Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday Night Fever No More

What a Fast Saturday! Time really flies like it is only twelve hours per day instead of twenty four!

Woke up at 8am - sent girl to school without brushing or washing my face... (smelly.. who cares!)

8.30am Reaching home, mum called to go for breakfast... (quickly brushed and washed face then)

9.30am After breakfast, sister came to do my hair... straightening... free of charge! nice leh....

11am - watched our Malaysian men doubles played their game in Japan Live.... lost again as expected....

1pm - sent my girl to Jaya Jusco.... rushed back to watch Lee Chong Wei played and won the singles set....

4.30pm - drove to Jaya Jusco and went shopping alone while waiting for girl to finish her movie at 5pm...

6.00pm - We took dinner in Black Canyon.... took our own sweet time and then suddenly remember have to go church and Labbie was not fed yet!

7.10pm - Reached home, fed Labbie, took shower to get ready for church. Labbie barked cos she wanted to do "business".... quickly took her out and thank God, she did her "business" very fast indeed....

7.55pm - To church on time... hahahaa...

10 pm - Here I am .... blogging away... heaving a sigh of relief that I can finally sit down and do my own private stuff...

11pm - hmmmm...what shall I do.... wanna go Jive? Disco? *yawn* .....

Better go to sleep, Auntie!! Saturday Night Fever is not happening anymore......


  1. What a day, What a life!!! Way to go, girl! What could be worse than having NOTHING to do? lol.

  2. gigi, yeah..thank God we are fully occupied.. no time to do housework! hahaha...

  3. what a hectic day..have a good rest & gd nite..claire..:)

  4. Good night and sleep tight, hardworking mother...

  5. And I bet your favorite thing of the whole day was either church or blogging? Getting to rest with the computer? I always love hearing about your day! There is never enough time in the day for me, either. I guess there would be if I would get up earlier, but I am a late sleeper, always have been.

  6. Eh...auntie..Nowadays cannot find those discos with glittering globes already. You better sleep early la..... Heheheh...

  7. Sounds like a very busy day for you. I hate rush, rush days, I end up feeling like I didn't get half accomplished that I wanted to. Happy Sunday.

  8. Sigh...old age!!! Want Saturday Night Fever, have to sleep whole day...and rest the whole week after that!

  9. lol! oh my.. den i really should start partying from now. otherwise when im old, it will not be happening anymore. =S

  10. hahaha... yes...old auntie here slept like a log.. and woke up 9am.. to do housework!! sien!

  11. Wow! That's a hectic day indeed! If you still have energy for Saturday Night Fever, then I really have to salute you! LOL!

  12. Though it wasn't happening, it was eventful too. I would prefer to go to bed early on weekends.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...