Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday Night Fever In Johor

I am now Down South..... not Down Under..

Woke up feeling a bit feverish with a slight stomach upset... don't know why... I have been careful with food these days so that the journey trip down south will be smooth...

Anyway, I am here in Johor now after driving for more then six hours.... a wet Johor welcomed us.. very nice weather today...cooling too...

We will be attending a church Christmas dinner shortly... and hope my stomach is up to filling up with Johor food... Gosh!  What a time to get discomfort!  Sigh...

This is really Saturday Night Fever!


  1. When I read your post title, I thought you would be having something real fun tonight. Take care Claire and try to eat plain so as not to trigger the stomach discomfort.

  2. Hope your stomach won't upset you. Take care and enjoy yourself.

  3. Hope you feel better before dinner, is this not a bit early December for a Christmas dinner?


  4. early xmas dinner? enjoy yourself but do take care!


  5. Gosh Claire, you have been sick more often this year than the whole time I have been following your blog! I hope you will be able to have fun and enjoy yourself!

  6. Make sure you have something with you to take as soon as you finish eating. I like tablets called Gavison. I think that's what they're called, you chew up two and drink water with them, it puts a layer of foam on the top of the stomach and helps to keep the acid from coming back up causing the upset. Hope you have a nice dinner and visit. Be careful driving home later.

  7. Actually they are called Gaviscon Antacids

  8. To get rid of the discomfort, you must take plenty of fluid and think of all the wonderful people whom you will be meeting soon. It works, trust me. Happy Holidays!

  9. Take care ya and have a enjoyable time.

  10. Singapore would be a nicer place to visit..When are u going over?

  11. i hope you had a great night yesterday.. I think you really ought to rest more, always hear you not feeling well nowadays..

  12. 6 hour drive? I would never do that! You are so brave! Hope you enjoyed the party.

  13. Hope u've recovered fast enuf to enjoy ur hol down south. And when u're back home, get a goooood rest, hokay?

  14. wow... road trip? enjoy!

    btw, be careful of highway robbers!

  15. I hope you're feeling much better now, Claire :)

  16. Hope you are feeling better and the writer's block has left your blog-ing mind! :)

  17. Have a great week ahead,when driving back to hometown ya?

  18. I hope you are getting better now.

  19. Do hope that you are doing much better by now. Nothing worse than forcing ourself to go out on a feverish note! :s

  20. went to Johore and Chris ran away... LOL!!!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...