Monday, July 11, 2011

What's UP, Doc?

Feeling not quite good this morning, I went to pay a visit to my regular "What's Up, Doc" clinic near my house. To my dismay, he was on an Europe trip... never mind... according to the nurse, the substitute doctor is also a very nice man.... No choice, have to go in and upon checking my blood pressure, the doctor told me that I was on the low side... low pressure, I mean...

The reading was only 116/62! Super low la... can pengsan anytime, right? *faint*

He asked me what I have taken lately... celery? Bitter gourd? Nope.. nope.. I didn't but I remember taking a lot of grass jelly... (kwai leen koe) Maybe that triggered off my low blood pressure...

Before I left, doctor advised me to go home and rest... don't walk here and there... hahahaha...

I followed his advice and went home.... and prepared this soup... to replenish blood...

bought a whole "village" chicken

added in lots of wolfberries, red dates,
some dried scallops and "tong sum"
boil for 2 hours plus....

my girl and I drank 3 bowls each...
hope my blood pressure is not so low now...
actually how low is low blood pressure?


  1. I am having low blood pressure all the while...but i also not sure low is actually how low. avtime i see doc, he will say the pressure is low...*sigh**

  2. yeeling, next time ask him what to take to make it back to normal.. iron pills supplement?

  3. that soup seems strange to me..but if its good for blood something..want to try:)

    getwell soon claire..hope you're doing fine now!

  4. I want to drink o.. have a long time didt drink soup!!!

  5. Janeth: yes..good for replenishing blood..

    sasa: i like to drink soup too but sometimes no time to do it..

  6. Not sure but mine is always maintained at 110/65. Feeling perfectly alright...

  7. I believe normal should be around the range of 120/80 .. not sure how low is low. But hor, you can actually go and buy the electronic pressure check portable machine. My dad got it, and he checks his pressure every other day. A very useful device.

  8. pam: hey, yours lower than me? :)

    isaac: as long as no giddiness, my pressure will shoot back up..

  9. How low can you go limbo lower now..ooops sorry wrong channel..Yeah agree with Isaac on the average but that depends on age. The older you get the higher will be the bp. Bananaz was once 100/60 20 years back and my doctor said it perfectly OK but now gone up 120/80. Gotta be careful here on iron pills as Bananaz was prescribed iron pills once but was stopped by a more experienced doctor after I consulted him for a 2nd opinion because of my thallasemia. Better check with your doctor dont want to give wrong info here.

  10. same here. my doc always says that my bp is low..between 90-100. I have this bp monitor at home..always check.

  11. When you feel's too low or too high.

  12. wanna try to boil this soup too...thanks claire..

  13. bananaz: he asked me to relax more.. that means going for more holidays! but where is ngan ku??

    lena: yeah, better buy one and keep at home..

    stp: i thought i was high initially..

    angelin: yes, good to boil once a month..

  14. Pig's heart helps in blood replenishment too :P. Or best be Pig's liver (that I don't take).

    Hope you get well soon!

  15. You ok already today? or still resting? watch what you eat lol,,, you seem to me,can really hantam one leh..................anyway as long as you enjoy yourself,what the heck kan?

    take care,but do drink a lot of air air ya

  16. guess u need to take some iron tablets..btw, i usually take my restorate with iron during my period. My blood count is just below the borderline.

  17. LV: pig's heart? never taken before.. but like to take stomach! arrghh..

    eugene: yeah, thanks! ok liow.. can begin to eat marathon again.. hahaa..

    wenn: your blood not enough? mine is due to certain food, i guess...

  18. According to my doc, low blood is better than high blood. Anyway, do take care :-)

  19. I also have low blood pressure. Doctor advise to take pig liver and bayam. So far my blood pressure is normal now.

  20. Take more nutrient will help already. If you can alcohol, take DOM a bit every night.

  21. Yuinting: but also not good.. have to monitor..

    irene: so must eat the chu yun sui..

    sheohyan: oh.. dom ah.. i dont like alcohol.. but i heard it is good, yeah!

  22. 62 indeed is low...
    rest well claire!

  23. mine opposite, i am always on high side!!!! :(

    Take care Claire, weather not good ya? Last week i also went twice to see doctor, bad sore throat. Now, already fully recover. :)

  24. oh ya, i remember, if you like pig liver, i think it does help. Can drink the liver soup.

  25. That soup looks real good - like mummy made homecooked soup. I miss my mom. I really don't know how low is low and I can never read the blood pressure readings. Hope you do feel better after the soup.

  26. hihihi.. i also no idea.. how low it can be..

  27. Sori, Claire, I don't know what is chu yun sui. If not you go and google for bayam merah it will show you the plant. Truly speaking, the pig liver and bayam helps me alot. Give it a try. Take care. GOB BLESS

  28. Claire, typo error, shud be "GOD BLESS"

  29. I found this web site on line that talks about blood pressure. My problem is too high. Here is the site.

  30. at least low BP is better than high bp, low bp runs in my famiy among the girls.

    I brew a similar soup less the TONG SUM, sometimes I add shitaki mushroom.

    Hope after the soup, you can walk here and walk there.

    If you plan to come to NZ, don't come in winter, not nice to walk here and walk there. I hibernate with my computer.

  31. my big sis says the soup has a calming effort and helps one to sleep. I agree with her.

  32. Eh... u have low blood pressure problem? I have this problem too, and so... celery and bitter gourd is definitely banned from my diet.

    Hmm... try eating some pig liver? I heard it helps.

  33. Or Claire, mebbe can try eat DOM chicken if u got time to make it. (better still ask Elin... hahahaha!)

  34. 116/62 looks ok to me, coz i always having reading ard 100/55.

  35. i love this soup!! especially with lots n lots of wolfberries! :D

  36. Wah! You are lucky to have low blood pressure! Most people have high blood pressure which is more damaging to health!

  37. Oh! Do you think the grass jelly lowered your blood pressure? Wonder if people with high blood pressure can eat glass jelly to lower their blood pressure?

  38. foong: yes, i think it does.. as in celery and bitter gourd.. cooling things can lower down cholesterol..

  39. Low blood pressure is always better than high. My gynae once told me that I'm lucky to have low blood pressure!

  40. Hope ur bp's back to normal now.

  41. Claire, I was wondering whether you were talking about low blood pressure or low blood count - two different ailments, lor. Whatever.. hope you are feeling better. If low blood pressure, also avoid starfruits. If low blood count, take grapes, liver, cockles and all the good stuff you are making for yourself. But these days, liver and cockles and such are tricky because they are not that clean and healthy. Take care..


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....