Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Facing A Problem In FaceBook

HELP!! I NEED SOMEBODY.... HELP!!! *singing the Beatle's 1960's song* but I guess not many of us know this song... hahahaa... Out of the many blogs I came across, only a few are in the same "decade" as myself...

Ok, back to my topic.... I really need HELP from Facebook experts.... Pakar Mukabuku, sila tunjuk ajar...

Each time I put up a post in my FB, it shows my wrong locality, Kuala Lumpur. I am not in or near Kuala Lumpur so can someone tell me why it comes out like that? Can you teach me how to delete this location? How do I disable it? At present it comes out like this below...

· · 11 hours ago near Kuala Lumpur

I have tried here and there... go profile, go info, go here and there... till I am lost in my own Facebook... I didn't realise this until a few friends asked me why I was in KL when I am in Ipoh all the time... Funny geh...

Well, I really hope some FB experts can help me to disable the locality...

Thank you in advance!!

Solution achieved from Mr. G...
Go to your status bar, put your cursor there...and instantly the location appears at the bottom beside the "like"... if it shows Kuala Lumpur or what, just click the (x) besides it... sort of disabling it.. that is all.... So Easy, right??

Thanks again, Mr. G...


  1. I think I know how liao. Go to top right, Click on Profile, den go to 'Account Privacy Setting' to set it. >.<

  2. Don't give a damn. Once I was near Tatau (a rural town on the way to Bintulu)...and now I'm near Kuching. Don't think anybody's bothered - your friends would know who and where you are.

    Watch out with those where you tell people where you are - I hear crooks use those to trace your whereabouts and rob or kidnap you. Like ChrisAu, always breakfast at the same place and he announces it on Facebook - easy target, that one.

  3. P.S.
    ...but I don't think anybody would want to kidnap him. Blerk!!! Hahahahaha!!!!

  4. Actually it is a good thing you just ignore it. If any pervert or stalker wanna hunt you , at least they will go to wrong place... Heheh. Your true friends will know where you are. Like stp said, don't give a damn.

  5. Irene... I think it would be unwise... stalker may go to the wrong place, but what if someone knows her address and tries to rob her house when thinking she's not at home? If betul betul not at home, it's okay, at least only barang hilang, but what if they get vicious and have weapons and threatens her and her entire family? I dunno... I would not want that thing to happen, especially if I have children! Better be safe than sorry. just my two cents... but if people out there dun gv a damn about their privacy and security, why should I care, right? Their lives, their problems. I'm just a paranoid, as they say.

  6. You can try Help Centre at FB. They will respond la but takes around 1 week

  7. I tried to help so I logged on to FB. The biggest joke is... I found out that mine is also Kuala Lumpur and I have no idea how to change it... haha

  8. Cleff: i know how to do already.. hahaha..

    stp: anyway, it is good to be cautious.. esp with our address.. chris ah? hahaha.. rugi if kidnap him.. hahhaa..

    irene: they tot i go KL.. and KL friends asked me why i go to KL never find them.. :)

    cleff: now u made me scared also.. hahaha...

    kathy: actually i asked a sifu already..

    pam: i will write the solution now in the post.. very easy only..

  9. i just looked at mine too..there are 2 boxes beneath your post, one is "who are you with" and the other one is "where are you". yeah, just clicked on that, can just change the location from there..

  10. Mm.. I never noticed about this 1 lah.. need to know also lah.. I guess need to go check mine 1st.. ;-p

  11. great that you found the solution Claire! :)

    btw, regarding the innit gathering issue, i'm still not sure what happened there. Will ask again from the admin, smsed her but no reply. :)

  12. I never use Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter so cannot help you. Glad you found the solution to your problem, though.

  13. Mukabuku - is that the local name for it? LOL, did you make that up?

  14. When i was young and almost yonger than today,,blah blah blah,

    for me i don't much about FB,,, so i just simply tembak one

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. it's better to just share with your friends only..

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Just go to setting or just 'off' the button whenever you want to share something at the status bar..

  19. Not really an expert so can't help you.. But see so many people commented already I guess your problem is solved?

  20. lena : yes, i saw that after Mr. G taught me.. :)

    cath: found it?

    isaac: i am added back again! :)

    gigi: yes, found already.. thanks!

    evelyn: direct translation.. haha...

    eugene: i m also like u la.. blur one..

    wenn: yeah.. in a way... safer...

  21. Err.. wait, where's the status bar?? :P

  22. yvoone: the one box which says.. "what's on your mind"..

  23. Medie, i also didnt realize till they told me..

  24. never give too much information out in FB :p have your privacy settings set to the best hidden of most information :).

  25. I don't care much about Facebook. More of a Twitter user haha!! So the default is KL? Just nice for me lah like this LOL!


Thank you, readers!

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