Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Panasonic TV Bades Goodbye?

When I switched on my TV this morning, I got a shock when I saw this screen appearing like this!!  sobbbb....
my current TV state!
I remember buying this TV few years back... that time it cost RM3,300... Panasonic LCD... and today I was told that it cost around RM800 plus only!  Gosh, 4 times higher when I firsts bought it...

"You must have knocked your LCD TV without realizing it." That was what the service man told me when I called him up this afternoon.  He further added to my "injured heart" saying that it cost more to repair than to buy a new one... True or not, wor??  Really cannot repair??  Why so sensitive one?  He said kids must have broken it... banged into it...  

 Hey... Hello... I don't have small kids in my house.... and I didn't purposely go and knock my TV even when Lee Chong Wei Lost!  Gosh... why is the life span of these LCD TVs so short one!
Anyone experienced this type of problem?  
Seriously cannot repair ah?  Sayang to throw away la...
sigh.. there goes my hard earned $$....   :(


  1. sorry to hear abt that. BUt this is so frustrating..maybe you can chk with another service centre and ask for another opinions..

  2. The service man was lying because he wanted you to buy a new one from him. My uncle is an electrical appliances service man. He can fix it for you.

  3. aiyo...hope can fix. Get 2nd opinion.

  4. lena: yes, I am going to seek another opinion..

    pam: hey.. I want!! can he come and do? Ok, I sms you tomorrow.. now it is late...

    kathy: yes, seeking 2nd opinion, cos sayang to throw away...

  5. Try check out with other service centre and see whether the price is slightly cheaper.

  6. i heard the same thing about these new appliances. digital cameras, plasma & LCD tvs - once the screen panels are damaged, it's cheaper to get a new one.

    however, i would be interested to know if Pam's uncle can fix it.

  7. Our 52 inch LCD TV still works. We bought it in 2007. You should buy an LED instead of an LCD, because the technology is better. Good luck!

  8. So you have a flat screen T.V.? How big is it? Will you get a bigger one this time? We have a Panasonic, too! How old is yours? Maybe you can find some good sales.

  9. That is bad luck. Sorry can't help, have never heard of such a thing before. We have a Plasma Panasonic and it is now 6 years old. No problems till now.


  10. Can't remember when I bought mine. I've repaired it a few times... Still ok. Hope it does not call it a day now... No money to buy a new one.

  11. very sorry!

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  12. Best to seek opinion from Pam's uncle...but I have heard that LCD TV screen are more sensitive than Plasma. I bought my Panasonic Plasma 42" for about 5 years now and so far no problems arise. Touch wood!!...hehehe.

  13. at least still can watch lah.. ours Philips gone case after suddenly there's no picture, and now the backup one the sound also trying to retire already, sometimes it just mute by itself, switch off switch on again it goes back normal.. :D

  14. gigi: yes..LED is twice as expensive..

    ginny: mine is 32"... bought it around 5 or 6 years back..

    filip: they recommended a Plasma.. yes!

    stp: nowadays tv quite cheap but the issue is .. sayang to put this tv new.. 5-6 years old only.. never repaired before.. now want to retire for good? :(

    cloudia: hope can repair..

    irene: that is what the fella recommended.. plasma..

    sk: can watch without seeing the eyes emotions... hahaha..

  15. Heard from one technician who came to repair my dinosaur tv who said those flat screen are hard to service and may cost more than buying new and moreover it may not last long. Put a max in the repair cost and anything above that amount no go.

  16. lcd screen don have long life span one... get new one lor. 800 mar. XD

  17. You sure it is a Panasonic and not a Panasinic or Panesonic? Well, sometimes it is just the small electronic parts that wants to retire. Hopefully not the LCD itself. Those small parts are cheap, then plus the labour charges which can go from RM100 and above....

  18. bananaz: so most of them said that, right? guess it have to go.. sigh...

    medie: yeah.. those big bulky tv are more lasting!

    bean: yeah, that is what I think too.. maybe we r used to dinosaur tv..change bulb only ma .. but LCD i m not so sure.. my dinosaur tv is still in good condition, 20 years old now..

  19. I think it's repairable la! Can ask the service center....

  20. Hayley, yes, tomorrow i call up again...

  21. maybe u can ask for 2nd opinion ?


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