Friday, September 30, 2011

No Jolly Jolly But Folie Folie

Supposed to have a free lunch celebration today with my gang of office friends... someone was awarded some "incentive" and she wanted to give  a treat at East Ocean Restaurant during lunch time. Unfortunately I could not make it because have to "chauffeur" my "little boss" from school.

My little boss was very surprised to see me.  She was expecting my sister to fetch her actually.  By looking at her surprised face that broke into a smile, it is priceless....LOL... let me say this... no matter how young or big they are, our kids are our babies.. only that they are "fully grown babies" now... LOL.... 
Back to the topic... so... it was not a jolly-jolly time with my colleagues but a Follie Follie time with my girl ...
Our first time in Folie Folie Cafe and Grill...
Welcome to Follie Follie
it is a bungalow lot where parking is not a problem.
diagonally opposite the Regency Tower
 and directly opposite the UOB Bank....

the entrance to Follie Follie
it was quite dim inside.. we like it...
we ordered their set lunch that came with soup and ice lemon tea
I had the baked chicken chop (RM16.90/$5.50usd)
richly topped with cheese
very fattening, right?
my girl chose the carbonara (RM14.90/$5.00usd)
also richly creamed with cheese.... ouch!
dessert was a bit plain.. just a chilled pudding..
well, what to expect from a such a price, right?
Took some pictures before departing...
Will be back again one day... with the double "A"ss
I am sure they will want to visit as well....
Never leave them out from something's good!  LOL...

Jalan Raja Muza Aziz
(Anderson Road)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Reanaclaire's Bento Sandwiches

I want to blame it on some food blogs! Or should I blame myself? Due to some blog hopping this afternoon, they sort of made me crave for bread!

Funny though.. or should I call it a coincidence .. reading one food blog showing sumptuous sandwiches... then awhile later, another food blog showing buns and sandwiches too! Not only that, their stuffing and fillings are "out of the world."

Gosh... I was craving as if I were a pregnant woman, inside crying.. "I WANT... I WANT BREAD...."
So ... to satisfy my urgings and cravings...

I got these for dinner!
Nope...I didn't make them.. sad huh?
I used money to buy them back.... sigh...

"Wait awhile ah, let me take some pictures first..ok?"

My dinner... at least today is healthier, right?
Is this called Bento? :)
Later someone will scold me for this...
Spoiling the name of Bento... hahahaa....

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

And The Answer Is ....

Thanks for the comments! hahaha.. nice try all of you... and do you know that most of the comments I received, the majority guessed that my girl was eating a fried popiah (fried spring roll) ... but sorry to say, the answer is not popiah or sugar cane ....
The answer is ....
Apom as we locals call it
or Egg Roll in english...

courtesy picture taken from here

Unfortunately I did not take a picture of the ones we were eating... but they are Apom all the same.

There is this mute couple (husband and wife) who makes these in the night market and selling them at three for a ringgit. (USD 30 cents for 3) The usual Apoms are normally folded like the picture above but this couple do theirs by rolling them up... thus they look like spring rolls or fried popiah as many had commented. :)

I decided to give two prizes... they are similiar to each other in a way...

The winners are Becky Jane who answered Egg Roll (she is from US so I guess she does not know we call them Apom over here.. :p

.... And the second prize goes to our local food blogger Lena.... (food blogger has an advantage here!) hahaha....

Thanks to everyone who came and comment... it is fun actually.... will continue to do more guessing posts and also to do more guessing in other blogs like the one I won in STP's post! hahaaaaa... that was a nice surprise!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Night Market In Ipoh Garden East

Jacky Chan's Rush Hour is in Hollywood, Reanaclaire's Rush Hour is in Ipoh Garden East....

Every Tuesday I have to rush to that place after work.... like a mad woman driving... LOL... well, at least for another one month... after that, maybe I can breathe more easily....

Normally we take our dinner outside during Tuesdays... sometimes healthy but at times, unhealthy food such as tonight.... both of us decided to visit the night market (pasar malam) in Ipoh Garden East ....

we walked along... looking for food..
heard that this place offers a lot of varieties...

passed by some laksa stalls..
eventually ended up taking a bowl...
not so nice... too sourish!

my girl bought some japanese sotong balls..,
that was her dinner... aiksss... so unhealthy.. like mine!

along the way we saw so much fried stuff....

and chose a box of mini burgers...

this was most attractive... CRABS!!
I didn't ask how much they cost...
If my sons were here, I would have bought one packet home!

Ok, some guessing for everyone...
What do you think my girl was eating?
One small prize for the first correct answer...

(keychain again?) hahahaaa....
The answer will be disclosed tomorrow night ...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday Raya To The Fullest!

This morning we were invited to a Raya feast (muslims celebration), this time on a bigger scale where there were stalls serving all types of malay delicacies.

I will let the pictures tell the story...

the VIP tables with live band...

lemang with curry chicken

I took a plate of this... couldn't resist the curry...

followed by a bowl of malay laksa...
oh, I ate a plate of fried koay teow too but forgot to take picture..

I wanted to take satay...but seeing the crowd...
aiyah.... I changed my mind...

VIP watching a Teh Tarik man doing his "stunt"

Curry chicken again?
sigh..should I take or not?

Of course ended up taking some.... heheheeee..

then lastly opted for some desserts...

the Cendol husband/wife team...

Surely I won't resisst this, will I??
This is the Best of All!!

Ok, let me rest first... took so much FOOD...
My stomach is so FULLLLLL.....

Hearing that, my friend said..
"hey, wanna BET WHO has the "full-er" stomach??"

Sunday, September 25, 2011

White Becomes Colourful...

For the past few months, I did not have a helper... I did my own washing and ironing... And the disastrous results came out such as these.... my girl's school shirts are gone for good.....

Instead of white school shirts, she now has 3 different colours....

Poor girl, I have to buy some new shirts for her...
at least to last her for another two months.... sigh...
What a mother!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday Night Fever No More

What a Fast Saturday! Time really flies like it is only twelve hours per day instead of twenty four!

Woke up at 8am - sent girl to school without brushing or washing my face... (smelly.. who cares!)

8.30am Reaching home, mum called to go for breakfast... (quickly brushed and washed face then)

9.30am After breakfast, sister came to do my hair... straightening... free of charge! nice leh....

11am - watched our Malaysian men doubles played their game in Japan Live.... lost again as expected....

1pm - sent my girl to Jaya Jusco.... rushed back to watch Lee Chong Wei played and won the singles set....

4.30pm - drove to Jaya Jusco and went shopping alone while waiting for girl to finish her movie at 5pm...

6.00pm - We took dinner in Black Canyon.... took our own sweet time and then suddenly remember have to go church and Labbie was not fed yet!

7.10pm - Reached home, fed Labbie, took shower to get ready for church. Labbie barked cos she wanted to do "business".... quickly took her out and thank God, she did her "business" very fast indeed....

7.55pm - To church on time... hahahaa...

10 pm - Here I am .... blogging away... heaving a sigh of relief that I can finally sit down and do my own private stuff...

11pm - hmmmm...what shall I do.... wanna go Jive? Disco? *yawn* .....

Better go to sleep, Auntie!! Saturday Night Fever is not happening anymore......

Friday, September 23, 2011

To Houston Again

They say..."once bitten, twice shy" but where food is concerned, we do not say "Bye."

We went to Houston cafe again after more than six months since the incident on the un-chewable noodles and the "find." This time we did not order the noodles but instead tried their Assam Fish Curry....

Well, I must give them the credit this time... the fish curry was opposite of abominable... now I am writing french... hahahaa...

the fish head curry with lots of greens...

ordered another small plate of sweet potato leaves..
(half-eaten then only I remember to take picture!)

fried eggs with shrimps...

aaah... this is called "Free Corner"
Free soup, Free sweet desserts (tongsui) and Free cold drinks..

there....all "walloped untidily"
full satisfaction
this time "no strings attached" in the dishes... hahahaa....

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Finger Eating Good

My colleagues held a small "Raya makan" in the office to mark the nearly ending Syawal... each of them prepared some food and brought them to the office.

Very nice gesture of them to treat us to these homecooked malay delicacies.... too bad I did not bring my camera to snap all the food displayed..

one of my colleagues laying out the food on the long table...
facing the camera are the main meals...

followed by some salads and sweeties...

love this fruit salad..
I think I "walloped"a lot of this.. hahaha...

my blue-eyed boy.... hahahaa...

I think the food is not enough, hor...
or perhaps this is FEG? Finger Eating Good?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Canon In Casuarina Hotel

After a "sponsored" healthy breakfast from Elin, I went to Casuarina Hotel to attend a seminar on Canon latest products. Not really an event... just a half day talk and demonstration...
hotel lobby leading to the conference room
Just on time... 9.30am...

Mr. Tony from Canon KL explaining the technology part of the printer

He worked in France before.. if I didn't hear wrongly...
and now he is with Canon for 5 years now..
gosh... his biography I can remember a bit
but not the technology part about Canon..
door gift... some Canon souvenirs

and then...the buffet lunch at 12pm...
so much food at the cafe ...
I took a bit of this and that.

2nd round... a bit of this and that too..

my desserts... some ice cream too..
gosh.. thanks to Canon for the buffet..
taken so much that I had to forgo my dinner...

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...