage too! Really aching here and there after a long day at work...

  13. massage is good and destressing. hubs and i go for one every once a month :). Love the way they release the tensed areas.

  14. Your first pix is a copyrighted signature pix of the Panda..haha. Panda love to post his sexy legs nothing else from him. Ahhhhhhh 'si fook sai'..haha.

  15. what a nice massage! XD hope you feel so much better after that.

  16. i normally go for 2 hours msg n i find it not long enough....eheheh i propose 2.5 hours to the spa centre and they dont provide..hehe

  17. now you know why we so skinny la

  18. Wah! So nice! I want a massage right now!!!

  19. Oh, btw, I hate house hold chores!! But must do them no choice cos no Filipino or Indon maids!!

  20. Claire, is it at Ipoh Parade...i think i saw there too...hehehhee

  21. yeeling: u r very right!

    foong: i also dont have one too!

    kathy: salute to u!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...