Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lou Wong And Now Lou Leong?

We went to pick up Andy at the bus station at 7.30pm, very nice timing, the bus and our car arrived almost at the same time.  It has been almost a month since Andy came home and as usual, his famous words are, "Very hungry now... What's for dinner?"

My girl and I were also hungry... so off we went to LoU Wong for chicken rice... etc etc.... To my surprise, there was another shop opened just diagonally opposite Lou Wong, it is called Lou Leong!  Well, I bet both are rivals now.... rivals in food!  I must try Lou Leong chickens one day....

Meanwhile in Lou Wong, food was served in less than 10 minutes!
as usual... koay teow is a must... (flat noodles)
meat balls for my girl... 
small plate of braised mini chicken legs.... 
followed by the steamed chicken... 
and the famous IPOH taugeh.. (bean sprouts)
fresh and crunchy....
"Mum, can we eat now??"
"I am very hungry! 
Its been ages since I have a proper meal like this!"
He had to take 2 plates of rice before he burped with satisfaction... 
Oh, this meal cost RM38($12.50usd)  Cheap??


  1. Aiyo the pepper on the meat balls! Faint! I'll definitely wash the pepper away..

  2. The soup koay teow looks so plain, no fishball, no meat or char siew. Just a sprinkle of spring onion & pepper. I love the chicken legs & taugeh though, yummy!!!.yummy!!!...

  3. Omigawd!!! Such big plates of chicken and bean sprouts!!! I'd love the meat ball soup that your daughter had... Yummmm!!!! Eyewwwww!!!! Chicken claws!!! No, thank you! LOL!!!

  4. I've not had my dinner yet and am now drooling over the steamed chicken dish, my all time fav! How cruel! :) Andy's longing for his hometown food is all shown in his expression, funny.. hahaha..

  5. merryn: oh.. pepper is a no-no for u?

    irene: plain koayteow that comes with all the accompaniments.. it is like that one..

    stp: oh, u like these type of meat balls?? I dont really like but now I know that u do, i will order that next time.. :)

    inspiredmom: yes, he is longing for ipoh food.. but of course, penang food is not too bad too! :)

  6. lou leong also selling nag choi kai?? oh, i must go and try one day.

  7. Ipoh ngar choy kai yummy yummy!Lupp the fat ngar choy hehehe. BTW is your TV Ok already? Tomorrow would be another exciting episode for 'Born Rich' almost coming to the grand finale on Tues.

  8. lena: i didnt try yet... it looked quiet the other night.. maybe blocked by the pasar malam...

    wenn: u try and let us know.. :)

    bananaz: my tv ah? slim chance of full recovery.. now wait for christmas sales! kek sum!

  9. hahaha, and the kids are watching at those food so pathetically complaining their mum when they can actually start eating~~ RM38 is cheap, i remember i once went to the 1977 Chicken Rice in Midvalley, just two of us paid more than RM60!!!

  10. Yeh, it seems pretty cheap.

    I love beansprout salad, so crunchy and fresh!

    Hope you'll stop by my blog sometime to say hey and follow if you like :)

    Amelia @ UGLY DUCKLING <3 xxx

    Last day to enter my GIVEAWAY

  11. sk: Yes, that is why my pictures turn out blur at times.. have to take them fast fast..

    uglyduckling: going over now.. thanks!

  12. one of my favourite dishes.. white chicken.. XDXD

  13. yes, $12.50 for 3 people is very cheap! I am glad your son was happy with the meal.

  14. wow eating time.. alamak i don't eat chicken feet or anything that has chicken feet in it.. RM38? hmm quite expensive lah i think..

  15. suddenly hungry.. >.<

    Regards, (A Growing Teenager Diary) ..

  16. The first two dishes look very good! The other one looks like chicken feet?? Kind of creepy to me. So glad Andy is back home, how long will he be staying?

  17. Soon, another shop will come... occupies even more shoplots than the Lou Wong
    . Lou Pam!

  18. I've been to this shop before and yes they are awesome!

  19. cath: go pester your hubby to come IPOH!

    isaac: pak cham kai?

    gigi: yes, he was.. he likes to eat, just like his mum!

    bella: expensive? :p

    mrlonely: come to IPOH!

    ginny: yes, not many people likes to eat chicken feet..

    pam: i want Young Pam pastries!!! :)

    daniel: next time try the new shop opposite..

    yeeling: fat and fresh.. hahaha..

  20. I love love love the bean sprouts and the steamed chicken very much! I feel hungry already...what is the time now? Darn...4:30pm ~.~


  21. I miss Lou Wong!! Haha :D

    The hor fun is simply yummy~

  22. lol why both also 'lou'? anyway nice chinese food :)


  23. he he he, got 'mini' chicken feet, cinderella chicken, small can fit into glass shoe...ha ha ha!

  24. Nice one mum! Bring some here..miss them so much.....

  25. yoooo seeing that dish makes me hungry... at 11pm. hahahaha

  26. Lou Leong?? Wow. So there are 3 shops there now selling the same thing. The competition must be intense! Better for us consumers I hope haha.

  27. I miss this food so much. Have been long long time last eaten this.

  28. The last time I had Lou WOng I had a shocked coz so crowded. Cannot chew properly before swallowing because other customers are waiting behind my back. So pressure. haha.... but I really love their steamed chicken. The sauce are so addictive !


Thank you, readers!

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