Friday, November 25, 2011

A Fifties Birthday Bash!

We had our "birthday bash" in Farmhouse... or is it Farmhome?  hahaha... I am blurred now.... anyway, the three of us (yes, 3's a good company last night) had a good time, savouring the varieties in Hot Pot called Porridge steamboat...

Porridge steamboat is not very popular in Ipoh but I think it is most suitable for those who prefer something less oily.. something we chinese called "ching-ching".. for those recuperating from health reasons (ME), for the elderly people and for a nice warming ambience, this place is much recommended...

Ok, I let the pictures tell what we did....
Me Me in an almost empty Farmhouse....
when we left, it was almost full.... 

me and my "sister" who is one day younger than me... 
"Let me serve both of you old aunties"....
"tonight we have special taste..... "
part of the food being served... 
we ordered extra greens for the aunties like us... 
there... something like this.... 
instead of soup, they have diluted porridge... 
cannot see the rice grains.. 

and then.. after the food.. 
the best part is cutting up the Strawberry Cake
baked specially for me by ELIN!!
It was so so... FABULOUS!
Home made with lots of strawberries... 
Gosh.. I took 2 WHOLE PIECES.. 
Isn't this Gorgeous??? 
I mean... the CAKE! 


  1. Happy Belated Birthday and many happy returns. These pictures are real lovely. Your birthday cake looks so delicious.

  2. Happy Birthday.... and may you have many many returns!

    God bless.... :)

    The homemade cake is absolutely gorgeous...hehe, and you too.

  3. Happy Birthday Claire! Like good wine, you look better each year :)

  4. Yes, I love porridge steamboat.. Loves the porridge the most especially when eaten towards the end of steamboat when all lius were added. Yumzz!! You have nice food and good company too!

  5. The porridge looks nice and I love it. Oh!...gosh!...the home-made cake looks absolutely fabulous. I want some, pls. Ooppss! 2 whole pieces of cake, must have a very good appetite now. Hope you are sihat and kuat now.

  6. Even sick, you still look beautiful, Claire!! This food is sure to make you healthy!

  7. hahaha, of course you are more gorgeous than the cake - sweet and pinky!! :p

  8. Like the porridge steamboat. Must be very delicious when the ingredients are put in.

    Claire, should have wear pink also to suit the cake colour..hhehehe

  9. Judy: thank you very much!

    wabbitfoot: thanks for the Gorgeous comment.. hahaa...

    merryn: serious? not to make me happy this morning only? hahaha.. thank u for your good wine quote.. hahaa..

    inspiredmom: yes. steamboat always like that one.. end of the meal only sedap!

    ginny: hey, thanks for the compliment! sick can lose a bit of weight.. hahaa..

    sk: hehehee... I accept that compliment! no taking back please!
    irene: yes, i m a dessert maniac ma.. simply loves sweet things! cham moe..

  10. Happy Belated Birthday Gorgeous. ;)

  11. birthday cake and birthday girl both also gorgeous!

    happy birthday gurl!

  12. Happy birthday Claire, the cake is gorgeous, and so is the birthday girl!! :)

  13. Looks like you had a great birtday party. Congratulation with your birthday.


  14. Nice food Claire...You look 1 yr younger...stay healthy and pretty alwiz.

  15. MG, thank you Pretty!!

    medie: hope u didnt mistook me for another gurl.. :p

    isaac: the long hair one? hahaa..

    filip: thank you!

    angelin: hehehe.. i take that.. 1 year younger also accept!

  16. wow..nice birthday treat! I hv tried porridge steamboat before..

  17. Happy Birthday Claire... langsung don't look 50. Macam 30 ;P

  18. Ooops! I am one day late but late better than never hor? Happy Belated BIG 50 and wish you lots of happiness, peace and good health. HUGS.

  19. Hayley, yes it was..

    wenn: have or havent? :)

    kiasumom: hahaha.. thanks for your compliment.. i am good in editing.. hahaha..

  20. yeeling: sorry..left out your comment.. yeah, i should have wore pink! :)

    quaypo: thank you so much.. no more turning back to 40s.. 50s.. here i come!!

  21. Happy birthday! My goodness, your food looks amazing! That cake is beautiful.

  22. Happy Belated Birthday Claire!

  23. claire, i find that you actually look very much sweeter in today's photos!!

  24. lisa: thank you! Indeed they are amazing..

    mery: thanks, dear!

    Pete: yes.. thanks to u too!

    lena: lol.. is it because of Elin's sweet pinkish cake? thanks all the same!

  25. Brand new steamboat concept in Ipoh. I wonder if the food would take even longer to cool as it is coated with a layer of porridge.

  26. Belated Happy birthday!
    just dropping by and enjoying watching your nice birthday pics!

  27. The cake looks divine! I'm drooling over here! I'm a sucker for anything strawberry flavored ;D

  28. Happy Birthday to you Claire. You are one year younger now. LOL :D

    Yes...the cake is gorgeous. :p So is the person whose cake that belong too.

  29. You have so many friends from all over the world wishing you a happy birthday. Enjoy it. I looove your strawberry cake! Looks so delicious!

  30. Wishing a blessed and happy birthday!!

  31. Happy belated 05 years old whoa lovely yummy food.

  32. Porridge steamboat? That's nice... Don't have that in Sibu. The cake? Dunno lah... Never tried anything cooked or baked by Elin. Elin, heard that? Hint! Hint! LOL!!!

  33. Not only the cake was gorgeous but you also are gorgeous too! :D Happy belated birthday. ;)

  34. you look wonderful.

    Here too we are aunties :-)

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  35. pam: I love it hot.. can eat slowly.. :) that is why this steamboat is for elderly people like me.. hahaa..

    faye: thanks for coming!

    roxi: join in my club!

    tekkaus: how sweet of u!!

    gigi: yes, I love it too!

    agnes: thank you!

    bananaz: thank you.. hehe.. 5 yrs!

    stp: i must ask her to read yr comment! hehee..

    kychua: how sweet your compliment is!

    cloudia: aunties' club!

  36. Visiting from weekend blog hop. Happy birthday and the food looks so yummy!

  37. Happy Belated Birthday again! Looks like you had a blast with yor good friends and family :-D

  38. A good choice, eat 'ching ching tei' since u're not fully recovered then. Seemed that u've had a great celebration, with wonderful gifts n treats.

  39. You are already 50s? Don't look like! You look like a teenage girl in Photo Number 1


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...