Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Handsome Reward !

What a beautiful morning!! Did I say that I love drying clothes most of all?

Among my housework, I like to dry clothes.... not collecting back nor folding... but I don't mind drying them. And this morning after drying all the clothing from the basket, something bluish caught my eye at the bottom of the basket....

I quickly took my handphone and snap..... heheheee....happy ma!

NAH!! Can see or not???
the digit 50!!

let me zooooooom....
makes me wonder now...
why is the 5o note there?
right at the bottom?

Ok! Nothing to shout about actually, right?
Maybe after ranting out about my housework yesterday,
someone wants to "REWARD" me with a 50.00 note!
thank you... now I wonder who YOU are!

Well, I guess you all know who... right?


  1. eh saya punya lol :P

    whos one? so rich already haha . . . maybe is your own one and you didnt realize XD

  2. err....her money is also your money lah :P

  3. sure its not your own? XD i would love to pick up an RM50 note too!

  4. when did you start 'money laundry' biz ah? kekeke

  5. Almost like striking consolation prize in 4D. Some people have all the luck. I do not even have to luck to jumpa 5 sen anywhere... Sobs!!!

  6. Kianfai, u r correct!

    Barb! Why so clever one!

    Isaac surely my own la haha... But to see extra money makes me happy

    Kat, I dint think of that...."u are smart!

    Stp, come ."I can belanja u makan dinner tonight!

  7. Haha so nice ya....
    Have a pleasant evening!

  8. wow, funny that we have the same post and what makes me really amazed is the insurance post just before the home chores post today. lol.
    but you are rewarded today, so your luckier I guess, hihi.. ^___^ thanks for the visit!

  9. aww... so sweet! with thank you note lagi! surely u'll smile in ur sleep tonite :D

  10. I thought it dropped from the sky. Maybe got windfall coming! Don't forget me yeah...

  11. own money nothing la.. other ppl money then i will happy :P

  12. hahaha... that is so good... but still wonder who.. :D

  13. are so lucky! Blow some luck over here, Claire! :D

  14. Clair: What a neat find. I hope it is like a $50 bill is in the USA.

  15. I like small kucing version,,,,,money laundering ho....hahahah

    anyway if is yours, good to have it back, if it is godsend, then go makan makan lah,,,,,

  16. I love when I find money! Even if it's my own and I misplaced it, it's a GREAT feeling! (:

  17. hahahah... dang! DANG!!! lol... why wasn't I ever this lucky?

  18. Rant more... Rant more...

  19. Have you counted your cash inside the pocket, wallet, handbag etc. Believe it or not, I'm sure that's your own money...

  20. Wah luckily the washing machine didn't tear up your money! :p but it's always a happy thing to find money even if it's your own :)

  21. hahahaa...yes, I was going to say that... money from whose pocket I dont know but i am confident that it is my own!! hahaha... after all, i gave it to them, didn't i..
    Yes, it was 100% mine and seeing a piece or two at the bottom of my laundry basket sparkles up my eyes! hahahaa...

  22. Now is 7th month, you sure it's real money ?

  23. hmmmm odd i thought i lost 50 bucks...


    jk! i would've sparkled to see unexpected notes too. heeeeee :D

  24. Em, I don't care whose money it is. The finder keeps it :p

  25. waaaa I wish I got that kinda reward :D

  26. Wah luckily it is still usable. My hb sometimes forgotten to take out the receipts from his pocket and always after wash becomes not readable one......


Thank you, readers!

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