Friday, October 28, 2011

Char Yuen In Kampar 36 Stalls

Continuation from my previous Kampar post.... after our lunch, we walked around the town to look for "char yuen." (fried balls) A friend told us that there is one famous stall selling "fried balls" and asked us to buy back for her.

walking and asking around... for "char yuen"

the old bus station...

passed by an old shopping store..

and finally we found them!

One auntie told us that this place is called "36 stalls"

there are 36 stalls here...

and we stopped at where the crowd was....

so this is the stall that sells "char yuen"
I smelled Laksa too.. but we were too full to try...

opted for a bowl of ice kacang instead...

and these are Char Yuen !!
(fried balls)
and you know how much they cost???
You won't believe it..
They only cost 10 sen each!!
(usd 3 cents)
GOSH... talking about cheap.....
never heard of 10 sen food for so long already!


  1. Bananazą®‡ said...
    Wah 36 stalls selling char yuen..hahaha juz kiddding. What are the balls made of, fish or pork?
    October 27, 2011 8:16 PM

    reanaclaire said...
    no la.. not 36 stalls selling.. like that, no biz liow! it is kind of sweet though.. but not like those fish balls.. this is like batter balls to me.. flour like.. but taste not bad though..
    October 27, 2011 8:54 PM

  2. Pam said...
    10 cents??? Do the stall operator know that it's 2011 now, RM0.10 carries almost zero value already... Must go and try it out one day.
    October 27, 2011 9:04 PM

    reanaclaire said...
    yeah.. when my fren told me that it was 10 sen, i couldnt believe her at first... we bought 80 only for 8rm!
    October 27, 2011 9:26 PM

  3. s.H.u.Y.|.n.G said...
    kampar, my bf hometown... u should try the chau yuan go with their asam laksa lo~
    October 27, 2011 9:45 PM

    reanaclaire said...
    yes..the laksa has a nice smell.. but we were too full.. next time.. next time, will try!
    October 27, 2011 10:41 PM

  4. lena said...
    never heard of these fried balls, fish meat or just plain flour? 10cents is really cheap, cant even think of what can be bought with 10cents..
    October 27, 2011 11:05 PM

  5. gigihawaii said...
    You always find delicious food in the most unlikely places. Those fried balls look delicious. I like anything fried, actually.
    October 27, 2011 11:55 PM

    Daniel Chiam said...
    I always read your blog at the wrong timing... super hungry... =.=
    October 28, 2011 12:12 AM

    Ann said...
    Vote for my story, you can vote once a day.

    If you can't go to the blog, it should vote.

    I have not eaten these Char Yuen.
    October 28, 2011 2:00 AM

    Ginny said...
    You can't get anything for that price here, people won't even pick up one cent on the street if they see it laying there. So what is this, bread, meat??
    October 28, 2011 4:40 AM

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sorry for the confusion of comments.. i rearranged them due to some publishing problem.. I will answer your comments here..

    Lena: there taste ok but of course not fish paste.. but something crunchy to eat.. 10 sen.. i can say no complaint..

    gigi: fried..unhealthy.. but still eat.. moderately.. hahaa..

    daniel: ok, tomorrow no food post! :)

    ann: i voted already! :p

    ginny: yes! same here.. 5 sen also people wont pick up.. hahaha..

  8. haha, they don't look like balls to be but nuggets!! wow, 10 sen per piece is quite cheap eih.. and what's inside the char yuen actually?? pork??

  9. No SK.. dont think it is pork.. maybe flour a bit.. fish a bit.. some spices a bit.. hahaha.. small ones.. can just throw one into the mouth and chewy chewy!

  10. they look delicious! :)

    my Paisley Giveaway is ending soon! WIN a giant shopper, shoes and chocolates!!!

  11. so happy to accompany you!

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  12. cheap for sure, but what is Char Yuen?

  13. fashioneggplant: coming!!

    mery: 10sen no complaints.. hahaa..

    cloudia: yes!

    merryn: i also dont know... they taste good somehow.. :)

  14. This is the place I go and makan everytime I go back home...I love the beef noodle (I have been eating their noodles since I was in form three when they were located just opposite my church then) and the asam laksa..something we used to have for supper after we finished our youth meetings ...arrr...good old memories when we were younger and busy chasing girls ...hehehehe

  15. char yuan is actually homemade fried fish ball~

  16. This is the first time I heard about Char Yuen... I bet they taste good!

  17. 36 stalls? Not sure is this the same place i went last time. A big place with a lot food stalls. I remember there is an old man fried CKT and he is sitting on a stool, look very interesting.

    Oh, that char yuen look so good and yummy!!

  18. walao so cheap! here 10 cents is like, not even one biji of sweet ler...

  19. Arrhh Char Yuen! Very addictive, but who cares! lol

    Nice site btw. followed you. :-) Have a nice weekend!

  20. 10 sen ??!!! Are you kidding???This was so really cheap !!!

  21. never heard this before but it definitely looks very crispy and I love crispy food. furthermore 10 sen...walau..mana cari nowadays. even gula-gula also no more 10 sen joh.

  22. So cheap and 36 stalls! Sounds tempting leh.. Gotta go on a makan trip soon! :)

  23. daddy: wow.. that place holds sweet memories then! hahaha..

    shuying: they taste not bad..hor!

    hayley: cheap and nice, i would say..

    annie: didnt see old man frying there...

    medie: yeah lor.. can buy one sweet...

    coffeegirl: thanks.. i will go to yours!

    yummylittlecooks: yeah lo..i was also amazed too! hahaha..10 sen.. goodness!!

    littlekitboy: so darn cheap! hahaha..

    inspiredmum: but i saw only one stall laku! hahaha..

    kathy: i havent tried the noodles cos too full already!

  24. Must go to Ipoh for 1 full week to eat all the cheap and good food there! Can never find in Sarawak even!
    TQ for the food inform. Can u b our give tour next time?


Thank you, readers!

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