Wednesday, November 30, 2011

SPM Is Over... So What's Next?


Yeah, at least for my girl who has taken nine subjects only... today was the last day of SPM for her...

I can heave a BIG sigh of relief...... no more waking up early-early each morning, no more accompanying her to "burn midnight oil".... (she on her books, me on my blog) ... now we can go out in peace, no more rushing me to go home because she needs to study!  She really made me worried, not because she never studies hard but "overstudied."

So.... what's next?  She wants to take up driving, going for her "undang" test next week.... let her learn how to drive and I will have one duty less to do... chauffeuring..  but I think I rather take her where she wants to go rather than she drives herself... (parents, we never stop worrying for our kids, huh?)

In less than half a year, she will be leaving her "Nest."   Gosh, I don't want to think of that now... meanwhile, just enjoy our time together... as much as we can..


  1. Kesian...sobssss!!! Little bird is going to fly away from soon... So it's over. Coming to Sibu? I think there is a sale on till 5th December - MAS...

  2. Let her take up a part-time job as well... that will help her ease out of the nest... and make you get used to her being away. Also would teach her more life lessons in the process =)

  3. No plan to study Form 6.Sooner or later, she will have to leave her nest. Take it easy.

  4. A little too early for me to think of Claire's grandchildren? hehe

  5. wah good lah, claire, very soon you got driver already!

  6. stp: adding salt to wound! okok, i go sibu eat all I can then!!

    ihsan: that is a good idea.. but for now, she wants to relax first.. :)

    irene: my heart is prepared..

    gratitude: gosh..dont frighten me.. so fast ah?

    lena: i think i m more stressed then.. hahaha...

  7. What's next? Travelling lah of course!

  8. Wohoooo, that's nice. Ir's school hlidays now and I am having a lazy time..LOL!!

  9. Spend as much time as possible, I believe she'll miss you the same when she leaves her nest (: She's so lucky to have an awesome mum like you!

  10. I think it's wonderful what you have done for your daughter. She is lucky to have you as her mother. Letting her drive is a good thing, just one more step to maturity.

  11. pam: you know my heart's desires! hahaha..

    yeeling: i m going to start.. to be lazy!

    hilda: yes, we will spend much time together...

    gigi: i think we parents worry about our kids till dont know when..

  12. When you have a good life, time flies fast. When you are in trouble or problems it stands still. Getting the drivers licence is extremly important. Good luck to your girl.


  13. Yes, time flies faster than a bird after its prey..

  14. Oh yes, enjoy her now! Then you will have empty nest syndrome, that's what we call it here! Who will teach her to drive? If it is you, you had better get some strong medicine for your nerves!

  15. aiya, just don't think too much because growing up is part of our lives mah.. should think more positively as your girl is going to be a big girl to take care of your in return.. :)

  16. You know there is a song from George Harrison,,,"If you love somebody,set them free,hehe, set them free" that day of freedom will surely come to all the parents,,,,,

    but then again,you are right,"parents just stop worrying about the childre,can we?"

  17. Hmmm, I still remember that kinda tension facing SPM, and that kinda happiness when SPM is over!

  18. Wow! Go celebrate with her tonight. Treasure every moment that you have now with her after the exam.

  19. so the real honeymoon kicks in NOW!! All the best to her driving test, and of course, good to let her have the license to drive, and just be extra careful where she drove.. :p

  20. Clair: Get ready to see her spread her wings. Let her be safe in her new experiences. My grandson turned 16 and is now driving on his own.

  21. great..she will be free for quite some time before she goes to college..

  22. Haha :D More chauffeuring for you.

  23. filip: yes, time stands still when facing lots of problems! but time heals too..

    kitty: without us realizing it!

    ginny: gosh, no.. we pay others to teach..

    sk: yeah, after formal education, now is the stepping stone to career courses..long way to go..

    eugene: i tell u, we never stop worrying..or thinking about them..

    sheohyan: yeah.. so fast they grow up.. so so fast..

    cyn: that is another BIG worry.. hahaa..

    tom: wow..can drive at 16? over here, 17 is the age..

  24. wenn: yes..let her rest and relax now..

    tekkaus: dont know who is driving who.. haha..

  25. in Singapore, and Malaysia, when kids have exams, parents also get headache,

  26. Congrats to your daughter! Finally SPM is over.. she must definitely feel as light as a feather! Hehe what is she planning to study? Ask her to follow her brother's footsteps, so she'll only be in Perak still.. close by! :)

  27. wah... ur daughter really really hardworking. i really wish her the best! :D may she has a bright future!

  28. That's the *mao toong* of parents. When kids small can't wait for them to grow up and when they have grown then wish they can delay from growing up haha. Yeah don't want think of it, come what may life goes on cannot tekan brake that's the universal law.

  29. ann: i think sooner or later, malaysians are also same..

    medie: thank you! i wish u same too!

    bananaz: humans are never satisfied.. i guess...

  30. Wah didn't know you have such a big daughter already! That's good that your daughter 'overstudied'. I'm worried next time whether my children want to study or not? hahaha

  31. Woohooo! Time for her to enjoy life to the max b4 the next level of studies.
    Hmmm... I guess it's better to hv a child who 'overstudies' than one who nvr studies. hehehe


Thank you, readers!

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