Monday, August 29, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya To All Who Celebrates!

Coming to work on this particular Monday brings joy to me and to all my colleagues! Today is the eve of Hari Raya and we are all in the festive mood. Muslims or not, we share the same country and we are happy to greet each other Selamat Hari Raya!

Though the office is kind of quiet today, we do not want to be left out in this auspicious day... a few of us decided to celebrate too... and guess what makes us most happy on such an occasion? It is of course through our stomach! hahhahaa....

When the word "FOOD" is mentioned, no one hesitates.... all agreed readily and happily, forking out RM27.00 for this sumptuous POON CHOY in East Ocean, Menglembu......

For the very first time in my History,
I ate Poon Choy aka mini "monk jump over the wall"
"subsidary of the real Fatt Tiew Cheong"

The Treasures are inside....

the first layer... scallops and the prawns!

the second layer...
with assorted seafood and mushrooms..

the generous fresh scallops...
and... andd...
(excuse me, forgot the names!)

in a matter of minutes..
all walloped into "safety" inside our stomachs...

The Happy Food Gang!
Looks like Chinese New Year hor?
all wearing red-red... ang-ang...

So...until the next round....

Selamat Hari Raya!


  1. Yum! Yum! Hmmmm...must try to cook that. Looks soooooo good!

  2. The food you ate really looked superblicious to me. It would be nice if you all wore red and green. Selamat Hari Raya to you!!

  3. happy a good break, happy holidays, happy merdeka and happy eating!!!

  4. stp: hey..cook that only when I go sibu!! hahaha...

    twilight: oh, never thought of that! Same to u!!

    lena: you too! Happy Baking, Happy Cooking, Happy Eating too!

  5. Happy Celebration to you and your country. Love the seafood (YUM) ---and seeing everyone in RED.

    Recently, everyone in the Tennessee area wore ORANGE to celebrate the life of one of our special coaches who has been diagnosed with Dementia. It was fun seeing everyone honor her that way.


  6. happy raya to you all to ya... hihihi

  7. I don't really like poon choy - find it boring haha!! Maybe yours are better than the ones I had? : )

  8. Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya and Happy Holidays! : )

  9. betsy: chinese like red... red means prosperity.. ahaha...

    cath: same to u...

    foong: i havent tried before.. now i know what it is like.. :)

  10. I have yet try Poon Choy are monk jump over the wall leh, but it sure look delicious! YUM!

  11. lei kong cham moe? I see I hungry jor...tmw i go serang u in Ipoh ah...

  12. Heard of Poon Choy but never tried. Looks good! Happy Holidays Claire :)

  13. Lots of foreign words for non-foreign food! After all, who has not tasted shrimp and scallops before? lol. Looks super-delicious!

  14. Sis.... I come back and we go makan poon choy ah?

  15. delicious looking, and really yummy!. I wouldn't hesitate too should there be any mention of food!! LOL

  16. alice: me also first time in history...

    wenn: bloggers' meet with poon choy?

    kathy: welcome u all the way!

    merryn: same to u!!

    gigi: asian always look for food!

    chris: why not? sap sap dollars!

    isaac: we same gang one! hahaha..

  17. Selamat Hari Raya to you and your family!

    Enjoy the long long holiday :)


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....