Tuesday, September 20, 2011

OH Sushi ! Oh Pocket !

Yours truly heaved a sigh of relief....her trial exam finished today... she was all smiles when she came out of the school.... I asked her why she smiled... "Very easy ah, Biology?"  She answered, "No la, don't ask.." "Then why so happy?" I asked again...

"You forgot?  You said after my exam today, you take me for "Good Food!"..... Ohhh..oh....... no wonder I cannot remember.... somebody is going to burn my pocket tonight!!

Anyway... I was very hungry... or should I say... both of us were very hungry by the time we reached De Gardens... she chose Oh Sushi to celebrate the last day of her SPM trials... what can I say??
When we entered, the staff greeted us... er... "Welcome" in Japanese.. (I think...) 

My girl ordered this... Cucumber Maki... I like them too...
Very crunchy.. sweet...but don't know what I was really eating actually..
next was the Miso Ramen with chicken...
first time eating this.. crispy salmon skin roll... prefer more salmon flesh..
each of us have 3 pieces... very filling already by then...
our dessert Pineapple Sorbet...never tasted it before too..
My girl looked away when the bill came... my 6 days meal allowance gone  :)


  1. I heard there're lots of Japanese restaurant around Ipoh~

  2. I think I went to this Jap restaurant before... oh sushi@ de garden..... Definitely ur gal feel more relief now..... Well done yeah...

  3. hayley, yes, as far as I know.. there are quite a number now.. more than korean definitely...

    angelin: not sure how.. but good to see her relax for a change..

  4. whoa!! jap foods!! i likey!! LOL! once in a while give her a treat oso nice one ma! :p see she happily smiling thr!! :P

  5. is the ramen nice? your girl really happy go lucky type..

  6. Wah daughter no eye see when the bill arrived? lolz. Hey your treat after the trial exam no T & C apply one kah? Passed only Jap food if feilo then roti canai? hahahaha.

  7. nvm... it's a treat for your girl after all her hard work during the past weeks. next time when she works ask her to belanja you something more geng XD

  8. Even if your whole week's lunch allowance is gone, I know you had a nice time with your daughter.

  9. trial exam already cost you 6 days meal allowance.. so it should be one month meal allowance for the real one.. haha!! :D

  10. carol: dont know why she loves Japanese food!

    lena: not bad actually... miso soup, u like or not? i prefer the maggi mee soup.. hahaha...

    bananaz: fei lo eat cane? hahaha.. last time my parents used to use that term... sik sar teng..

    yingying: i hope she takes me to asian cuisine and not japanese food... :)

    patty: as long as she is happy.. :)

    sk: oh dear, i better start saving now? :)

  11. Doing well in the exam is the only way our children / students can repay us... I wish her all the best in her actual SPM exam in Nov.

  12. wahahah! she so pandai look away when bill come. :) Wish her all the best for her exams too. If do well, must ask her to get you to bring her to those 5 star Japanese food in hotels. Lol!

  13. no sushi can compare with the sushi we had in Tokyo. I came back to Hawaii, and, bleh!!! The sushi in Hawaii wasn't as fresh. But, I try to avoid sashimi (raw fish), though.

    Congrats to your girl for finishing her exams.

  14. Looks like you took her to a very fancy place! The food all looks very very good! She is lucky to have you for a mom. You asked me about the eraser price, I think they were two for one dollar.

  15. Never mind, it's only money. After all, she has worked hard...and deserves a treat. I would do the same for my daughter - never mind, pocket kosong.

  16. lucky student- lovely Mom!

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  17. pam: thanks.. hope she will.. just try her best..

    isaac: wahh..dont let her see this.. hahaha..

    gigi: not yet finished.. just the trials.. not the actual one.. :)

    ginny: yes.. our first time there..

    stp: all for the love of our girl, right?

    cloudia: poor mum? hehehee.

  18. Doesn't look nice leh...the first one looks messy and the second one slightly better and the pineapple sorbet looks like soy milk jelly....maybe your handphone cam did not do the sushi justice LOL! Just kidding....as long as Fernie enjoyed herself that is most important...bonding time ma :) so for the next 6 days no breakfast and lunch la...good for me, I need to go on diet too...save my calories and save my pocket too :p

  19. Wah, your girl got motivation already. Completed trial exam - Japanese food.
    If completed real exam, can go to Japan? Kekeke....

  20. I think yr daughter deserves a good meal after all the hard work she put in her exam.

  21. Nice food shots Reana :) Funny how you put caption on your girl's photo.


  22. Elin: i m not a fan of japanese food but i love the cucumber maki.. crunchy and sweet though a bit pricey there..

    ken: agree lo..

    yvonne: i dare not think! hahaha..

    irene: tonight will eat cheap food.. :)

    mhar: just for fun.. hahaah..

  23. mother and daughter bonding time. I am sure Fernie appreciate that, when she grow up, she will sayang you x2! That time is her to bring you for expensive food. :)

  24. hmmm...looks so yummy, guess, I love to eat this.

  25. She can temporary relieve a bit before preparing for the real exam. A good food can her all smile, it is very worthy.

  26. Cool mum ! Must continue to motivate her .... awww....i love sushi

  27. Haha...Claire, your girl has good taste! Your worry is her joy :P But then money can't buy those precious times with her. One day she will fly from the nest. I'm glad that you had a great time with her :D

  28. annie: i will let her see your comment here! hahaa..

    sharing/giving: they are not bad but pricey..

    yan: tonight will go for cheaper food.. hahaa..

    mnhl: myself, once awhile can lar..

    mary: i dread that day.. i think i follow her to college.. hahaa...

  29. wei...worth it lah...she been working hard

  30. wow..that must be one luxury treat for that nite. The food really looks good.

  31. wah... pain lor my heart reading the voice of a mum... but my parents never complained. maybe i should start to be thrifty.

  32. im sure ur daughter appreciate the effort u put in to support her with good food!! i know i definitely will :D

  33. been there once. I was not allowed to take pic of the menu.

  34. The sushi looks very special.


  35. its really not cheap to dine in Jap restaurant. if only we can acquire the art of making Jap food..its all about art and taste, isn't it?


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