Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Confinement Dishes Make Me High!

Firstly ... congratulations to my colleague Lynn on her second child... 
Prince Shaun... 
12 days old Prince...

Secondly... the moment I have been longing for.... ok ok, not only me... my gang of oldies too... hahahaa.. we were looking forward to eating the 12th day of confinement dishes... just look at them!
actually two different dishes only...
the black vinegar pork legs with black beans and ginger..
glutinous rice wine with ginger plus black fungus...
looking at this still make me drool...
must get a "bib" first...
this confinement lady used the black vinegar
made from Penang... BEST!!
so sweet and so "KICK!"
one for the album
the two "god-grandmothers"

All these were taken during lunch time... 
our faces were reddish from the wine consumed...
Well, for me, I really felt a bit "high" after drinking so much rice wine.... 


  1. Phewwww!!!! Alamak! I was wondering why suddenly you're in confinement. Muahahahahahaha!!!! Ooo....yummmmm!!! I love confinement dishes too...though I'm 8 years overdue and have never given birth. LOL!!!

  2. The knuckle with extra thick fat layer looked so scary. How to get rid of the fat if I eat the whole of it??? No giving birth for me, no confinement for me, no taking care of babies... I am so grateful to have made up my mind not to get involved in such a complicated world of motherhood... Phew!

  3. Oh wow...I'm drooling here! Look so delicious. Confinement food...definitely my favourite....mmmm. I think I want to cook it soon. Can't wait for someone's confinement to eat this....haha. The baby looks so adorable!! :D Congrats to the mom! And you look so sweet and healthy here, Claire :D

  4. wow wow! i also want to get mabuk now!

  5. stp: u r really humorous!! 8 years overdue pulak! I thought it was more than that!! hahaha...

    pam: well, the choice is always in our hands.. as long as you are happy, it is all that counts!

    mary: yes, do cook them.. let me drool in your post! thanks for the compliment.. for my age, one advise, dont take close up pics!! hahaha..

  6. waa... the food look so delicious owh... yummmmmyyy.....

  7. I enjoy confinement food too, especially the glutinous rice wine with chicken. The smell of it make me drool...

  8. Yummy! I want to go for some more :))) We should buy some chicks and let the aunty cook for us again ! I am still thinking of the trotters in black vinegar :p

  9. lena: hahaha.. wednesday free flow of wine in Secret Garden! hahaha..

    rose: yes..they are!

    yuinting: yes, with ginger, sesame oil and chicken!

    elin: aiyoh.. u ate so much!! but i drank a lot... hahaha...

  10. I wanna taste that pork with red beans. I think we have a Filipino dish similar to that. Nom nom nom!

  11. it had been so long since i last had such a great chinese dinner with the family :) a nice one!

  12. My 12th day confinement was on Monday! I only like the zhu kiok chou oni!

  13. errr, i am totally the opposite!! confinement food makes me LOW!! i just don't touch the ginger wine chicken and black vinegar trotter..

  14. pinkmagaline: i would love to try.. hahaha...

    anonymous: congratulations to you!!

    sk: cos u r a man ma! :p

  15. Never heard of food for confinement before. You look so pretty in that flowery dress, Claire!

  16. Gosh, I don't know what confinement dishes are. It is a custom we don't have. Confinement is right after she has had her baby? Does everyone bring her meals for awhile?

  17. i've never heard of confinement dish before. they look tasty though!

    anyway, congratulations to your friend for the birth of prince shaun :)

  18. Congratulation to yr friend. The confinement dishes looks nice. Never tasted black vinegar pork leg, and by looking at the pix makes me drool!!!... In Kuching, our signature dish during confinment is "kacang ma" ..and I am sure you don't know what is it, rite?

  19. Congratulation to yr friend. The confinement dishes looks nice. Never tasted black vinegar pork leg, and by looking at the pix makes me drool!!!... In Kuching, our signature dish during confinment is "kacang ma" ..and I am sure you don't know what is it, rite?

  20. wenn: that makes two of us!

    gigi: thanks!

    ginny: yes, it is a custom to take special food during that 1 month period after giving birth, to replenish blood and so forth.. :)

    irene: kacang i know.. kacang ma.. i dont know.. :) what is it actually?

    miki: thanks!! yes, they are very effective, giving warmth to our bodies..

  21. Claire, I think Arthur has blogged a few times in his blog about "kacang ma". Hard to explain. It is cooked with a type of herbs leaves with either white or red wine. I don't think over your place got this type of leaves cos I used to bring over whenever I go KL and cooked for my daughter.She loves it so much.

  22. Me too me too,I like confinement dishes as well,especially the one with pig liver,ginger slices,man that's the best......

    i remember when my lovely wife was in confinement,,, I ate more of her stuff then she did,kekekekekkeke

  23. OMG CLAIRE!!! You always surrounded by foods! Can you adopt me? hahaha

  24. Congrats to your friend! Eh I want to eat those food, so nice~

  25. why there is no pregnant friends around me? i also like confinement food!!!

  26. Since I have stopped production, I miss those confinement food too.

  27. i love confinement food too...yummyyyyyyyy..:)

  28. inspiredmum: who doesnt! hahaha..

    irene: oh... like that.. then i must observe and see next time.. maybe i know when i see it.. now i cannot recall.. :) hey, your girl is grownup already?

    eugene: u too? hehehe... my fren's husband also loves it!

    daniel: expensive to adopt u or not?? :p

    hayley: me too!!!

    rachel: i thought at your age, u have many frens who are at their production age? hahaha...

    sheohyan: these are cooked by the confinement lady! she can cook very well..

    angelin: count me in anytime!

  29. Yup!..both my kids are grown up already. My girl is working in KL and my boy is in his 3rd year in university. Can't wait for him to graduate, hahaha

  30. irene, great to hear that.. mine has a long way to go.. :p i also cant wait to see them settle down working.. at least..

  31. Claire, that is what all mothers are hoping,...see their children graduate, got stable job and settle down. Your children also all grown up too. Soon your girl will enter college. Time really flies!!...

  32. Yeah.. but in a way, I also want the time to go slow... our kids are leaving their nest and soon, i will be alone nesting.. :p

  33. I love confinement food too... But my confinement lady last time not good... Cook same dish for me everyday and all simple dishes. hey, you can look forward to your grandiose next time and whallop the confinement food. Hehehehe

  34. congrats to your colleague. i was fast another kid already...heheheheh. i love the chue keok chou only throughout the confinement period.

  35. Whether time going slow or fast, sooner or later our kids will leave us for good. That's life.

  36. irene: the confinement lady must be good in cooking too!!

    barb: it is more than 2 years now.. :) faster does it. haha..

    irene: yeah lo.. that is life.. true.. cycle of life..

  37. When as a kid ma Mama would say 'little good boy can't eat my stuff else you turn bad & naughty' so no chance curi makan coz Bananaz beleaf Mama 100%. Those days we are very niave and very kwai also would listen to old folks.

  38. Those soups look amazing - wish I could try them :-)

  39. bananaz: so until today, kwai or not?? :)

    lisa: yeah, i hope u can try them one day...

  40. Oh pls! Can I have some pork knuckles too?! Gosh.. I so love that dish! :(

  41. The only confinement dish i love is vinegar pork limited choice!

  42. merryn: you still have chance to be the "main actress" .. hahha..

    yeeling: oh gosh.. i love everything about confinement.. i mean the food la..


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