Thursday, November 17, 2011

Manuka Honey Versus Hospital Medication

I was told that Manuka honey is good for cough and I remember someone blogged about Manuka recently.... so this morning before going to hospital, I went to the pharmacy to get a bottle of this much-heard-about honey.

Gosh, it was not cheap though.. in fact very expensive... one small bottle of 250gm cost RM64 and the 500gm one cost RM94 ($31usd)...and after some mental calculation,  the Big Honey came home...
Written has been established scientifically that Manuka Honey has an antibacterial activity.
Beneficial for aiding the natural healing process of wounds, burns, sore throats, digestion and winter ills. (wounds and burns too?)

Apart from the purchase, I went to General Hospital to get a medical chit... (really sick ma) and the doctor prescribed these to me...
so... what shall I take now?
this above or this below??
Well, goods are not meant to be wasted, right?
So I have taken the natural honey plus lemon
and dosed myself with the cough mixture as well..

Hope tonight I can have a good night zzzzzZZZZZ!


  1. Manuka honey is good for coughs and soothes the throat. You can also steam the honey with some ginger then eat by teaspoon or mix into a hot drink.

  2. woaaahhhh so exp! rest well and take tell if it works...

  3. It is so costly to fall sick these days. Well take both for speedy recovery! In future, take manuka weekly and the coughs will not come!

  4. Shereen gave me this honey when she was here - NZ product...and I've heard a lot of its health benefits. Hope it helps you recover...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Honey and lemon are good to bring out the mucus.
    I highly recommend Manuka Honey. It's good to treat sore throat and even cold sore. My hubby used to suffer from acid reflux, he spread manuka honey on half a piece of bread and ate half an hour before food.. it's really effective!
    Do take care and get well soon!

  7. charmaine: can steam it too? make it hot, u mean.. this morning, i took it with lemon...

    eric: now i campur campur minum.. see can or not.. :)

    twilightman: like that ah? ok, hope it works!

    stp: wahhh..expensive product, u know..

    yuinting: so it serves wellness then... ok, i will continue to take daily.. but then a bit sweet too!

  8. Please take a lot of probiotic pills when down with cough

  9. Oh... I have 2 bottles of Manuka honey at home. Given by a friend who went to New Zealand last year. Still on the shelf, don't know what to do with it since I don't really fancy honey...

  10. oh, honey is good, but make sure you had it warm to give your throat a speedy recovery.. get well soon.. :)

  11. eugene: what is probiotic?

    pam: drink them! or give them to your parents.. they are expensive so must be good! .. hahaha..

    sk: ok, now i go and drink...

  12. if it's really bad, we still hv to take those medication prescribed by the doc. Many times heard of the benefits of manuka honey..i guess you can take the 2 or 3 times a week..very soothing for the throat. I also have one jar given by a friend, not opened yet.

  13. Take both and hope for speedy recovery... take care.

  14. go for the natural remedy. the diphenhydramine might make you drowsy.

  15. Yes manuka honey is expensive! Get well soon! : )

  16. I really don't like honey, so I would not have bought it. I prefer to take pills (no strong after-taste). Take care and feel better soon!

  17. get well soon oh..

    take both. for a speedy recovery

  18. So what is the verdict? I also recently started giving my girl Manuka and true enough if she gets the cough, they were milder and she healed much faster. I would say money well spent :)

  19. I do heard that Manuka Honey is good for cough.
    For me,everytime when I have a cough, I will drink a cup of warm almond juice(easily avail at supermkt). It works for me. No medicine is needed to cure my cough.

  20. I heard from a friend that Manuka Honey works wonder for cough.. Rest well and no blogging for a little while. :)

  21. Take honey leave the medication aside first but just a stand by in case your cough didn't go away. If your cough stops then the honey is effective on you.

  22. Oh!..what happened my dear friend. Still not in good shape. I also hear lemon and honey is good for cough. If it works wonder then it is worth to spend. Take good care and hope to hear you are getting better.

  23. Weekend is here, don't run here and there anymore, rest more ok?

  24. Weekend is here, don't run here and there anymore, rest more ok?

  25. Weekend is here, don't run here and there anymore, rest more ok?

  26. same ere....cough till lungs also want to fly out jor...sigh** speedy recovery Claire.

  27. Yes, manuka honey is good and expensive too..

    Take care ya!

  28. Get well soon. Manuka honey is good for cough & flu. I usually give manuka honey, vit C, and propolis to my daughter whenever she is down to cough and flu.

  29. is that even allowed to mix both together?

    haha better make sure... if me, i would take the honey first and wait for 2 o 3 days to see the outcome. if no work the ubat it is :D

    Get well soon claire...

  30. Thanks everyone for your well wishes! sorry cannot reply all.. back to work today cos got something important to do.. no choice.. drank the honey during daytime.. cough mixture during nightrime to sleep well...

  31. Heard the powers of manuka honey and was wondering where i cld get this fm as i will b in ipoh in Dec and wld appreciate if you could give me the name of the place selling this.

  32. ykristen, you can go to any pharmacy to get this Manuka honey... happy Visiting to IPOH..

  33. hi..i just wanna ask, this honey tidak trigger asthma ka? TQ.. pls reply..


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