Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Conclusion - Riverfront Teluk Intan

My last episode on my one-day-trip to Teluk Intan will end in this post...

For lunch, we were taken to this shop....

Wang Kee Bah Kut Teh...
Tour guide told us that the locals here like to take BKT
with a dish of steamed fresh fish...

a table of 10 persons..
each of us paid RM12 ($4.00) for lunch...

Bak Kut Teh... meat with varieties..

steamed fish is a Must...
Fresh fish are abundant in Teluk Intan....

among the dishes, this was the best..
sweet, sour, spicy fish fillets...

this was not so good...
spicy sotong...

followed by a combination of these vege...

During the evening around 5pm, we were taken to the Riverfront Park....

the entrance...

some wanted to buy fresh prawns...
but all were sold off before they could buy...

as for me, I prefer to walk around...

and looked around... it was so quiet....

and serene...
so might as well enjoyed the riverfront scenic sky...

even the playground was quite empty....
well, that's the end of my Teluk Intan trip....
phewww..... tired already!


  1. Too bad the signs are in Malaysian, as I never would be able to get around as a tourist. When I was in Tokyo in 2008, I had to hire a taxi to take me to certain restaurants, because I could not read the signs in Japanese!

  2. so hungry to see all the yummy food... :D

  3. gigi: not to worry.. there are english signs here and malaysians know english very well too!

    cath: actually not that nice.. haaha..

  4. nice..I hvn't actually explored Teluk Intan..

  5. The steamed fish looks very good.


  6. Cool really big mushrooms!! I'm sorry the trip is over.

  7. wenn: if not for my neighbour, i wouldnt have gone too..

    filip: yes, over there famous for their fresh fish..

    ginny: for decoration purposes only .. :)

  8. The last picture reminds me of The Smurf. Do you live in one of the mushrooms?

  9. Come to Sibu... I think you will find that the food here is nicer. Don't believe, ask Shereen lah... She misses Sibu and the food here sooooo much! Wink! Wink!

  10. P.S. Sibu scenic spots also nicer. Hehehehehehe!!!!

  11. pam: If painted blue, more like them!!

    stp: ok ok...OK!! Will log in to Airasia later.. lol...

  12. seems TI is not a bad place to visit after all..hehehhe

  13. Teluk Intan is also a paradise of food. I like the steamed fish. Looks sooooooooooooooo nice!.

  14. aiks!! come here and i bring u go eat bak kut teh..haha

  15. Wow RM12 for a meal with bakuteh and fresh fish is cheap!

  16. yeeling: jalan jalan cari makan ok lar.. haha..

    hayley: i m not a fan of BKT but once awhile, eat little bit.. :)

    irene: tour guide said TI famous for seafood.. but we didnt take crabs and all..

    eric: me no fan of BKT la.. can change to seafood or not?

    ant: each person pays that.. yeah.


    I think its my fav! I'm hungry T_T

  18. BKT look very small portion, enough for 10 people? The steam fish look very good.

    Teluk Intan also need tour guide? Ok ok..i have not read your previous post, let me scroll down and read more about your trip.

  19. wah lau eh...bkt i see the cheong leh..ho chiak

  20. y the jetty like wanna tumbang one? hahahaha

  21. daniel: i like steamed fish too..

    annie: cos my neighbour is tour guide.. took us around the town.. all elderly people ma.. hahaa.

    kathy: actually i took one piece only! enough ler..

    medie: memang tumbang already.. erosion ,,

  22. BKT with steam fish? but that fish looks really really good!! Infact all the dishes look good. Why they call bah kut teh and not bak kut teh?? hokkien??

  23. Ok, tonight must go and take my anak anak makan BKT already minus the steam fish, cos I think both cannot campur one,kan?

  24. Btw Claire, I love the sunset pics. Good job! ;)

  25. lena: dont know la.. maybe they wanted something different? :)

    eugene: it is up to individual.. for me, i dont fancy BKT so i prefer steamed fish!

    gratitude: hahahaa.. u r the only one who said that! :)

  26. My husband doesn't like the soya sauce in the bak Ku teh, so i don't cook it anymore.

  27. The food looks so delicious. I hope you visit Vietnam too. I'll gladly give you a tour of our great food.

  28. The place and food just looks so mouthwatering and delicious. I hope you post more of your adventures.

  29. This just looks so delicious. I hope you post more of your adventures.

  30. I ate at Wang Kee Bah Kut Teh before and I love that the staff knew how to communicate with travelers. It was easy to order and the food was good.

  31. It's good to go in a certain place or country but it will be a better visit if you visit a place together with your family. It will surely be a rewarding trip, a happy adventure and a relishing thrills.

  32. Teluk Intan is a new place to me and with your nice reviews and experiences, they made me realize to visit Asia. I have heard a lot of good reviews of places in Asia and I think this is the time to visit those places.

  33. This is why traveling to different country become a great adventure. I will truly love eating there if I have a chance.

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