Sunday, October 23, 2011

Kuala Sepetang Fishing Village

On a sunny Saturday afternoon, we decided to have our lunch cum dinner in Kuala Sepetang. Why lunch cum dinner? I do not know what it is called because by the time we reached this place, it was almost 4pm....

We did not want to go during dinner time because by then, the crowd would be there and furthermore the road going in is quite jammed up because of the night market. (pasar malam) So the best time is to go around this time... between (4-6pm)

narrow road leading into the jetty..

slight drizzle when we reached...

While waiting for the food to come, I went round clicking here and there... I guess some of you have seen these before... this is a very familiar scene when you are sitting on top and the boats are just below....

real typical fishing jetty...

back from fishing...

fishermen's livelihood is here...

can see the sunset if we stay long enough...

love watching this scenery...

and then SUDDENLY...

something red was put on our table! :)

we ordered "Yim Kook Hai"
(Steamed salty crabs)

followed by a plate of noodles..
not so nice.. no Wok smell...

but this Tong Oh was very good.. fresh and young..

then lastly and not least.. we ordered a piece of fishlet..

steamed teochiew style...
it came out very nice.. not overcooked at all..
with the sourish sauce, it sure increased our appetite!
For these dishes, it came to RM62 ($20usd)
I think it is reasonable... right?


  1. So you were in Kuala Sepetang yesterday... y didn't call me? At least I can foot the bill for you, haha...

  2. Wah! The crab's HUGE!!!!! So cheap...only around RM60. How many much food?

  3. pam: AWWW.... missed the boat! ok, i call u next time.. offer still valid or not??

    stp: yes.. 2 crabs cost RM26... enough for 3 people...

  4. Always be yours, without expiry date...

  5. you went there just for food? wah, you really jom jon, sini sana pergi makan!

  6. mery: yes.. it was great! now have to go exercise!

    pam: how sweet! OK, I wont be hak hei.. i call u the next time i go down.. maybe this wednesday! hahaha..

    lena: yes.. now old already, must go eat eat.. hahaha..

  7. whoa.. that crab looks yummeh! big too! i love crabs.. the fishing jetty looks nice too.. if u take photo in sepia, it will certainly look like some 50's or 60's setting.. :)

  8. wow those seafood are really really fresh!! just very enticing for me, i must go to sleep now or else i'll get very hungry soon~~ :D

  9. Crabs! eating good food, living the good life now! :)

  10. Claire, it's so so cheap! Heard lots about Sepetang. Hope to be able to visit someday:)

  11. I love these pictures of the colorful boats!!! I think you did post some like this a few years back, but cannot remember much about them now. YES!!! You finally have included U.S.A. money!!! Now I know how much your food costs! I can't believe this was so cheap. Just to tell you, if I got one crab with maybe a side dish of french fries and a drink, it would be close to that price. And you got all that!! Maybe because it was fresh from the sea and was caught right there, we are not near a fishing port.

  12. No wonder you can eat out so often, food is much more expensive here! Except for fast food like McDonald's. A lot of poor people here eat at McDonald's because it is cheaper then even cooking at home, but so much fat and bad for your health, this is why so many heart attacks here.

  13. The boats are ertainly colourful.


  14. Looks like you had a lovely meal. I have never eaten crab meat or lobster. I do like fish and shrimp, and the shrimp can be cooked in garlic butter, made up into a shrimp cocktail or breaded and deep fried. I just like shrimp. Have a great week ahead.

  15. yerr its really been ages since I last ate a fish dish like that... and also crab... cant wait to go back home :D

  16. You were enjoying the sunset when suddenly a cooked crab jumped fromthe water on to your table hahaha. Heard you mention this place before as the name Sepetang sounds familiar and you got lost or something? Wow food nice and fresh and price quite OK.

  17. The first pic looks like got puting beliung brewing up. The food looks yummy esp the crab!

    LoL at Bananaz' comment!

  18. bella: where is sepia?

    sk: so did u dream of food? :p

    isaac: long time i didnt eat...

    ginny: asian food is very much cheaper .. maybe due to the exchange rate.. western food is more expensive and fast food is not for me.. :)

    filip: fishing boats..

    patty: i like shrimps too esp big giant ones!

    daniel: where is your hometown?

    bananaz: yes, been there a couple of times and posted them up too.. with different food, of course.. :)

  19. I love their seafood too! Fresher and got sea view, LOL...

  20. merryn: what is puting?

    Hayley: once awhile fine to eat..

  21. got crab and fish, only RM62. Cheap.

  22. so cheap...mli mali jom go makan again

  23. Wow, the crab looks so tasty and only RM62? Cheap and good things hard to find nowadays and you got it! Next time go, can take me ar? hehe

  24. Yeah 4pm is too late for lunch and too early for dinner! Haha! I want to eat that crab!! Yum!

  25. mnhl: reasonable... i think..

    kathy: i can show the way!! take me!

    quaypo: take me and i will show.. hahaha..

    foong: make appointment.. come come..

  26. mnhl: reasonable... i think..

    kathy: i can show the way!! take me!

    quaypo: take me and i will show.. hahaha..

    foong: make appointment.. come come..

  27. fuiyoh. now high class edi. need to put price in USD hahahhaha

  28. sasha: chey.. put usd means high class meh.. actually yeah.. a bit high class.. ahem... hahaha..

  29. all the food look so yummy! Especially the teochiew style steam fish, my favourite. Yum!!! Now you make me hungry and i want crabs!!!


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...