Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ting Hao In Jaya Jusco, Ipoh

After the hard work cleaning ONE room and mopping the whole house, our hunger started to attack us around 6pm... Andy kept on munching whatever biscuits that was available in the house... so pitiful.. both of us had to wait for our princess to finish her tuition classes before we could have our dinner...

At first we couldn't decide where to go for dinner but since we wanted to go Jaya Jusco to get some stuff, we might as well get ourselves famished there...

We landed up in Ting Hao restaurant and Andy kept ordering and ordering until I said, "hey, enough lo!" He ordered 5 dishes all in all...

the croaking frog with sliced ginger..

sliced yam with pork (kau yoke)

mixed vegetables..

buttered crayfish...

groundnuts soup...

the dishes on the table... full...

Almost done... famished... phew...
His "wages" came to around RM60.00!


  1. the price quite cheap lei... ok la, hire maid also more than that price..

  2. He must have been "clever" already from the morning dim sum. Now he say must
    yak fun kau poon"

  3. wow, is that for 2 persons? 5 dishes is a lot! :)

  4. I miss the days when I could eat as much as Andy lah...

  5. haha actually i oso wanna ask the same question as Isaac!! thats a lot!! but then the foods yum n guess it wont be enough! xD

  6. it all looks so delish!


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....