Friday, September 16, 2011

Malaysia Day And My Dashed Plans

Today is Malaysia Day, a day where we do not have to work... a day where I have planned to go to Tanjung Tualang with my two kids to eat "seafood".... but it didn't materialize because of my cough, cold and fever = flu.

I have planned two weeks before, either to go Tg Tualang or Taiping for our day trip... sigh... too bad... dashed plans...

Thank goodness my kids are not all too excited to go for "Eating trips" like I do...thus...they are not disappointed at all... yes, not at all as yours truly here......

Or perhaps... this morning they have their "dosage" already... they had "Hongkong Dim Sum" for brunch... and are having "Italian pasta" for dinner!

As for me, I am still waiting for my buns to come home... not so sad actually, I am watching the Li-Ning China Masters Badminton championship on Astro 811. The "always defeating" KKK/TBH will be on next!


  1. I also had to cancel my plans with friends for the weekend because of a bad sore throat. T___T
    Hope you get well soon! :)

  2. Kesian... Old engine, cannot run so fast and furious anymore. Slow down, relax...get a good rest...and the best place to do that - Sibu! Come! Come! LOL!!!

  3. laura: u too? speedy recovery!

    stp: sibu and ipoh.. best place for retirees.. hahaha...

  4. kathy: sigh...

    gta: thanks! i want to...

  5. hope you are all well to go to work on monday..

  6. Aiyoh... kesian betul. Mesti jaga body baik-baik tau?

    The keys to recovery:
    1. Eat more
    2. Drink more
    3. Sleep more

    Get well soon...

  7. So sad you are still sick, does the medicine help? Your kids need to be cooking for YOU now!!

  8. It is always a pity when plans get canceled due to sickness.


  9. Aw, that's too bad about having to cancel your plans. But, hey! Hong Kong dim sum is to die for! I loved the dim sum at the Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong last year. It's the best place for freshly made dim sum!!! Want to go back just for that!

  10. Aww.. Sorry to hear that.. Hope everything will be fine soon.. Take care!

  11. It's the weather dear...I'm down with flu, running nose and cough and so is my wife...just hope that we don't pass this to baby Chenya...Ryan has just recovered....anyway..wish you a speedy recovery...

  12. Oh kesian, still not getting better. Hope you have a speedy recovery!.... Take care, Claire.

  13. lena: dont remind me of work.. hahaha..

    pam: thanks.. i will go buy fruits.. no more in fridge! sigh..

    ginny: oh, they cook, might as well, buy from outside.. :)

    filip: yeah.. unexpectedly..

    gigi: yes..hongkong is famous for their dim sum..

    bella: thanks!!

    daddy: u too? hope all is well..

    irene: today better a bit.. bout of antibiotics taken!

  14. I spent my three days holidays, watching korean drama!! 3 days finish 30 episode. tsk tsk tsk..


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...