Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My Pre-Special Day In Bed

Today is a special day for me... tomorrow more special... and I am glad I am given two days of medical leave by my favourite doctor.  He advised me to take GOOD REST at HOME, not knowing that my hands tend to be very "itchy" when I see the keyboard... hahhahaaa....

So what did I do today?  Leave or no leave,  I still had to get up at 6.30 this morning, took Fernie to  school for her Add. Maths paper.  Then went back to zzzZZZzzz again till 9.30am.... By 10am, reached her school to pick Fernie and her friend for a dim sum breakfast.  OK, I didn't eat much, just a bowl of porridge.... and after dropping them home to rest, I went to see my "What's up, Doc!"

Did some banking transactions and then home again to rest... rest but with my PC and TV to accompany me... 1pm, dropped the two ladies back to school for their 2nd Add Maths paper.  Reaching home, I was really exhausted.... went to zzzzz  but was awakened by someone coming by to deliver a Special Homemade Cake For ME!!

I am on antibiotics now... much as I wanted to avoid.... but Doc said I better take....I want to get well cos I am getting Free Treats on Lunch and Dinner tomorrow!  .............................. Gosh.. wonder got appetite or not.. sigh....


  1. What rest is that? Did so many things and ran so many errands...and who said you can eat cake? Stick to your porridge till you're well again! Tsk! Tsk!

  2. oh claire, is it your birthday? i remember you mentioned yours in on nov. Have a good rest tonight and get ready for your free treats tomorrow!!

  3. stp: that case, better to send it over to Sibu, hor? tsk...tsk...

    lena: going to be, going to be one number more! hahaha...

  4. Happy Birthday in advance, Claire.. Yup, just rest and why u run around town doing errands? Take care and drink lotsa water, ya.

  5. Get well soon. Glad that your doctor give you so many days leave. :p

  6. inspiredmom: thank you.. i guess it is just another ordinary day.. haha..

    tekkaus: where got so many.. 2 only nia.. :)

  7. Must be your birthday leh... Happy Birthday Claire!

  8. Happy Birthday, Claire! Hope u're well enuf for ur wonderful treats today.

  9. Happy birthday CLaire!!!

    get well soon, so can enjoy all the good food on your birthday!

  10. Happy Birthday, Claire. I do hope you are well enough to enjoy it. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  11. Doesn't sound like much of a Rest, but at least, you are well-fed. Happy Birthday in advance, Claire!

  12. Claire rest more k...Happy Birthday.

  13. Nothing else for you now except porridge!!!..porridge!!!!and more porridge!!!....Hope you get well soon.

  14. rest & heal, friend!

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

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    < ° ) } } > <

  15. Get well soon, Claire. 'mou kam chou lou jor'...hehhehe.

    Hope you will regain your apetitie for your free treat.

  16. Happy Birthday Claire!!! and hope you get to be celebrating in your special day!

  17. get well soon :) and happy birthdae with love!



Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...