Monday, October 24, 2011


Sitting in the office all alone during lunch time is something very rare... and today is one of those days I am alone again....

Feeling nothing much better to do, I went through my pendrives to delete whatever necessary and lo and behold.. I found some interesting pictures there.....

And suddenly an idea came to my mind... A GUESSING GAME!!!

And the prize? Well, frankly speaking, I was given an exclusive gift from a Big Company recently.... and since I am not utilizing it in a way, why not be given away to the First Correct Commentor who get all the 10 answers correct...................

the white thing is for decorative purposes only.. :)

Very easy only.... just name the "Person/Persons" taken with Andy in the wax museum!
Ok, let's start with this first picture...
1) Who is Andy with? Very easy, right?

2) this is super easy!!
Love Andy and his sense of humour....
3) oopps.. I also don't know who this is.. do you?
4) but at least I know this man....
only problem is.... he doesn't know me.. haiyah!!
5) How about him?
after this, I must go ask my son for the answers!
6) AT the Royal Throne..
7) Andy's buddy.. sort of Hero!
8) Who is this? Looks familiar..

9) hehee...this is easy!
but I forgot his name... hahaha..
It just slipped off my mind...
lastly and not least....
10) those who don't know him ought to disconnect from the PC now!
that is all... easy like ABC... LOL...
(now I must go and find my answers before u all do!)


  1. 1. Tiger Woods
    2. James Bond - Pierce Brosnan
    3. No Idea
    4. No Idea
    5. No Idea
    6. Queen Elizabeth
    7. Albert Einstein
    8. No Idea
    9. Eddie Murphy
    10. George W. Bush

  2. hahahaa... Daniel.. their names "No Idea" sounds good!!

  3. Yalor...all those Chinese personalities...dunno lah! Disconnecting too.... LOL!!!

  4. I'm with Daniel, would have no idea who the others are. Sorry. Hope you have a lot taking part in your contest.

  5. We also did this in London.


  6. 1. Tiger Wood
    2. Pierce Brosman (James Bond)
    3. (?)
    4. Li Ka Shing
    5. Jiang Ze Ming
    6. Queen Elizabeth/Prince Phillip
    7.Albert Einstein
    8. Hu Jin Tao
    9. Eddie Murphy
    10.Geroge W. Bush

  7. i have total no idea who the Asians are... =.= so much for being Asian myself.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 1. Tiger Wood
    2. Pierce Brosnan
    3. Yang LiWei
    4. Li Ka-Shing
    5. Jiang ZeMin
    6. Queen Elizabeth/Prince Philip/Princess Anne
    7. Albert Einstein
    8. Hu Jin Tao
    9. Eddie Murphy
    10.George W. Bush

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. my answers:
    1. Tiger Woods
    2. Pierce Brosnan (James Bond)
    3. Yang Li Wei 楊利偉
    4. Li Ka Shing 李嘉誠
    5. Jiang Ze Min 江澤民
    6. Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Princess Anne
    7. Albert Einstein
    8. Hu Jin Tao 胡錦濤
    9. Eddie Murphy
    10. George Walker Bush

  12. wow... so pandai one u all!!
    I think i got to make more difficult images next time.. hahaha.....

  13. actually what's the prize to be given away?? the red envelope?? haha..

  14. sk, not red envelope.. not so big ang pow.. hahaha...

  15. Oh I know all the answers but SK beaten me to it! Damn!! I went to this Madame Tussauds in Hong Kong too last March! : )

  16. hehe, the early Panda catches the bamboo shoots!! i think i should be the winner right, though there are others who came earlier than me, but i think my answers are more accurate~~ :p

  17. foong: so who is the fast worker here? not to worry... i will hold guessing games on and off.. it is fun!!

    sk: hehehe... i will reveal tomorrow.. stay tuned!

  18. yay, can i copy and paste? Lol!!

    anyway, is that the wax museum in hong kong? Madame tussaud? or something like that

  19. Yes, these were taken in Hongkong 4 years ago..

  20. Too bad I came late ,, so no big company give away, small company can kah?

  21. I copy and paste from [SK], hahahah

    my answers:
    1. Tiger Woods
    2. Pierce Brosnan (James Bond)
    3. Yang Li Wei 楊利偉
    4. Li Ka Shing 李嘉誠
    5. Jiang Ze Min 江澤民
    6. Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Princess Anne
    7. Albert Einstein
    8. Hu Jin Tao 胡錦濤
    9. Eddie Murphy
    10. George Walker Bush

  22. eugene: next time i sms u ? hahaha.. just kidding..

    daniel: like that also can ah? ask SK to share share prize can? hahahaa..

  23. They are so difficult. I never been to this wax museum and my history sucks. So, don't know most of them. haha.... [SK] so fast.

  24. I only know... ANDY! Muahahahhaa..

  25. I enjoy reading your post more than winning the prize so I am not going to guess. Right now, I am reserving all my strength to guess whether the answers scribbled by the students in their answer scripts are correct or not... squeezing every drop of fluid from my inner cells.

  26. mnhl: they look familiar to me too.. hahaha...

    merryn: andy and aaron!

    pam: yeah, i wouldnt want u to lose your energy over this.. hahaha... wait till school hols!

  27. huuhuhu..i only know some :(

  28. [SK] got them all right..anyway here's my answer with a twist.

    1. Just Wood It
    2. Pierce Br007snan
    3. Mr Tak Tahu
    4. Lee Can Sing & I can sing too.
    5. President born before Hu Jintao
    6. QE2, Prince & Princess
    7. MC2
    8. Who *Hu* is the President of PROC.
    9. Party all the time, EM.
    10. Sadam's Best Friend "Beat Up Sadam Hussein"

  29. Bananaz, I seriously would like to give you a treat for doing these with a twist!! hahahaha... *clap clap*

  30. I am very lousy with those Asian personalities, so how?? Cham! So let the winner get the prize! look forward to the results and answers! :p

  31. nice guessing game, reanaclaire.. but i only got like 5 ourt of 10 haha! thanks for the fun <3

  32. Only know few of them nia..lain all dunno who la.


Thank you, readers!

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