Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rude Shock Over One Tablespoon Soup!

My girl and I went to a Japanese cuisine restaurant in the Kinta City complex recently... Not my favourite choice of food but ... mums are mothers... we love to give in to our kids' choice of food, right? In malay language, this is called "Paksa-Rela"....

the ambience..not bad..
nothing to complain about...

very neat and tidy... comfortable too!

Okay, back to my topic... we ordered a set of this Japanese bento set.... and for myself, I just wanted some ice cream desserts...

first came the soup...
I quickly took out handphone.. "CLICK!"


took the tablespoon....
started stirring....
and then putting some on the tablespoon...
and into her mouth.... hmmmmmm.....
somemore she said "Nice, Mi"

AND THEN...........
out from nowhere this waitress approached our table
and said something like this..... (an angry tone)
"This is not yours....." and quickly took the bowl away...
even before my girl could put spoon down!

No apology? Not even saying "excuse me?"
The way she took it away was like we "stole" it from the kitchen!!
(maybe this mum here over-sensitive la!)
But then... I feel it is their fault.. right?
The waitress should say "sorry" or "excuse me??"

I wonder whether the bowl of soup went...
Inside the rubbish can OR was it served to the
unfortunate customer with my girl's saliva in it??


  1. Super Kinta! Gosh, have not been there ages. Have no idea at all how it looks inside.
    Hey, selamat hari raya & happy holiday!

  2. angry tone? wow sad case . . .

    Selamat Hari Raya and Happy Holiday~

  3. I guess the waitresss was thinking in her mind "hey look auntie..u should know what u ordered. so if u didnt order, dont eat..."

    scold them 99 la. btw, that looks like mushroom soup? in a jap restaurant?

  4. Wah sounds rude to me, then did you feed back to the management?

  5. that is so rude...u should inform the management..

  6. I hope you complained to someone about the waitress, that was all uncalled for. If it was the wrong item, then all she had to do was either add it to your bill, or said, her mistake and given it to you free of charge. Had your daughter ordered soup?

  7. you didn't complain? if given me, I will give her back kao kao!!! No way I gonna be treated so rude even it's not my order.. who cares, you deliver to my table!!

  8. you didn't complain about the rude waitress? i don't suffer fools gladly or should i say..people with no manners :P

  9. the waitress is so rude! grr, hate waitress/waiters with attitude like that

  10. terrible! I would have asked for her supervisor and complained. Such rudeness was uncalled for.

  11. I always find that the services in Ipoh still not up to the mark compared with other places, with the exception of kl or Singapore, but like jb, Melaka, Penang etc. Sometimes they some what dumb or sometimes rude ..... Just my opinion.

  12. U should hv complained.. It's not yr fault!

  13. Hmm... I kena this a few times. I dun talk much usually. Usually lazy to argue with this kind of people, make me tired only. Usually I will write complain email and complain to their management. Better way to deal with such probs!

  14. kristy:not super kinta but kinta city! hahaha...

    kianfai: same to u!!

    rachel: actually we didnt know that! the set came in few varieties, soup, egg, main dish and dessert...

    hayley: no.. but we wont go there again..

    mandy: fai see mar farn...

    patty: my daughter's set came with soup but i suppose not this type of soup.. we didnt know actually..

    cyn: we thought it was ours.. japanese name ma..

    barb: didnt want to make hue and cry... but i just looked at her!

    chris: all normally part time..

    wenn: both of us also blur blur.. what we ordered.. we just ordered a set..

    gigi: yeah, i suppose.. but we didnt want to make a scene...

    cleff: rant it here.. haha...

  15. How rude! I seriously hope she din straight away send it to the customer who ordered that. Yeah, better ban that restaurant after this incident.

  16. I know this place, went there several of times, ...but teruk also never say sorry...just grab the bowl and go? So rude ler....so what happen next Claire?

  17. Moe kau chor ah....she should have said sorry leh. U tarak complain meh? write in and complain la

  18. GADS!!!! It was all their fault for serving you the wrong dish!!! How RUDE!!! How was the food you had ordered? Will you ever go back?

  19. I certainly like the atmosphere.


  20. thats is just not right, horrible service if you ask me. how can you just take a plate away from someone when the she was half way going thru it. i would hv a word with the waitress... >:(

  21. So no class one kah! Chinese waitress,I guess... Place looks nice...and expensive/classy - appearance can be deceptive. Should train the employees properly...not just hope to earn people's money. Tsk! Tsk!

  22. slavemom: i wonder about that too!

    angelin: then she brought the right one.. we didnt make a fuss la..

    kathy: maybe she panicked... and just took the bowl and went... she brought the correct one later..

    ginny: I dont really like japanese food.. so i ordered a side dish only..

    filip: only that is nice.. hahaha..

    adam: maybe she panicked and didnt know what she was doing.. no apology..

    stp: i think must be part time.. no proper training... she must have done it in a panicky moment..

  23. I wonder whether there's any CCTV inside that restaurant.

  24. wah! like that also can?!
    what happend after that?
    complain or not?

  25. PLUS that was a tablespoon! For soups, they should give a soup spoon... Really no class lah, that place!

  26. Oh gee I must have eaten that soup which your daughter had scooped coz I was there too. hahaha. Now question is what happened to that 'soup'? That waitress absolutely kurang ajar.

  27. whoa! so teruk geh?! :o how can they do like dat in service line? :/


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....