Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Home Sick Work Blog

Last night I felt something not right already.... nose itchy and the phlegm getting stuck somewhere in my throat.... Then quickly thought of office... any leftover work or not? Target dates to meet? Urgent? sigh... my mind just couldn't think already...

Sick or not, got to get my girl to school on time... reaching home, sleepiness gone... might as well do some work... HOUSEWORK... aiyoh... so lazy.... throw rubbish, wash Labbie's shit..!@#%$.. hung up clothes.. etc..etc...... by the time I finished them, I need to visit Mr. Doctor!

First patient in the clinic... had a good chat with Mr. Doctor BUT feeling heartbroken after that....
After the visit, quickly went home to heal my stomach...

Managed to cook this up by 10.30am....

porridge with minced meat, salted egg, dried scallops...
either I was too hungry or it was too nice... (ahem...)
I walloped two plates of these....

This is called Homesick Work...
Eat Blog, Sick Also Blog...
tsk... tsk...tsk......

A right timing to get Sick?
Mr. Doctor gave me two days... today and tomorrow...
Friday is Malaysia Day... and.................
I will be at HOME for 5 WHOLE DAYS!!!
don't envy me.. not good to be unwell...
Mr. GP Doc charged me RM40.00 for the visit!
I am heartbroken... so expensive, u noe...
better go Government Hospital next time...
ooopss.. what did I say??


  1. take care and rest well... be good for the 5 days ya...

  2. aijor...Claire, at this time you should be resting. Anyway, speedy recovery and enjoy ur holiday

  3. oh well, Klinik charges is berry expensive . . .

    at least you can cook your porridge with dried scallop ;P

    My mum use to cook those for me with "pork ribs" opps not halal di LOL

  4. oh dear...a lot of people are sick during this time. Take care and get well soon. So envy you got 5 days of rest !

  5. Go scrap back... Instant cure and relief!

  6. Oh dear, so sorry to hear you are not well :( RM40 to see a GP is expensive. Maybe try natural healing way next time......massage, lemon drink etc. Could it be due to too much mooncakes?...haha. I really hope you recover very soon. Porridge is sure good at this time. Please take care.

  7. cyn: thanks! i will be Good! :)

    yeeling: holiday? hehehe.. ok..

    kianfai: i also used pork .. nicer one..

    mnhl: dont envy me.. sick not good one..

    stp: what is scrap?

  8. Mary, thanks! mooncakes too much? no la.. not enough yet.. still missing yours one.. hahaa..

  9. RM40 is claimable right? I am jealous at your 5 non-working days. My company has changed Friday holiday to Saturday. 1 full off day has become half day holiday, my company clever ho?

  10. Claire:

    I don't go to the private doc because of the charges. Even if I go to Klinik Kesihatan, I never ask for any medical chit. Staying at home makes me feel guilty because my students will be left unattended, my colleagues need to relieve my classes. Teaching is different from working in the office. When you are absent from work, your work is still yours. It's a matter of the difference in the height of the papers being piled up on your table. However, my student will miss the lesson if I fail to turn up in school. As a result, in order to catch up with the syllabus, I will be rushing like hell thus making it difficult for students to fully comprehend the content taught. Not fair for the young ones... I am the one and only teacher who has never taken medical leave before, since I began my service.

  11. I am not envious, getting sick is not a good thing at all..... :P

    Anyway, speedy recovery to you!!

  12. Sick still blog hop.. hahaha.. Take care, rest well and drink more water. I was once charged RM80++ for my boy's clinic visit. They just "hantam" Augmentin so that they can charge more regardless if it's viral or bacterial infection. :(

  13. So I guess its not too early for me to wish you happy holiday XD

    Get well soon and take care =)

  14. Too much mooncake, eh and partly due to the hazy weather. Take care and get well soon.

  15. Claire, take good care ya. Never mind lar the RM40... Get some rest ya.


  16. Get well soon! RM40 not reasonable in Ipoh? Nowadays my normal buffet *economy rice* lunch easily cost RM5.00 already. Used to be RM3.80-RM4.50. Know why you seldom get sick have not been visiting Dr for a long long time? Thought sick must eat mee sua haha *my old folks' recipe echoing Cleffairy & +Ant+ in STP's post*.

  17. sheohyan: like that also can? your boss should give friday afternoon and saturday off... hahaha...

    pam: reading this makes me feel so guilty.. cos i m not as responsible as u... when i get sick, i really take off work.. it is a torture for me to be in the office feeling unwell, spreading the "germs" to my colleagues.. hahahaa.. the doc just told me to sleep alone, this flu can easily spread so i better stay away from my girl and my friends from today... :)

    hayley: dont envy me.. hahaa..

    inspiredmum: yes, antibiotics for 3 days and dont go anywhere! doc advice! hahaa..

    daniel: happy and get well holiday! :)

    irene: too much food, i think! thanks anyway!

    angelin: sweet of u.. thanks!

    bananaz: yeah, those days used to buy one box of misua and cook..nowadays, lazy liow.. just eat bread or porridge! so chamz

    kathy: sigh...mana boleh.. ah..

    yuinting: thanks!!!

  18. Sick aso blog ah...take a rest and rest blog, sleep and sleep and eat and you will get well soon but knowing blog lagi sick ! hahaha so carry on and I see you on Monday. I also off tomorrow. Sit and watch drama :) heehee so shiok !

  19. wahhh...u also take leave? why leh... no me, cannot work ah? hahaha...

  20. see, you must be reading my comments now..haha..better go to sleep early, friend!

  21. lena.. i believe you are super woman.. hahaha...

  22. take good care of yourself Miss claire:-)


  23. Sorry you are sick today. Relax for 5 days. I am so glad I am retired and don't have to report to work anymore. However, I do have to babysit my grandson 4 days a week... Hope you feel better soon, Claire!

  24. So, so sorry, Claire!!! What did the doctor say is wrong? Did you catch something from someone? Did he give medicine to help? I hope you get well fast!!!

  25. I have never tried porridge with minced meat, looks good.
    Hope you get feeling better soon,

  26. take care and have a good rest during these 5days off..dont 'work' so hard..if u know what i mean..haha..
    p/s: thanks for accepting my friendship..:-)

  27. veta: thanks!

    gigi: Happy babysitting!

    ginny: doc said flu.. asked me not to spread around.. haha...thanks!

    cami: thanks for first time coming by..

    angelin: i know what you mean.. :)

  28. haha, but seems like you're not sick at all, still carry on life like normal!! hehe.. get well soon and celebrate malaysia day tomorrow~~ :)

  29. hope you enjoy your time
    and feel GREAT soon!

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  30. get well soon claire. last week my entire family went down, william, me and ethan and it costs us rm300++. heart-broken too... sigh...

    u have a good rest okay?

  31. sk: seeing is believing! :)

    cloudia: thanks!!

    merryn: expensive.. i better not complain..

  32. yeah, even GP charges are quite high these days; it's higher if you go to a private hospital's Emergency dept. even if you only get to see an M.O.

  33. Your bowl of porridge look delish. I am a porridge person, sick or no sick, i can have porridge. Yum!

    Hope you already fully recover by now. :)


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