Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday Day Out With My KL Friend

This weekend a special gueset from KL came to my house for a short stay... partly she came to celebrate my "overdue" birthday...and secondly, she came to "conquer" IPOH food..

We started off our day with a nice and relaxing nice Body Massage... then we went to St Mike Bistro for our lunch...

After some western food, she told me that she wanted to try the special Chee Cheong Fun in Lahat Lane... Gladly I took her there ...we have good appetites!
I know this fella even before I got married.. 
that was around 30 years ago... 
I was working nearby then..
Gosh..the wooden house is still standing strong here...
this is Chee Cheong Fun...
I love to welcome this KL friend of mine..
We have something in common..
Both of us love to "jalan-jalan, cari makan!"
(walk around to look for food!)

tomorrow.... guess where we are going???


  1. Tung ku chap, ka lei chu pei... only available in Ipoh leh... no wonder those living in KL crave Ipoh food so much.

  2. pam, yes.. she said the ccf is so smooth!

  3. sounds like loads of FUN! Enjoy!

  4. I hope you both have a great fun weekend, it looks like you have a good start already!

  5. See! Your friends are also so lucky - drop by Ipoh and sure you will take out and go around makan-makan one...

  6. So kind of you to bring her around jalan jalan cari makan. Hope your friend enjoy as much as you too.

  7. So nice to be catching up with "old" fren over good food. ;)

  8. delightful to tag along with you both!

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  9. Wah so nice! Ipoh CCF still the best!

  10. Wow...more than 30 years. Strong bonding you still have aye. :D

  11. The ccf looks different from the normal one i always makan. got cili potong :D looks nice...

  12. oh.. next round must go hunt for the ccf!!

  13. fancy many year still there

  14. hmmm..never knew about this. next time, go ipoh i know who to call..:P


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...