Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday Raya To The Fullest!

This morning we were invited to a Raya feast (muslims celebration), this time on a bigger scale where there were stalls serving all types of malay delicacies.

I will let the pictures tell the story...

the VIP tables with live band...

lemang with curry chicken

I took a plate of this... couldn't resist the curry...

followed by a bowl of malay laksa...
oh, I ate a plate of fried koay teow too but forgot to take picture..

I wanted to take satay...but seeing the crowd...
aiyah.... I changed my mind...

VIP watching a Teh Tarik man doing his "stunt"

Curry chicken again?
sigh..should I take or not?

Of course ended up taking some.... heheheeee..

then lastly opted for some desserts...

the Cendol husband/wife team...

Surely I won't resisst this, will I??
This is the Best of All!!

Ok, let me rest first... took so much FOOD...
My stomach is so FULLLLLL.....

Hearing that, my friend said..
"hey, wanna BET WHO has the "full-er" stomach??"


  1. Today was certainly a fun day; no Monday blues! ;)
    You look really nice in the outfit :)

  2. They really enjoy throwing jamuan hoh? But good for the nons, at least get to eat for free. The Malay teachers in my school are very generous people, they always invite Chinese teachers to their 'tempat sembunyi' for food.

  3. wow, really a lot of food!! and a big crowd too, haha!! look at how the satay is being pursued by the guys~~ :D

  4. gratitude: yes, this is once a year affair..

    pam: we dont get this often.. once the syawal month is over, back to normal life.. more makans..

    sk: yeah.. highlight of the day!

  5. You look very nice in your outfit. I like to eat chicken satay with peanut sauce. Delicious!

  6. Such a full stomach can not be from one party.


  7. Still Raya kah? I think last day no more eating! LOL!!! No lah...your friend cannot beat me lah!!! Mine's a lot bigger! much nice food to eat. memang 1Malaysia hor... Good! Good!

  8. wow i forgot how long the raya celebrations lasted for. so syok la! :)

  9. chris, memang kenduri ma..

    gigi: wow, you know satay too...

    filip: that is just a joke.. :)

    stp: gosh..u are still Number 1 then!!

  10. adam, normally a month long.. hahaha...

  11. Oh my...the food is so nicely displayed and looks so good. I would be standing at the dessert table for a long time!

  12. I really really really really miss celebrating raya like this. You really had jolly lots of fun! So nice :D

  13. Raya is over but still get to eat so many Raya food, how nice!!

  14. really like the muhibbah spirit here..

  15. cheryl: we have sweet tooth, dont we..

    daniel: gaining by the kilos.. hahaa..

    hayley: one month ma...

    lena : makan spirit... :p

  16. Syiok! many nice food and desserts. You should have put on loose type of dress to give space for your stomach, hehehe. Anyway you look nice in your outfit.

  17. Claire, how come u r not in baju kurung..ehheheh..

    Haizz....looking at the food, I need to go and get a pcs of hanky to stop the saliva dripping out.

  18. irene: i wore a very loose one yesterday.. purposely.. hahaha...

    ling: cos i always wear baju kurung.. at least once a week..

  19. I like the punjabi suit you were wearing.

  20. enjoy first then sweat out later.. how can one resist when sees so many yummy food right in front of him/her. p/s: you can bring your Labbie for more evening walks to burn out the fats after the great feast :)

  21. makan la... i suppose it's your last Raya feast for the year.. Luckily you pakai traditional costume.. eat full full also kenot see :D :D :D

  22. I hope you won't get the diarrhea that I had on my Raya kenduri. Your celebration looked grand and nice.


Thank you, readers!

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