Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Buying Blogs And Links

Tonight I will be posting something very different... not about Food, not about Family... No "F" for this post...

Instead it will be about Purchase.... or Buying Blogs....

If you have a PR3 blog that is redundant, no more used by you, inactive, "frozen", do not let it go to waste....

I know of someone who is interested to buy up your PR3 "retired" blogs.... The price is not fixed, I am not sure because it depends on how "old" and "inactive" it is... not to worry, you can write to this lady and let her know your Blog URL and your price.

From there, you can negotiate directly with her.... she deals with buying blogs and links.

If you are interested, do write to her at

Mine one is PR3 .. but I am SURELY not selling.... cos it is still "young" and "fresh".... hahhaaa....


  1. Hi Claire. I have a PR 3 blog too but I am not selling it yet . Thanks for sharing. Enjoy!

  2. Looks like everything can be sold, hoh?

  3. I can't sell my blog cgro..ewan ko ba parang kadugtong n ng bituka..unless cgro kung hundreds of thousands na ang usapan (naconfuse sa sariling statement hehe)

  4. analou: me too...

    pam: everything has a price..

  5. gigi: money talks..

    semi: sorry, i dont understand.. :)

  6. Hi Shiela,

    How well do you know this person? Just wondering ... there are a lot of scammers out there.

  7. damn!!! shouldn't have relink my old blogspot to my current one... =(

  8. hmmm..interesting, i have old inactive one and twas a PR3 but when I check became N/A already..hahah!

    Good day Claire!

  9. dennison: my name is Reanaclaire :)

    henry: pr is page ranking...

    eric: hahaha...

    tejan: too bad...

  10. wow, nice sharing, blog selling. This is something new to me :)

  11. Hi Claire, visiting here.

    I heard others buying pr3 too but do not know who is who, I was wondering if your friend will buy PR2, My blog has PR2 and thinking of selling the domain only not the articles.

  12. first time i hear selling blog and PR3? gosh Im really no idea what is page ranking?

  13. Why would they wanna buy old blogs? I should start creating more and let them mature like old whiskey Chivas 18 years old blog! LOL

  14. Got this kind of biz dealings? That's very interesting. tQ for sharing. Yeah Twilight Man got his point we can start our blogs creation asap but must make sure PR3 first that's could be the hardest part to maintain haha.

  15. Hmmm, maybe I should start setting up a few blogs, make them PR3 then sell them! : )

  16. Claire, this is SO strange to me!! Why would anyone want to buy an old blog when you can start a new one free?

  17. Mine's P3...but it's not a private domain. Ya...I agree with Ginny 100%!

  18. May idea po ba kayo kung magkano? balak ko ibenta ung isa kong blog, kaso wala akong idea kung magkano presyuhan ng ganito :)

  19. any idea why would someone wants to spend money to buy a blog?

  20. hey thansk for sharing...never know got such a thing!

  21. isaac: yes, something new to me too until i read about it somewhere..

    shydub: sorry.. PR3 she wants..

    lifemuses: u can google page ranker..

    twilight: why dont u do that.. hahaa..

    bananaz: that is why.. pr3 not easy to maintain..hahaa..

    foong: please do that.. get rich! hahaha..

    ginny: yes, they can be sold.. pr3 is not easy to achieve and somemore, own domains ...

    kathy: sama-sama

    stp: wordpress cannot be sold unless own domain..ending with a

    lord: cannot understand la..

    lena; they have their reasons..

    angelin: they are many things we do not know too.. :)

  22. I wonder can sell for how much? RM100? RM1000?

    Hehehe, my rank not yet reach PR3, just kay poh asking :p

  23. Now i wonder,how can an old and inactive blog still commands PR3? guess i am just blog idiot ,hahahhahahaha

  24. A lot of hard work goes into my blog. I don't feeling like selling my blog too.

  25. How to be PR3? i am stucked in PR2 for years. I am also a blog idiot.

  26. yvonne: i think for redundant ones, not much... maybe around 100rm as u said..but then.. i also not sure..

    bf: hey, yours pr4..dont sell..

    yan: traffic.. make your blog jam up with bloggers coming in! :)

  27. eugene: funny..but it is true.. for a redundant blog, it still holds pr3 for lots of blogs.. i wonder how mr. G ranks at times..

  28. oh?? got such thing ah?? wonder why they are buying over since it's inactive, still able to have PR3??

  29. Hi Sheila.. muahahahhaha.... no way I'm selling my blog! No no no no no... :D

  30. sk: they can activate it back..

    merryn: hehee.. sheila..sounds not bad hor?

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...